The Known File Extensions/Types References – H*
Posted by Admin L in IT Resources/Information on 09-12-2011.
Collector: Nosa Lee
Original Address:
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Now, I collected all the known file extensions/types for your reference, I grouped them according to the first character due to there are too many file extensions/types.
The following file extensions/types are grouped as H*, to refer to more file extensions/types or download them (a compressed txt file that separates the extension and description with ” : “), please click the following links.
Number Symbol
Download All File Types/Extensions in ONE Compressed File
H Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
H Header
H ADS Include File (Autodesk, Inc.)
H! Flambeaux Tutorial Database
H++ C++ Header File
H– Sphinx C– Header File
H0 Magix Musstu File
H1 Bruker Aspect NMR Data File
H1 Magix Musstu File
H16 VC98 Include 16-bit File
H19 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
H2O Water Web Program File (Clear Methods, Inc.)
H2O H2OMAP Water Master Project File (MWH Soft)
H2O Liquid Entertainment H2O Compressed Archive (Liquid Entertainment)
H32 BC45 32-bit Include File
H3M Game Map File
H3R H3R Panasonic Video Camera File (Panasonic Corporation of North America)
H4C Heroes of Might and Magic Map File
H4R Possible Container for .MP3 Files
H4V MPEG-4/AVC, H.264 Video File
H5 HDF5 Data File (The National Center for Supercomputing Applications)
H5B SuperHeat 5 Building File (Survey Design Associates Ltd.)
H5R WV-AS50A CD-R Video File (Panasonic Corporation of North America)
H6C SPP File
HA Compressed Archive
HAB HelpMaker Backup file (Vizacc)
HAD MixlleniumEngine (Haydee) Web Server Module Style File
HAF HEAT Archive File
HAI NTgraph Nt09b-2b EMX Library File
HAIRY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HAK GameHack File
HAK BioWare Aurora Engine File (BioWare Corp.)
HAK Neverwinter Nights File
HAL Mortyr Archive
HAL Hyper Access Lite OS/2 Data File
HAL Enterprise ERP system Source code files (HansaWorld)
HALOGEN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HAM Novell NetWare Disk Drivers NPA
HAM Amiga Hold and Modify Image (Amiga, Inc.)
HAMMER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HAN Viewpoint Headline Studio
HAND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HANOI Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HAP Hamarsoft HAP 3.x Compressed Archive
HAPTAR People Putty Haptek Character (Haptek, Inc.)
HAR e-Sword Harmony Resource (Rick Meyers)
HARP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HARPSAC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HARPSAC2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HARRIER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HASH EnCase Forensic Drive Image Hash (Guidance Software, Inc.)
HAT Formula 1 Car Race 2001 Log Hat File
HAT HAT (HOORA Analysis Tool) Model
HAV Video Recorder Video File
HAY MixlleniumEngine (Haydee) Web Server Module Content File
HAZ Train Simulator Hazard File (Microsoft Corporation)
HAZ Flight Simulator Texture File (Microsoft Corporation)
HBB HAHTtalk Object File
HBC HyperBac Compressed File (HyperBac Technologies, Inc.)
HBC Home Buyers Calculator Suite
HBC2 HyperBac Compressed File (HyperBac Technologies, Inc.)
HBE HyperBac Compressed/Encrypted File (HyperBac Technologies, Inc.)
HBI Handy Backup Backup Index File (Novosoft LLC)
HBK MathCAD Handbook (Mathsoft Engineering & Education Inc.)
HBK Hex Workshop Hex Editor Bookmark File (BreakPoint Software, Inc.)
HBK Auto Backup Backup Archive (Han-soft Software)
HBK HandyCafe Database File (Ates Software)
HBK Humanic Software Accounting Data
HBM Hotline Book Mark (Hotsprings Inc.)
HBX Starmoney Macro file
HBZ Starmoney Macro file
HC High Resolution Cantone TIFF Bitmap
HC Header File
HC BI/Suite Hypercube
HCA Hammer Call Analyzer IP and TDM Network Traffic (Empirix Inc.)
HCC HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Storage Chamber Definition (HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC)
HCD C Poet Examples Advanced Inc File
HCE HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Hydrograph File (HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC)
HCF 123 Heading Creator Project File (Mark Hendricks and Hunteridge, Inc.)
HCG HCLab HCSoft Chart (HCSoft Programaci髇, s.l.)
HCI HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System IDF File (HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC)
HCL Handwritten Claims Log
HCM IBM HCM Configuration
HCOM Macintosh Sound
HCP HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Project File (HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC)
HCR IBM HCD/HCM Production Configuration
HCR HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Rainfall Definition (HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC)
HCR Half-fold Card File
HCSP Content Server Web Page (Stellent, Inc.)
HCSS Hyper Color Swatch Set (SodaBush)
HCT Symantec Anti-Virus Live Update File (Symantec Corporation)
HCU HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Units Definition File (HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC)
HCW HTML Help Workshop Conversion Wizard Macro (Microsoft Corporation)
HCX Harvard Graphics Chart XL Chart (Harvard Graphics)
HD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HD2 Curious Labs Poser Hand File
HDA HotDocs Auto-Assemble File (Matthew Bender & Company, a member of the LexisNexis Group)
HDAT Objective Analysis Package Data File
HDAT vStaticIP Data File (Phil Doyle a.k.a. MrJolly)
HDB Nero HD-Backup (Nero AG)
HDB ACT! History File (Best Software CRM Division)
HDC HelloDOC Medical Software File (IMAGINE 蒬itions)
HDC HD Tach Benchmark File (Simpli Software Inc.)
HDD HelloDOC Medical Software File (IMAGINE 蒬itions)
HDD Parallels Desktop for Mac Hard Disk Drive Image (Parallels, Inc.)
HDF Hierarchical Data Format File
HDF Procomm Plus Alternate Download File Listing
HDF Amiga Hardfile Image
HDF Help Development Kit Help File
HDI AutoCAD Heidi Device Interface (Autodesk, Inc.)
HDI HotDocs Auto-Install File (Matthew Bender & Company, a member of the LexisNexis Group)
HDI HelloDOC Medical Software File (IMAGINE 蒬itions)
HDK MAXI Disk Disk Image (Herne Data Systems Ltd.)
HDK OS/2 Saved SKF Format File (IBM)
HDL HotDocs Library File (Matthew Bender & Company, a member of the LexisNexis Group)
HDL Procomm Plus Alternate Download File Listing
HDL Giza Specifier Hidden Line Drawings (20-20 Technologies)
HDM Handheld Markup Language File
HDML Handheld Markup Language File
HDMOV QuickTime HD Movie (Apple Inc.)
HDMP WinXP Trouble Report
HDO Helpdesk-One File
HDP HDL Designer Project File (Mentor Graphics Corp.)
HDP Magix Music/Video
HDR Photomatix HDR Image (HDRsoft)
HDR Photoshop (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
HDR Procomm Plus Message Header
HDR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HDR PC-File+ Database Header
HDR MicroSim PCBoard Hole-Drill Schedule Report
HDR Egret Data File
HDR ArcView Header File (ESRI)
HDR InstallShield Setup Header (Acresso Software Inc.)
HDR ArcInfo Binary (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI))
HDR Radiance HDR Graphics Data
HDS Hierarchical Data System
HDS XMap Hierarchical Dataset (Delorme)
HDV Formula 1 Car Race 2001 Season01 Vehicles Arrows File
HDW Harvard Graphics Draw Vector Graphics (Harvard Graphics)
HDX Help Index
HE5 Hierarchical Data Format Release 5
HEA Fifa 2001 Data Feart Legal Screeen
HEAD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEADER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEADERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEARTS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEARTSSAVE-MS Hearts Saved Game (Microsoft Corporation)
HEAVYSIGH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEB DEcomp 3D Scene Data (H|H/G Family of Corporations)
HEC Grafic Pvquan Quant File
HED HighEdit Document
HED Hi-Eddi
HED ReliaSoft RG
HEH Scarlett Expert System Compiler Facts File
HEIDELB Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEL Hellbender Saved Game (Microsoft Corporation)
HELI RealFlight Radio Control Airplane Description (Knife Edge Software)
HELLFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HELLO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
help UNIX Help File
HELP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HELPER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HELPSCREEN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEM HexEdit HexEdit (Expert Commercial Software)
HEP HostExplorer Telnet Session Profile (Hummingbird Ltd.)
HEP Novell NetWare Help Librarian Data File
HER Grafic GIF File
HERALD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HERBS1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HERBS2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HERBS3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HERBS4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HERBS5 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HERE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HERMETICA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HES Hudson Entertainment Sound
HESSIAN Insight II Hessian File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
HESSIANX Insight II Hessian File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
HEU Adobe FlashPlayer Adobe FlashPlayer Cache MetaData File (Adobe Systems Inc)
HEX Hex Dump
HEX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEX HUGO Game File
HEX Magellan GPS Receiver Flash Upgrade File (Thales Navigation, Inc.)
HEX Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool (START) Classic Operator Software Update (HySecurity)
HEX Macintosh BinHex 2.0 File
HEX SPLITGRADE Upgrade File (Heiland electronic GmbH)
HEY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEY2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HEYCOOLMAN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
hf UNIX Help File
HFA ERDAS IMAGINE Hierarchical File Architecture (Leica Geosystems , LLC)
HFB Hell Fighter Battle File (David Peterson)
HFB Ralcgm File
HFD HotDocs Form Document (Matthew Bender & Company, a member of the LexisNexis Group)
HFI HP Font Info
HFO Hollywood FX Object File (Pinnacle Systems, Inc.)
HFP Harry’s Filters Filter Preset (Harald Heim (The Plugin Site))
HFS Macintosh Disk Image on CD
HFT HotDocs Form Template (Matthew Bender & Company, a member of the LexisNexis Group)
HFT HaftiX Cross-Stitch Pattern (GRZELA Grzegorz Zochowski)
HFV Simulated Macintosh Volumes on PC Hard Drive
HFX Harvard Graphics F/X File (Harvard Graphics)
HFX US Robotics Rapid Comm Voice Data File
HFX HotFax Fax (Smith Micro Software)
HFX Hollywood FX Special Effects File (Pinnacle Systems, Inc.)
HFZ Pinnacle Studio HollywoodFX Plug-In Video Editing File (Pinnacle Systems, Inc.)
HG1 Hellgate: London Saved Game (Flagship Studios, Inc.)
HGC PC Fold Molecule Secondary Structure
HGH Star Wars – Tie Fighter High Score
HGH PDP-10 High Segment of a Two-Segment Program
HGL HP Graphics Language (Plotter File)
HGL DN Highlight Groups Definition
HGP HighGrow (Legal Marijuana Growing Game) Plant File (Slick Software)
HGS HighGrow Virtual Seed File
HGT Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Data (SRTM)
HH C++ Header
HH HammerHead Drumloop File
HH Help Topic Map File
HHA HyperHub Archive (Oracle)
HHC HTML Help Table of Contents (Microsoft Corporation)
HHC TurboTax Contents File (Intuit)
HHH Power C Precompiled Header
HHK HTML Help Index (Microsoft Corporation)
HHL Visual Basic File
HHP HTML Help Workshop Project (Microsoft Corporation)
HHS HyperHub Subkit (Oracle)
HHS HTML Help Samples (Microsoft Corporation)
HHTML Realmedia Adstream HTML File
HI Spy-CD CD Search Index File
HI High Scores
HI1 Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HI2 Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HI4 Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIA Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIB Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIC HicEst Script (Georg Petrich, HicEst Instant Prototype Computing)
HIC Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HID Sony Ericsson Configuration Archive
HIF Quicken On-line File (Intuit Inc.)
HIG High Scores
HIGH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HIH Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIHAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HIL Hi HelpIndex Language File
HIM Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIN Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIN HyperChem Molecule File (Hypercube, Inc.)
HINT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HINTS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HINTS2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HIP HiP Compressed File
HIP Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIPS Bitmap Graphic
HIQ Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIR Hidden Icon Resource
HIR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HIR C64 Hires Bitmap Graphic
HIR2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HIS Insight II Dynamics Trajectory History File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
HIS DN History of Executing/Viewing/Editing
HIS SOBEK Simulation History (WL | Delft Hydraulics)
HIS Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HISTORY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HIT HitPlayer Audio File
HIT Nonags Dialog Killer Data File
HIT The Sims Sound File (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
HIT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HIV RegShot Registry Hive File (TiANWEi)
HIV Windows NT Registry Hive (Microsoft Corporation)
HIW Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HIZ Spy-CD CD Search Database File
HJT TreePad Hypertext Database File (Freebyte)
HK5 ACT! Database File (Best Software CRM Division)
HKC HTML-KIT Auto Complete Short-cuts
HKI WinHki Compressed Archive (Hanspeter Imp)
HKI1 WinHki Compressed File
HKI2 WinHki Compressed File
HKI3 WinHki Compressed File
HKS HTML-Kit Plug-in (
HKT egseing RB HK Data
HL$ Compressed DOS Help File (Microsoft Corporation)
HLB VAX Help Library
HLD Structural Desktop Saved Data (Hold File) (Structural Desktop, Inc.)
HLF FAR Manager Help File (FAR Group)
HLF BASIC QuickBAS QuickB01 File
HLI MOJO 620 Logo (TDK)
HLL Boulderdash Game File
HLM Winhelp Vbhilfe File
HLN MicroStation Hidden Line File (Bentley Systems, Incorporated)
HLP Advisor Help File (Microsoft Corporation)
HLP Windows Help File (Microsoft Corporation)
HLP Stata Statistical Software Help File (Stata Corporation)
HLP HP-95LX Help File
HLP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
hlp UNIX Help File
HLX ATI Radeon Video Driver Support File
HLX Hollex Cartridge Atari Cartridge Image File
HLX Visual C++ Syntax Coloring Instructions (Microsoft Corporation)
HLX Multi-Edit Help File
HLX Hyperlatex File
HLX Help Magician Help Text File (Software Interphase, Inc.)
HLZ Multi-Edit Packed Help File
HM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HM Windows Help Context IDs used by MAKEHM.EXE.
HM2 Help & Manual Ver 2 Help File Project (EC Software GmbH)
HM3 Help & Manual Ver 3 Help File Project (EC Software GmbH)
HMA ATRAC3plus Encoded Audio File (Sony)
HME Smartphone Theme File
HMF HOOPS Metafile (Tech Soft America)
HMI Descent Human Machine Interfaces MIDI File
HMK Hallmark Card Studio File (Creative Home)
HMM Procomm Plus Alternate Mail Read Option Menu
HMP Help Magician Help Project File (Software Interphase, Inc.)
HMP Frontier: First Encounters Music File
HMP Technics Sx KN 6000 Keyboard Home Page File
HMP 3D GameStudio Terrain Entity (Conitec Datasystems, Inc)
HMP Descent Human Machine Interfaces MIDI File
HMR GeoTIFF Bitmap File (Bentley Systems, Incorporated)
HMS MS SMS Inventory File
HMS Stentura 8000 or Stentura 8000LX Deposition File
HMS HMS Archiware File
HMSKIN Help & Manual Ver 5 Help File Skin (EC Software GmbH)
HMT HighMAT (Microsoft Corporation)
HMW Homeword for DeskMate
HMX MixlleniumEngine (Haydee) Web Server Module Template File
HMX Help & Manual Ver 4 Help File Project (EC Software GmbH)
HMXP Help & Manual Ver 5 Help File Uncompressed XML Project (EC Software GmbH)
HMXZ Help & Manual Ver 5 Help File Compressed XML Project (EC Software GmbH)
HM~ Help&Manual Backup Help File Project
HNC CNC Program File Heidenhain Dialog
HNC NoteCenter Note File (Domas Savickas)
HND HelpNDoc Project File (IBE Software)
HND Hallo Northern Sky (HNSKY) Deep Sky Database File (Han Kleijn)
HNE NoteCenter Encrypted Note File (Domas Savickas)
HNF Humax Receiver Settings
HNS Hallo Northern Sky (HNSKY) Settings (Han Kleijn)
HNV TheWord & Bible Companion Hebrew Names Version Bible
HO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HO Magix Music/Video
HO Knowledge Explorer Knowledge Representation Hierarchy Outline
HOB Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Ship Graphic (Atari)
HOC High Octane Race Course (Fishstick Games)
HOCKEY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOD Homeworld Hardpoint/Object Data (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
HOF Hall Of Fame
HOG Lucas Arts Dark Forces WAD File
HOG Descent Mission File
HOL Personal Paint Dutch Language User Interface File (Amiga)
HOLES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOLLY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOME Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOME1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOME2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOOD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOP Hippon Protected File (Hippon SAS)
HOR Horoscope
HORIZON1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HORIZON2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HORN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HORNPIPE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOT Mosaic Internet Address
HOT The Sims Sound File (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
HOT eFax Messenger Fax (j2 Global Communications, Inc.)
HOTFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HOTSPOT Homeworld Cursor Informaiton (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
HOW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HP Thor Database Primary Hash File
HP HP Graphics Language (Plotter)
HP$ NTgraph Visual C Wizzard File
HP- HP Distribution Binary File
HP8 HP NewWave Write ASCII Roman8 Character Set
HP? LoseThos C+ Header File (Terry A. Davis)
HPD HP Document (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
HPD HotDocs PDF Document (Matthew Bender & Company, a member of the LexisNexis Group)
HPD Harry Potter Related
HPF HotLine Partial Download File
HPF NetHelp2 Project File (Netscape)
HPF PageMaker HP LaserJet Font (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
HPG Hide Photos Encrypted Photo Container (Bolide Software)
HPG HP Graphics Language (Plotter)
HPGL HP Graphics Language (Plotter)
HPH Designer Graphics System2 File
HPI Total Annihilation Saved Game
HPI GEM Font Information
HPI Hemera Photo-Object Image (Hemera Technologies Inc.)
HPIC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HPJ Help Project File
HPJ HP LaserJet Print-to-File
HPJ Visual Basic Help Project
HPK HPXUpgrade Service Pack Fileset (Haliplex Communication Systems)
HPK Compressed Archive
HPL HP Graphics File
HPLJ Hewlett-Packerd LaserJet Vector Image
HPM Quaestor 1.x High Performance Map
HPM Procomm Plus Alternate Main Menu for Privileged Users
HPM HP NewWave Emm Text
HPM Procomm Plus Alternative Menu
HPP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HPP C++ Builder 6 Program Header (Borland Software Corporation)
HPP C++ Program Header
HPP Printer Control Language Vector Image (Hewlett-Packard)
HPP InfoMgr Database File (RESystems, Inc.)
HPP Zortech C++ Header
HPPCL Hewlett-Packard Printer Control Language Vector Image
HPR ATLAS.ti 4.x Project File (Scientific Software Development)
HPR RoboHELP Configuration File
HPR5 ATLAS.ti 5.0 Project File (Scientific Software Development)
HPRJ Heroglyph Project File (proDAD GmbH)
HPRT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HPS HP HPS Digital Sender Information (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
HPT HotDocs PDF Template (Matthew Bender & Company, a member of the LexisNexis Group)
HPW HP Word Document (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
HPW CompuServe Home Page Wizard
HP_ Winhelp Compressed File
HP~ V-help File
HQP CP/M Disc Utility Information
hqx Macintosh BinHex 4 Compressed Archive
HR TRS 80 Graphic
HR2 Curious Labs Poser Hair File
HR5 Heredis 2000 Family History File (BSD CONCEPT)
HRC SoftImage Model Geometry File
HRF Hitachi Raster Format Graphic
HRH C++ and Resources Common Header
HRL Herolab EasyWin32
HRM Netmino File
HRM Procomm Plus Alternate Main Menu
HRP AviSys Bird Watcher Database (Jerry Blinn)
HRP Handy Recovery Recovered Partion Information (SoftLogica LLC.)
HRT Hornet Packer Module/Song
HRU HRU Bitmap
HRV Personal Paint Croatian Language User Interface File (Amiga)
HRX Herolab EasyWin32
HRZ Slow Scan Television (SSTV)
HS RAZR Flex File (Motorola, Inc.)
HS HSnapshot Screen Snapshot (PCNetWork)
HS Literate Haskell Source Code File
HS Hugs Source Code
HS2 HyperRESEARCH (ResearchWare, Inc.)
HS2 Postering Monochrome Image
HS3 HyperRESEARCH (ResearchWare, Inc.)
HSA Hagaki Studio Address Book (Microsoft Corporation)
HSB HALion Sampler File (Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.)
HSB HandStory Suite eBook File (SJ NAMO, Inc.)
HSBOY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HSC HSC Tracker 2-op FM Music File
HSC HYSYS Simulation (Aspen Technology, Inc.)
HSC HelpScribble Project Source (JGsoft – Just Great Software)
HSD Hagaki Studio Document (Microsoft Corporation)
HSD HSD+CP Aero-HSD Configuration File (Thrane & Thrane)
HSE Dreamweaver Snippet
HSF Lizard Protector Web Content Security Protected Web Content (LockLizard Limited)
HSF HOOPS Stream File (Tech Soft America)
HSH IIS NNTP Hash File (Microsoft Corporation)
HSI Handmade Software Graphic File
HSK Nimbus 7 SAMS Data File
HSM The Sims Sound File (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
HSM Assembly Language Header – University of Waterloo Engineering Convention
HSP HSC Packed
HSP HomeSite WWW Page Project
HSQ CAST Application Mining Suite
HSQ Data File Associated with Qaz Trojan
HSR Hero Screen Recorder Screen Capture File (Beijing Herosoft Zongheng Network Technology Co., Ltd)
HSR RezeptAssist Import and Export File
HSS Photoshop Hue/Saturation Information (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
HSS Dreamweaver Snippet
HST Procomm Plus History File
HST Image Alchemy Handmade Software Graphics Histogram
HST Host File
HST Yahoo! Instant Messenger History
HST Netscape History File
HST History File
HST Corel QuickCorrect and Speller History File
HST WordPerfect (Corel Corporation)
HST Symantec Anti-Virus Live Update File (Symantec Corporation)
HST VGA Planets Game File (Tim Wisseman)
HSX Health and Safety Xpert Project (HBXL Construction Software)
HSZ Handyscript Skin (Ventris, Inc.)
HT BrailleNote Visual Display File (Pulse Data International Ltd.)
HT Browser Html Template (TechSoft)
HT HyperTerminal Data File (Hilgraeve Inc.)
HTA Tonline BSW4 File
HTA Hypertext Application
HTA Hemera Thumbnail Archive (Hemera Technologies Inc.)
HTACCESS Apache Access Configuration
HTB HttpBrowser Database File
HTC HTML Component
HTD HyperTRANSCRIBE Project File (ResearchWare, Inc.)
HTF HTF Sounding File
HTF Virtual Hypertext Font
HTF WebBase File
HTI Win Help Related File
HTI WebBase File
HTM Hypertext Markup Language
HTMENX egis Encrypted HTM File (HiTRUST Inc.)
HTML Mozilla (Netscape) Bookmark File (
HTML Hypertext Markup Language
HTMLENX egis Encrypted HTML File (HiTRUST Inc.)
HTMLS Server-side HTML File
HTN Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 printstyles file
HTP honestech Video Editor Project File (Honest Technology,)
HTR People Putty Haptek Character (Haptek, Inc.)
HTR Motion Analysis Software Skeletal File
HTRI HTRI Xchanger Suite Data Input File (Heat Transfer Research, Inc.)
HTS Troj/DelSpy-E
HTT Hypertext Template File (Microsoft Corporation)
HTX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HTX MS FrontPage Database Results HTML-like query script.
HTX Extended Hypertext Template
HTZ HTML Editor Archive
HU Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HUD HUD Maker File (Radio Tree Productions, Inc.)
HUF Huffman Encoded/Compressed File
HUH HydroCAD Stormwater Modeling System Unit Hydrograph (HydroCAD Software Solutions LLC)
HULL Halflife Map Collision Hull File
HUN Personal Paint Hungarian Language User Interface File (Amiga)
HUN Dataview File
HUS Husqvarna Designer Embroidery Machine Format (Husqvarna Viking)
HUY Eto Dlia Vas
HVA Tiberian Sun Voxel Animation Control File (
HVD ISIS Hviews File
HVD chosenOS HoverNews Skin File
HVD HoverDesk Theme File (Hover Inc.)
HVD HerdView Event Data File
HVD CMT Surveyor’s Assistant 1.x/2.0x Job
HVX LightWave 3D Hypervoxel (NewTek)
HW Stanford University EPGY Homework
HWCFG VersaPro Hardware Configuration File
HWD Hollywood Presentation File
HWL Hangman Deluxe Word List
HWL HttpWatch HTTP Watch Log (Simtec Limited)
HWL Corel Shared Writing Tools 9.0 File
HWM Hillwalker/MapWise/Alpiniste/PhotoMaps Own Raster Map Parameters (ISYS Computers)
HWP Hangul Word Processor File (Haansoft)
HWPROJ Visual Studio .NET Help Project (Microsoft Corporation)
HWR Hillwalker/MapWise/Alpiniste/PhotoMaps ISYS Route Card (ISYS Computers)
HX THOR Database Cross-reference Hash File
HX haXe Source Code (Motion-Twin)
HX EARS Component File
HX SurRender3D Database File
HXC Help 2 Project/Collection File (Microsoft Corporation)
HXCONV Huelix Audio Converter Session Information (Huelix Solutions Private Ltd)
HXD Help 2 Validator File (Microsoft Corporation)
HXF Help 2 Include File (Microsoft Corporation)
HXG Help 2 Filter Cache (Microsoft Corporation)
HXH Help 2 Merged Hierarchy (Microsoft Corporation)
HXI Help 2 Compiled Help File (Microsoft Corporation)
HXK Help 2 Keyword Index (Microsoft Corporation)
HXK Help TOC/Index File
HXL Help 2 Registered Namespaces List (Microsoft Corporation)
HXM Descent2 HAM File
HXM Procomm Plus Alternate Protocol Selection Menu for All Users
HXML haXe Make File (Motion-Twin)
HXS Help 2 Compiled Help File (Microsoft Corporation)
HXT Help 2 Table of Contents (Microsoft Corporation)
HXT Help TOC/Index File
HXV Help 2 Virtual Topic Definition (Microsoft Corporation)
HXW Help 2 Merged Keyword Index (Microsoft Corporation)
HXX C++ Header
HX_ C Poet Compressed Disk1 File
HY1 Ventura Publisher Hyphenation Algorithm
HY2 Ventura Publisher Hyphenation Algorithm
HYC WordPerfect Hyphenation File (Corel Corporation)
HYD WordPerfect for Windows Hyphenation Dictionary (Corel Corporation)
HYM Scandata 3D Scanner File (Hymarc, Inc.)
HYP Hyphenation File
HYP Atari ST Guide Hypertext Document
HYP Acrobat Spelling File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
HYP Hyper Compressed Archive
HYPERCARD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HYPERXCMD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HYPHENATOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
HYS Smart Touch Analyze and Retrieve Tool (START) New Generation Operator Software Update (HySecurity)
HYS Multi-Parametric Toolbox HYSDEL File (Eidgen鰏sische Technische Hochschule Z黵ich)
HYS Globe HySales Client File (Globe Interactive)
HYS TriboIndenter Air Indent Electrostatic Force Constant Setting (Hysitron Incorporated)
HZ Chinese Text
HZF Neosat Fixes (Neosat USA)
HZF Home Inspector Pro Client Inspection (Home Inspection Software)
HZO CrossWorks Object File (Rowley Associates Limited)
hzp Hazard Manager Document (APPinspect inc.)
HZX CrossWorks Executable File (Rowley Associates Limited)
H_ Winhelp Compressed File
H__ C++ Header Seldom used C++ Header (same as H++ and H)
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Number Symbol
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