The Known File Extensions/Types References – F*
Posted by Admin L in IT Resources/Information on 09-12-2011.
Collector: Nosa Lee
Original Address:
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Now, I collected all the known file extensions/types for your reference, I grouped them according to the first character due to there are too many file extensions/types.
The following file extensions/types are grouped as F*, to refer to more file extensions/types or download them (a compressed txt file that separates the extension and description with ” : “), please click the following links.
Number Symbol
Download All File Types/Extensions in ONE Compressed File
F Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
F FORTRAN Source Code
F Freeze Compressed File Archive
F Newing-Hall Computer Engraving Software Graphic
F Paradox File
F Win32Forth Source Code
F# F# Source Code (Microsoft Corporation)
F&F Netmino File
F00 Kanji Font
F01 Perfect Fax Document
F01 HEC-RAS Flow File (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
F02 HEC-RAS Flow File (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
F03 HEC-RAS Flow File (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
F04 HEC-RAS Flow File (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
F05 HEC-RAS Flow File (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
F06 DOS 6-pixel Screen Font
F07 DOS 7-pixel Screen Font
F08 DOS 8-pixel Screen Font
F09 DOS 9-pixel Screen Font
F1 21st Century Mahjong
F10 DOS 10-pixel Screen Font
F11 DOS 11-pixel Screen Font
F12 DOS 12-pixel Screen Font
F13 DOS 13-pixel Screen Font
F14 DOS 14-pixel Screen Font
F15 DOS 15-pixel Screen Font
F16 DOS 16-pixel Screen Font
F2 Biosflash File
F2F File to File
F2F Byteworx FMEA� Exported Data (Byteworx Inc.)
F2R Farandoyle Linear Module Format
F32 Raw 32-bit IEEE Floating Point Values
F33 ANSYS Plot
F3D Foam3D Data Package File (Si Robertson)
F3D MotoRacer 3 Bike Model
F3R Farandoyle Blocked Module Format
F40 PDP-10 FORTRAN-4 Compiler Source
F4A Flash MP4 Audio Stream File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
F4B Flash MP4 Audio eBook File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
F4P Flash Protected MP4 File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
F4V Flash Renamed MP4 File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
F6 Fonts File
F64 Raw 64-bit IEEE Floating Point Values
F7 Fonts File
F77 FORTRAN 77 Program
F77 PDP-10 FORTRAN-77 Compiler Source
F8 Fonts File
F8 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
F90 FORTRAN Program
F96 Frecom FAX96 Document
F99 HEC-RAS Flow File (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
FA FASTA Format DNA and Protein Sequence Alignment
FA EROSION 3D Flow Accumulation
FA1 FAS 132 System Data File (DATAIR Employee Benefit Systems, Inc.)
FA2 FAS 132 System Custom Text File (DATAIR Employee Benefit Systems, Inc.)
FABLES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAC Facemaker Face File (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
FAC BioWare Aurora Engine Faction (BioWare Corp.)
FAC Usenix FaceSaver Graphic
FACE Usenix FaceServer Graphic
FACE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FACET Facet File
FACT Electric Image 3D Image File (Electric image, Inc.)
FACTOR Factor Language Source File (Factor Community)
FACTSHEET Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAD Data File
FAD Fast Atomic Density Evaluator File
FADE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FADEIN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FADEOUT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAF Find Any File Search Description (Thomas Tempelmann)
FAI PDP-10 FAIL Compiler Source
FAITH2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAKRACK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAKRACK2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FALLING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAM Maxis File
FAM Nintendo Entertainment System FamicomS Emulator ROM Image (Nintendo)
FAM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAM Paradox TV
FAM The Sims Family File (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
FAME Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAN Greeting Card Factory File (Nova Development)
FAN Finale NotePad Font Annotation (MakeMusic, Inc.)
FAP FotoAngelo Project Settings (ACD Systems Ltd.)
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
FAQ Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAQ-SPEEDUPS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAQT FAQTool XML Contents File (DTLink LLC)
FAR The Sims Archive File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
FAR Visual eForms Designer Form File (Cerenade, Inc.)
FAR Farandoyle Tracker Music Module
FARGOLASE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
fas Common-Lisp Pre-compiled File
FAS FASTA Format DNA and Protein Sequence Alignment
FAS Macsyma Compiled Program
FAS 3D Fassade Plus Basic Module
FAS AutoCAD Fast-load Auto LISP (Autodesk, Inc.)
FAST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FASTA dnaLIMS Fasta Library (dnaTools)
FASTA FASTA Format DNA and Protein Sequence Alignment
FASTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAT Zinf Audio Player Theme File
FATESAVEDGAME Fate Saved Game (WildTangent, Inc.)
FAU Creator Simulator Collapsed Fault List (Tufts University)
FAV Technics Sx KN 6000 Keyboard Favorites File
FAV Outlook Bar Shortcuts (Microsoft Corporation)
FAX Fax File
FAX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FAZ DeskMate Generic Character Data (Oska Educational Systems Pty Limited)
FB Gforth Forth Blocks File (Free Software Foundation, Inc.)
FB Backup
FB Slim! Compressed Archive (Serge Voskoboynikov)
FB! FlashGet Incomplete Download (Beijing Zhitongwuxian Tech, Ltd.)
FB2 HaaliReader eBook | FictionBook 2.0 (Mike Matsnev)
FB5 FlowBiz Integrator File
FBAP FinalBuilder ActionStudio Automated Build Tool Action Design (VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd.)
FBC FamilyTree Compressed Backup File
FBD CADfix Geometry Database File (ASCII) (ITI TranscenData)
FBD FlowBiz Workflow Designer Procedure Document (FlowBiz (Pty) Ltd)
FBD The Quarterback Pro Coverage Worksheet
FBD Honeywell Control Builder File
FBD Remedy Change Management Flashboard
FBD F-22 Lightning Advanced Gravis Joystick Control File
FBD DART Pro 98 User-definied Complex Restoration Filters
FBDZONES FileBoss Drop Zones Information (The Utility Factory)
FBEXPLORE FileBoss Explorer Data (The Utility Factory)
FBF Free Backup Fix Backup File (Promosoft Corporation)
FBFILESET FileBoss File Sets (The Utility Factory)
FBI Total Annihilation Main Unit Definition File (Cavedog Entertainment)
FBK Train Simulator Shaders Definition File (Microsoft Corporation)
FBK Fluentizer FluentBook (Fluentizer Inc.)
FBK Navison Financials Backup
FBK FamilyTree Backup File
FBL CADfix Log File (ITI TranscenData)
FBL iGO map
FBLZ FinalBuilder Log File (VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd.)
FBM Fuzzy Bitmap
FBM CADfix Geometry Database File (Binary) (ITI TranscenData)
FBM Final Burn Alpha Movie Capture Format
FBN Sony Ericsson Firmware File (Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB)
FBN ArcView Spatial Index File For Read-Only Datasets (ESRI)
FBOPTS FileBoss Options (The Utility Factory)
FBP3 FinalBuilder Ver 3. Project File (VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd.)
FBP4 FinalBuilder Ver 4. Project File (VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd.)
FBR FlashBack File (Blueberry Software)
FBS File Burner Skin
FBS FastBid Plan Sheet (Builders Exchange of Washington, Inc.)
FBU FEBE Backup File (Chuck Baker Custom Software Consulting)
FBW HP Backup Split Backup File (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
FBWINS FileBoss Saved Windowing Information (The Utility Factory)
FBX ArcView Spatial Index File For Read-Only Datasets (ESRI)
FBX Kaydara 3D Data Exchange Format (Autodesk, Inc.)
FBZ3 FinalBuilder Ver 3. Compressed Project File (VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd.)
FBZ4 FinalBuilder Ver 4. Compressed Project File (VSoft Technologies Pty Ltd.)
FC Harvard Graphics Dictionary (Harvard Graphics)
FC Harvard Graphics Ver. 2.0 Spell Checking Dictionary (Harvard Graphics)
FC$ Basic Realizer Disk1 L File
FC2 Curious Labs Poser Face File
FC7 FastCAD Version 7 Drawing (Evolution Computing, Inc.)
FCA Omnis Web Client Form Cache (Raining Data)
FCB FAAST Builder File
FCB Forest Cover Attribute Processing File
FCC Basic Realizer Careal Library File
FCC SiteMinder Security Control File (Netegrity)
FCC PEERNET File Conversion Center Conversion Job (PEERNET Inc.)
FCD Patton & Patton Flow Charting 3 File
FCD FidoCAD Drawing (Lorenzo)
FCD FastCAD Output (Evolution Computing, Inc.)
FCD Virtual CD-ROM
FCE EDraw Max Shape File (EDrawSoft)
FCE Virtual.HairStyle Fab File (5imyshow Co. Ltd.)
FCE Need for Speed Car Shape (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
FCF Final Draft File Converter Format (Final Draft, Inc.)
FCF xfit Phase File
FCF Quartus II FLEX Chain File (Altera Corporation)
FCF HP-95LX Filer Configuration File
FCG Mystic Photo Format
FCG FastCGI Script
FCGI FastCGI Script
FCH Gaussian Checkpoint File (CambridgeSoft Corporation)
FCHK Gaussian Checkpoint File (CambridgeSoft Corporation)
FCI EROSION 3D Inflow Table
FCL Cyber Audio Library Link File
FCM Factory Commander Model Data File (Wright Williams & Kelly, Inc.)
FCM FCEUX FCE-Ultra Movie Capture
FCM FC-M Packer Song/Module
FCM Fluke Networks CableManager File
FCM Forward Compression Binary File Patch
FCP FLAMES Checkpoint Restart File (Ternion Corporation)
FCP Final Cut Project (Final Cut)
FCR Supposed Compressed Torrent File
FCS Spectrum Server Log File
FCS RealProducer Pro Settings
FCS Flow Cytometry Standard Format
FCS Fantasy Football League Organizer File
FCS c-tree Server/Plus Data File
FCS CD Trustee File
FCS Canon Zoom Browser EX File
FCS Foobar2000 Columns UI Settings (Peter Pawlowski)
FCS RapidForm Polygon Faces Data (INUS Technology, Inc.)
FCS Virtual FlashCards Flash Card Set (Alai Productions)
FCT FolderClone Task List (Salty Brine Software)
FCT Foxpro Catalog (Microsoft Corporation)
FCT Campaign Cartographer 2 File
FCW FastCAD File (Evolution Computing, Inc.)
FCW Campaign Cartographer 2 (ProFantasy Software Ltd.)
FCX Vax VMS Compressed File
FD Final Draft Document File (Final Draft, Inc.)
FD Front Door Resource File
FD FORTRAN Declarations
FD DataFlex Field Compiler Offsets (Data Access Corporation)
FDA Warhammer 40,000 Audio (THQ Inc.)
FDA FF&EZ Uncompressed Data Archive (Jim Carls – Data Management Consultant)
FDAT Fiasco Database Data File
FDB Firebird Database (Firebird Foundation Incorporated)
FDB Portfolio Catalog File (Extensis, Inc.)
FDB FormTool Pro Form File (IMSI/Design LLC)
FDB FlukeView Forms Database (Fluke Corporation)
FDB Fiasco Database Database
FDB FeedDemon SQLlite Data File (NewsGator Technologies, Inc.)
FDB FlexyTrans Database (Berlitz International, Inc.)
FDB Legacy Family Tree Database (Millennia Corporation)
FDB Ming Font File (Opaque Industries)
FDB Navison Financials Database
FDB Art Explosion Portfolio Catalog (Nova Development Corporation)
FDB FoxPro Database
FDC Sniffer Capture File (Network Associates Technology, Inc.)
FDD FormDocs Data (Formdocs LLC)
FDD Parallels Desktop for Mac Floppy Disk Drive Image (Parallels, Inc.)
FDD FlexiDATA Database File (Flexible Software Ltd)
FDE FLAMES Dataset Export (Ternion Corporation)
FDE Fade-It for AOL
FDF Origin Fitting Function Definition File (OriginLab Corporation)
FDF Format Definition File (IBM)
FDF Acrobat Portable Document Input Form (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FDI Disk2FDI Floppy Disk Image File (Vincent & Sonia Joguin)
FDI FormDocs Index (Formdocs LLC)
FDI Amiga Disk File (Amiga)
FDI Sinclair Spectrum Emulator Floppy Disk Image
FDK OS/2 Saved SKF Format File (IBM)
FDK Fluentizer FluentDictionary (Fluentizer Inc.)
FDL FormDocs Link File (Formdocs LLC)
FDL Paradox
FDL XYRO Active Distribution Console File Distribution List
FDM Exchange Forms Designer Form Definition (Microsoft Corporation)
FDM Floppy Disk Manager Disk Image
FDP MapSonic Memory Card Format Map File (Michelin)
FDP FMOD Designer Project (Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd.)
FDPART Fresh Download Partial Download (Freshdevices Corp.)
FDR SideKick 2 Note File
FDR Final Draft Document File (Final Draft, Inc.)
FDR Embroidery Design File
FDS FME Workbench Custom Formats (Safe Software Inc.)
FDS Nintendo Famicom (NES) Disk System (Nintendo)
FDS JetForm FormFlow Data File
FDT Final Draft Script Attributes File (Final Draft, Inc.)
FDT FormDocs Template (Formdocs LLC)
FDW F3 Design and Mapping Document Form
FDX Force Index
FEATURES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FEB WordPerfect Figure Editor Button Bar (Corel Corporation)
FEB94 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FEC Ferite Programming Language File
FEC U.S. Federal Campaign Expense Submission File
FED FORMIK Form Data (Rastislav KORYTAR)
FEE Precision Fees Fee Schedule (Kalahari Software, LLC)
FEED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FEEL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FEF Steuer2001 Formular File
FEG Art Explosion Greeting Card Factory E-Card (Nova Development Corporation)
FEI Geoworks Fatal Error Infotable
FEM CADRE Finite Element Mesh File
FEN FileEncryptor Encrypted File (ARXsoft Co., Ltd.)
FENDER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FENETRE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FEP WEFT Embedding Project (Microsoft Corporation)
FES Topicscape Fileless Link Exported (3D-Scape Limited)
FEV FLAMES Environment Variable (Ternion Corporation)
FEX Focus File
FEX WebFOCUS / FOCUS / Web390 Procedure File (Information Builders)
FEZ FUND E-Z Backup (FUND E-Z Development Corporation)
FF Sigmac Source File
FF Intelligont FIAS Format
FF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FF AGFA CompuGraphics Outline Font Description
FF1 PCLTool (Page Technology Marketing, Inc.)
FF2 Flash Filer
FF2 Softrans Gmbh Hello Engines! Standard file
FF3 FreeForm 4.1 Database (Creative Companion Europe)
FF7 Final Fantasy VII Saved Game (Square Enix Co., Ltd)
FF8 !Miracle Executable
FFA Fast Find Status File (Index) (Microsoft Corporation)
FFB Fortora Fresh Finance Backup (Fortora LLC)
FFD Test & Go Preferences File (QualiControl)
FFD Flash Filer
FFD Softrans Gmbh Hello Engines! 2.1 file
FFD Fortora Fresh Finance Data (Fortora LLC)
FFDATA ABBYY eForm Filler Data (ABBYY Software)
FFE DirectInput Force Feedback Effect (Microsoft Corporation)
FFF Pegasus Mail Extension (David Harris)
FFF defFax Fax Document
FFF Gravis UltraSound PnP InterWave Patch
FFF Maggi Hairstyles & Cosmetics
FFFF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FFI Atech FastFont (AllType)
FFIVW ASCII File Format for the Interchange of Virtual Worlds (VRML)
FFL PrintMaster Gold Image File
FFL Fast Find Document List (Microsoft Corporation)
FFL Alien vs Predator Archive
FFN Fifa World Cup Game Data FE Art File
FFNA Guild Wars Game Data (ArenaNet, Inc.)
FFO Fast Find Document Properties Cache (Microsoft Corporation)
FFP Corel Graphics 10 Custom File (Corel Corporation)
FFR FFR Archive Format
FFT DCA/FFT Final Form Text
FFT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FFT Fast Fourier Transform Analysis Data
FFT Fast Find (Microsoft Corporation)
FFT DisplayWrite Document
FFW File Fission Wizard File Split Information (Gavin Enterprises)
FFX Fast Find Index (Microsoft Corporation)
FFX After Effects Effects Favorite (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FGA Folder Guard Attributes
FGD Digital Raster Graphic Metadata File
FGD Folder Guard Data
FGD Half-life Modification Map Configuration File
FGL Inno Setup Component Definitions file
FGP Folder Guard Passwords File
FGR FRSGiftRegistry Data File (Fourth Ray Software)
FGX Formula Graphics Project File
FGZ Formula Graphics Standalone Presentation Archive
FH Freehand Graphic (Macromedia)
FH MusicPad Pro Score File (FreeHand Systems, Inc.)
FH10 Freehand Ver. 10 File (Macromedia)
FH11 FreehandMX Ver. 11 Project File (Macromedia, Inc.)
FH3 Freehand Ver. 3 Drawing (Macromedia)
FH4 Freehand Ver. 4 Drawing (Macromedia)
FH5 Freehand 5 (Macromedia)
FH6 Freehand 6 (Macromedia)
FH7 Freehand 7 (Macromedia)
FH8 Freehand 8 (Macromedia)
FH9 Freehand 9 (Macromedia)
FHC Freehand (Macromedia)
FHD Family Historian Diagram Type (Calico Pie Limited)
FHD PCLTool Form File (Page Technology Marketing, Inc.)
FHF Free Hide Folder Data (
FHIS Insight II Dynamics Trajectory History File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
FHP MusicPad Pro Playlist File (FreeHand Systems, Inc.)
FHQ Family Historian Query (Calico Pie Limited)
FHR Family Historian Report (Calico Pie Limited)
FHT Family Historian Text Scheme (Calico Pie Limited)
FHTML HTML File (Macromedia)
FHX Fh5 Usenglsh Xtras File
FHX DeltaV Configuration File (Emerson Process Management)
FI Gforth Forth Image File (Free Software Foundation, Inc.)
FI Flash Image
FI Bitstream Intellifont
FI FORTRAN Interface File (Microsoft Corporation)
fi FORTRAN Include File
FI Dispatch Icelandair Timetable File (Scott Andrew Borton)
FIB File Investigator (RobWare)
FIC WINDEV Hyper File Database (Native File Format) (PC SOFT)
FIC Sheffield Dictionary File
FICONS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FID File Investigator (RobWare)
FID Bruker Aspect NMR Data File
FIDDLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIDO Cineon Graphics Data
FIDX Fiasco Database Index
FIF SpinRite Hard Disk Fingerprint File
FIF Fractal Image Format
FIF Font Information File
FIF Altamira Genuine Pixels 1.0 Compressed Format
FIFF Elekta Neuromag Magnetoencephalographic Data (Elekta AB)
FIG Lahey FORTRAN Linker Options
FIG Super Nintendo Game-console ROM Image (Nintendo)
FIG XFIG Graphic File
fig TeX Format File
FIG DeskMate Drawing
FIG Geometry II Plus Figure (Cabrilog)
FIG Cabri Figure (CABRILOG SAS.)
fig xfig FIG Image File
FIG MATLAB Plot Figure File (The MathWorks, Inc.)
FIGHT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIGURE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIH File Investigator (RobWare)
FIL WordPerfect Overlay (Corel Corporation)
FIL ACL For Windows Data
FIL Application Generator File Template
FIL Cardbox Database
FIL dBASE Files List Object
FIL File List
FIL ProWORX Nxt Format Export (Schneider Electric)
FIL Media Player 10+ Special Icon Image (Microsoft)
FIL DeskMate Database
FIL SeeYou Flight Data (Naviter)
FIL AVG Antivirus Vault File (AVG Technologies)
FILE AS/400 Physical File (IBM)
FILE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FILE File With No Extension
FILEKILL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FILEPLANETCACHE GameSpy Aborted Download (GameSpy Industries)
FILES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FILM Sega FILM/CPK File Format (Sega of America, Inc.)
FILM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FILM Filmkey Player Media File (Belle Nuit Montage)
FILMAO Aleph One Film (Marathon Open Source)
FILTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIM Paul van Keep’s Icon Heaven Icons Package
FIM Construsyc/Instasyc File
FIM Fractal Imaginator Data/Parameter File (Mystic Fractal)
FIN WordPerfect Print Format Text (Corel Corporation)
FIN XtalView Basic Crystallographic Data File (The Computational Center for MacroMolecular Structures (CCMS))
FIN Personal Paint Finnish Language User Interface File (Amiga)
FIN ATI Radeon Video Driver
FIN Corel Saved Find/Search Info (Corel)
FIN Perfect Writer Print Formatted Text
FIN Perfect Writer/Scribble/MINCE Print-formatted Text File
FINAL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FINDER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIO PhotoStyler Graphics Filter (Aldus)
FIO ULead Viewer Support File (Corel Corporation)
FIO Image PALS Viewer
FIP FingerPost Information Processor File
FIP File Investigator (RobWare)
FIR CONEQ Workshop Finite impulse response correction filter (Real Sound Lab)
FIR Canon Digital Camera EOS Camera Firmware File (Canon Inc.)
FIR Webalizer.01 File
FIR FireOne Fireworks Show File (Pyrotechnics Management, Inc.)
FIRE FireStarter Project File
FIRESTORMFT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIRMWARE London Architect Soundweb London Firmware (BSS Audio)
FIRST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIS Dynamite VSP Feature Interpretation Style (3am Solutions (UK) Limited)
FISH 3d Fish Tank Saved Fish
FISH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FISHES 3d Fish Tank Saved Fishes
FISHTANK 3d Fish Tank Saved Fishtank
FIT iFit iFit Excercise File (
FIT FITS Graphic
FIT Windows NT File Index Table (Microsoft Corporation)
FIT Vue Filters (e-on software, inc.)
FIV File Investigator (RobWare)
FIVE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIX Vimage Image File (Dr. Rolf B鰄ms)
FIX Generic Patch File
FIX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIXED DLLbackup Root File
FIXER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIXES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FIXKERN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FJSW Formulator Tarsia Jigsaw File (Hermitech Laboratory)
FK Flash Streamed Media File
FKD FotoKiss Photo Set Data File (LANSRAD)
FKT KmPlot Data File (KDE)
FKTMPLT fKey Keyboard Template Designer Template (SigmaTech Software)
FKY Foxpro Macro (Microsoft Corporation)
FL Freelancer Saved Game (Microsoft Corporation)
FL Flash Project File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FL Floating Format Sound
FLA Free Lossless Audio Codec
FLA Flash Movie Authoring File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FLAC Free Lossless Audio Codec
FLAG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLAGS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLARE Homeworld (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
FLASK FlasKMPEG Language Definition File
FLB VersaPro Folder Backup
FLB MicroSim PCBoard Footprint Library File
FLB Papyrus Format Library
FLC Corel Show
FLC FIGlet Control File
FLC FLIC Animated Picture (Autodesk, Inc.)
FLCL Brassdomain Video (Brassdomain Technical Services)
FLD WinFlash Educator Flashcard Options/Statistics File (Open Window Software)
FLD 3D Fassade Plus Field Define Module
FLD VersaPro Folder Contents
FLD Hijaak Thumbnail Folder
FLD Charisma Folder
FLE Scanner Settings File
FLE Op9630 Settings File
FLETCH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLEX Flexi Data Smoothing
FLF FIGlet Zipped Figletized Text Font
FLF Figletized Font File
FLF OS/2 Driver File
FLF Navison Financials License File
FLF Firehand Lightning Graphic Collection
FLF Corel Paradox Form
FLF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLG MicroSim PCBoard Log Of Forward Engineering Change Orders Applied To The Layout
FLH FLIC Animation
FLI FLIC Animation (Autodesk, Inc.)
FLI EmTeX TeX Font Library
FLI Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLIGS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLINT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLIPCURS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLK File Lock (FuJe Software)
FLK MYOB Lock Files (MYOB Technology Pty Ltd.)
FLKEY FL Studio Key File (Image Line BVBA)
FLL Foxpro Library (Microsoft Corporation)
FLL TextPipe Pro Filter
FLL Micrografx Designer 7 Image Fill Pattern
FLL The Sims Floor File (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
FLM Filmline Document
FLM Adobe FilmStrip (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FLM Flasm Disassembled Flash ActionScript Bytecode
FLM FoxPro Library
FLM Image Format on Atari
FLM AutoCAD Film (Autodesk, Inc.)
FLM Medi@Show File
FLM RealPixel Animation File
FLN XMap Flight Plan or Flight Plan Statistic File (Delorme)
FLO FlowCharter Document (iGrafx LLC)
FLO RFFlow Flowchart (RFF Electronics)
FLOBY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLOOR Structural Concrete Software Floor Data File
FLOW floW Structured Data Definition (
FLOWER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLOYD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLP FL Studio Fruityloops Saved File (Track) (Image Line BVBA)
FLP Flash Project (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FLP FL Studio File (Image Line BVBA)
FLP GIFLine V1.0
FLP Fractal Explorer Fractal Landscape Project
FLP Floppy Disk Image File
FLP Corel Flow Project Flow Chart
FLP Family Lawyer Saved Document
FLP FlipAlbum File
FLR Live3D File (Netscape)
FLR The Sims Floor Texture File (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
FLS Stock Prospector Data Export Format (ICLUBcentral Inc.)
FLS Creator Simulator Fault List (Tufts University)
FLS Nokia Phone Flash File (Nokia)
FLS Farrukh Imposition Purlisher Filelist Document
FLS WinFlash Educator Flashcard Source File (Open Window Software)
FLS ArcView Windows Help Supporting File (ESRI)
FLS DBdemos File
FLT FLIC Animation
FLT EtherPeek Filter (WildPackets Inc.)
FLT Filter
FLT FileMaker Filter (FileMaker, Inc.)
FLT Corel Graphic Filter
FLT Graphics Filter (Microsoft Corporation)
FLT Illustrator Filter (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FLT Lotus 1-2-3 LogAnalyzer Filter File
FLT Micrografx Picture Publisher Filter
FLT OpenFlight 3D File (MultiGen-Paradigm)
FLT OS/2 Warp Filter Device Driver
FLT WinFlash Educator Flashcard Compiled Test File (Open Window Software)
FLT Word Import Filter (Microsoft Corporation)
FLT Audition Filter (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FLT Flight Simulator Saved Flight In Progress (Microsoft Corporation)
FLT Asymetrix Graphics Filter Support
FLT Animator Animation (Autodesk, Inc.)
FLT StarTrekker Music Module
FLT Aldus Import Filter
FLT Qimage Filter (
FLT XMap Flight Plan or Flight Plan Statistic File (Delorme)
FLU WinFlash Educator Ver 10 Unicode Source File (Open Window Software)
FLUTE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FLUX FluxTime Old Clip Format (pCode Software)
FLV Flash Video File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FLW Kivio Flowchart (
FLX The Bat! Folder Configuration (RITLABS)
FLX FLIC Animation
FLX MicroSurvey CAD Drawing File (MicroSurvey Software, Inc.)
FLX FlexTk Plug-in (Flexense Computing Systems Ltd.)
FLX DataFlex Compiled Binary File/Ordered Binder (Data Access Corporation)
FLX Flexstor Database Format
FLY Quiz-Buddy Quiz Data (Sierra Vista Software)
FLY TerraExplorer Project (Skyline Software Systems Inc.)
FLY Digiflyer E-mail Document (Digiflyer)
FLYP Mapwing Tour Project (Redbug Technologies)
FLYS Mapwing Streaming Tour (Redbug Technologies)
FLZ WinFlash Educator Flashcard Compiled Study File (Open Window Software)
FLZ Medi@Show Data File
FLZW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FM FrameMaker Document (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FM FeatureCAM Document (Engineering Geometry Systems)
FM FileMaker Pro Spreadsheet
FM1 1-2-3 Release 2.x Spreadsheet File (IBM)
FM2 FCEUX Movie Capture Format
FM2 Maestro Mama Demo File
FM3 Harvard Graphics Device Driver (Harvard Graphics)
FM3 1-2-3 Format File (IBM)
FM3 FileMaker Ver. 3 Database Document (FileMaker, Inc.)
FM5 FileMaker Ver. 5 Database Document (FileMaker, Inc.)
FMA PermitMD Forms Mgr Agent Form Definition File (MDCCI)
FMB OnBelay Flash/Disk Media Backup (CompuApps, Inc.)
FMB Oracle Binary Form Source Code (Oracle Corporation)
FMB Flashation Button Build File (Flash Designer)
FMB WordPerfect File Manager Button Bar (Corel Corporation)
FMC Embroidery Design File
FMD Open Access File
FMD Cumulate Draw Editable FMD Format (Cumulate Labs)
FMD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FMD MotionArtist Document (e frontier America, Inc.)
FMDTOOL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FME FME Workbench Mapping File (Safe Software Inc.)
FME APIS IQ-Software Data Storage File (APIS Informationstechnologien GmbH)
FME FMEAPlus Database (Ford Motor Company)
FMF IBM LinkWay Font or Icon File
FMF FaxMan Jr Fax File (Data Techniques, Inc.)
FMG FreeMarkets Graphics Browser
FMGEN FlexiMusic Generator
FMI FME Workbench Mapping File (Safe Software Inc.)
FMK FaxMaker File
FMK FlowMake Workflow Design (Praxis. Distributed Systems Technology Centre)
FMK PowerStation FORTRAN Make File
FML GetRight File Mirror List (Headlight Software, Inc.)
FML Oracle Mirror List
FML Advansys Message Viewer GroupWise XML Email (Advansys Corp.)
FMMUS FlexiMusic Producer
FMO dBASE Ordered Format
FMORC FlexiMusic Orchestra
FMP FantaMorph Project (Abrosoft)
FMP AutoCAD Font Map (Autodesk, Inc.)
FMP FileMaker Pro Document
FMP Fractal Mapper Map
FMP Profit Plan Financial Master Plan Index (Security Development Corporation)
FMP FLAMES Model Prototype (Ternion Corporation)
FMP Fable The Lost Chapters/Fable Explorer Fable Mod Packager File
FMR Family Medical Records Data File
FMS FantaMorph Skin File (Abrosoft)
FMS FMS32-PRO FMS Protocol File (HeiRueSoft)
FMS 1-2-3 Impress Add-in (IBM)
FMT Oracle Text Form Format
FMT Schedule+ Print File (Microsoft Corporation)
FMT Visual FoxPro Csreen Format File (Microsoft Corporation)
FMT Style Sheet (Sprint)
FMT Cardbox Format File
FMT dBASE IV Format File
FMT Format File
FMT Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language Gauss Matrix File
FMT 1-2-3 (Lotus)
FMV FrameMaker Picture (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FMV Bink Tools Full Motion Video File (RAD Game Tools, Inc.)
FMV Frame Vector Metafile
FMV Famtasia Movie Capture
FMW FME Workbench Workspace (Safe Software Inc.)
FMX Oracle Executable Form (Oracle Corporation)
FMX FME Workbench Custom Transformers (Safe Software Inc.)
FMZ form*Z Project File (AutoDesSys, Inc)
FMZIP FlexiMusic Zipper
FN3 Harvard Graphics Font (Harvard Graphics)
FN3 Denso BHT-7000 Terminal Executable Program File
FNA FASTA Format DNA and Protein Sequence Alignment
FNC Vue Function Definition (e-on software, inc.)
FNC Frogans Player Network Certificate (STG Interactive)
FND Informida Secure Information Database
FND Explorer Saved Search (Microsoft Corporation)
FNG Font Navigator Group File
FNK FunkTracker Module
FNO Folio Infobase
FNP FlashNpack
FNS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FNT Yountel Unicode Font
FNT Font File
FNT M.U.G.E.N Font (Elecbyte)
FNW FLARENET Model Data (Aspen Technology, Inc.)
FNX Exact Inactive Font
FN_ CAD File
FO 602XML Form Server Form File (Software602, Inc.)
FO$ Ballade Compressed Audio File
FO1 Turbo C Font (Borland Software Corporation)
FO2 Turbo C Font (Borland Software Corporation)
FOB Navision Attain Object File
FOC FOCUS/WebFOCUS Database File
FOCF Folder Organizer Folder Organizer Configuration File (H-SW)
FOD EZ-Forms ULTRA Relationship File (EZ-Forms Company)
FOF EZ-Forms Filled Out Form (EZ-Forms Company)
FOG Computer Generated Forces for Action Fog Defaults
FOG Fontographer Font
FOL pfs:First Choice Database File
FOL 1st Reader Saved Message Folder
FOLD LockedFolder Encrypted File (
FOLDER Explorer Folder (Microsoft Corporation)
FOLDERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FOM EZ-Forms Fill Out Master Form (EZ-Forms Company)
FON Font File (Microsoft Corporation)
FON Telix Dialing Directory
FON Procomm Plus Call Log
FONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONT1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTASM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTCHART Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTCOMM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTGEN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTREPORT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTRIX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTYX1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FONTYX2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FOO Foobar2000 Audio Metadata Database (Peter Pawlowski)
FOO Kai’s SuperGoo Fusion
FOODS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FOOTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FOP Freedom of Press Bitmap Image
FOR Font Resource File
FOR PDP-10 FORTRAN-10 Compiler Source
FOR WindowBase Form
FORCE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FORECAST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FORGE Assassin’s Creed Audio File (Ubisoft Entertainment)
FORM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FORMAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FORMATTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FORMS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FORREVIEW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FORTH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FORUM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FOS Fallout 3 Saved Game File (Bethesda Softworks LLC,)
FOT Installed TrueType Font
FOU SpiceCAD Lowpass File
FOUNDATION Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FOUR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FOUR VAX CRYSTALS Chemical Crystallogaphy File
FOW Family Origins File
FOX FoxBase/FoxPro+ Executable File
FP FastPaste Project File (Dextronet)
FP FileMaker Pro File
FP FinePrint Saved or Output File (FinePrint Software, LLC)
FP Homeworld (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
FP GoldMine Business Contact Manager Report
FP CRiSP Harvest File
FP Vinal Page Vector TIFF Image
FP FoxPro Configuration Info (Microsoft Corporation)
FP1 Flying Pigs for Windows Data
FP2 HDF Utility File
FP3 FloorPlan 3D (IMSI/Design LLC)
FP3 FileMaker Pro 3.0 File
FP3 Fisher Price FP3 Player Music File (Mattel, Inc.)
FP5 FileMaker Pro Database (FileMaker, Inc.)
FP7 FileMaker Pro Ver. 7+ Database Document (FileMaker, Inc.)
FPA Franklin Potter Associates Business Invoice Designer
FPB FLAMES Playback File (Ternion Corporation)
FPB Fiorano BPEL Flow Data (Fiorano Software Inc.)
FPBF Finder Backup Burnable Archive (Apple Inc.)
FPC FoxPro Catalog File (Microsoft Corporation)
FPC Free Pascal Compiler Makefile (Free Pascal Makefile Generator)
FPC QuoteWerks Report Template (Aspire Technologies, Inc.)
FPD MicroSim PCBoard External ASCII Footprint Definition File
FPD TMT Pascal Compiled Unit
FPE FPS Creator Script (The Game Creators Ltd.)
FPF FilterPro Active Filter Design (Texas Instruments Incorporated)
FPF Canadian Flight Wizard
FPF IKEA Kitchen Planner Document (Inter IKEA Systems B.V.)
FPG DIV Game Studio Multi Map
FPHTML FrontPage HTML Document (Microsoft Corporation)
FPI FPS Creator Intelligence Script (The Game Creators Ltd.)
FPI Fugawi Points of Interest File (Northport Systems, Inc.)
FPIX FlashPix Bitmap
FPK JetForm FormFlow File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FPK PerFORM Communicator File Packet (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FPL Foobar2000 Playlist (Peter Pawlowski)
FPL Flitskikker Language File (Flitskikker)
FPL FrontDesigner Front Panel (ABACOM Ingenieurb黵o)
FPM FPS Creator Map (The Game Creators Ltd.)
FPM FoxPro Startup File
FPR Fiasco Database Print Report Definition
FPR Fruitypro Samples Humanize Presets Grooves File
FPR FLAMES Prototype File (Ternion Corporation)
FPR MicroSim PCBoard Footprint Statistics Report
FPS Operation Flashpoint Game File (Bohemia Interactive and The Codemasters Software Company Limited)
FPS FPS Creator Project (The Game Creators Ltd.)
FPT Farandole Composer Pattern
FPT Abacus Law Data (Abacus Data Systems, Inc.)
FPT iAnywhere Memo File (Sybase, Inc.)
FPT ACT! (Best Software CRM Division)
FPT Alpha Five Memo Field File (Alpha Software, Inc.)
FPT FileMaker Pro File Database Memo
FPT Ultimate Family Tree Geneology Database
FPT NovaBACKUP Backup Database Related Information (NovaStor Corporation)
FPT FoxPro Memo Field (Microsoft Corporation)
FPT Liquid Audio Player Faceplate (Theme) File (Geneva Media, LLC)
FPVERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FPW FoxPro Configuration
FPW FloorPlan Plus Floorplan Drawing
FPWEB FrontPage Disk Based Web (Microsoft Corporation)
FPX Compiled FoxPro Program
FPX FlashPix Bitmap (Kodak)
FQF FlashFXP Queue File
FQY FLAMES (FLARE) Command File (Ternion Corporation)
FR Finalburn Alpha Movie Capture (Team FB Alpha)
FR3 Fractal Explorer 3D Attractors/IFS Spots in Internal Parametrical Format
FR3 dBASE IV Renamed dBASEIII+ Form
FR4 Fractal Explorer Quaternion Spots in Internal Parametrical Format
FRA Personal Paint French Language User Interface File (Amiga)
FRA Fractal Explorer Animation of Fractal Navigation Project
FRA Fractint Fractal Graphic
FRA Fifa World Cup Game Data fe Art Legalscr File
FRA FrameViewer File
FRACT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FRAME Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FRAME5 CVIP Formatted File
FRAMES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FRC FLAMES RECORD Output File / FLARE Input File (Ternion Corporation)
FRD Need for Speed Trk2000 Track File
FRE Male Normal CT
FRE Fifa 2002 Data Legal Screen File
FRE Creative Digital Blaster Digital VCR File
FREC Fiasco Database Frequencies File
FREECELLSAVE-MS FreeCell Saved Game (Microsoft Corporation)
FREEGUITAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FREESIDEFNT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FREQ Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FRF FontMonger Font
FRG Sound Forge Project (Sony Creative Software Inc.)
FRG dBASE IV Uncompiled Report
FRG FrogTeacher Folder Package File (FrogTrade)
FRI Firefox Bookmark Backup File
FRI Fractal Explorer IFS Spot in Internal Parametrical Format
FRK File holding Macintosh Data Fork Information
FRK File holding Macintosh Resource Fork Information
FRL PerFORM Pro Form (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FRL GP-Forth Library
FRL Formflow Electronic Form Loader (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FRM MySQL Generic Dictionary File (MySQL AB)
FRM WordPerfect Merge Form (Corel Corporation)
FRM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FRM CT Summation iBlaze Database Form File (CT Summation, Inc.)
FRM EZ-Forms Master Form (EZ-Forms Company)
FRM Phoenix Visual Designer Form (Prometheus Software)
FRM Visual Basic Form
FRM Oracle Executable Form
FRM MYOB Form File (MYOB Technology Pty Ltd.)
FRM Megalux Frame
FRM DataCAD Symbol Report File (DATACAD LLC)
FRM dBASE IV Report File
FRM Form File
FRM Fractint Formula
FRM Frame Stacks
FRM FrameMaker Document (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FRM Insight II Free-Format Files (Accelrys Software Inc.)
FRM FrameBuilder Document
FRO FormFlow File
FRO dBASE IV Compiled Report
FRO A-Robots Fighting Robot Object
FRONT242 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FRONT_242_MIX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FRP Form Flow 2.x Data File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FRP FormFlow 2.x Data File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FRP PerFORM Pro Plus Form (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FRP FaxRush Packages
FRP Fractal Explorer Palette
FRS Fractal Explorer Formula Spot for Fractals
FRS Corel Painter Pattern, Selection or Texture File
FRS WordPerfect Graphics Driver (Corel Corporation)
FRS Flash Renamer Script (RL Vision)
FRT GP-Forth Language Source Code File
FRT FoxPro Report File (Microsoft Corporation)
FRW RollerCoaster Tycoon Fireworks Source (Atari)
FRX FoxPro Report File (Microsoft Corporation)
FRX Visual Basic Form File (Microsoft Corporation)
FRZ Formflow Electronic Form Loader (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FRZ EPOC Freeze File
FRZ SNES9X SNES9X Game State Freeze
FRZ FormFlow File
FS NetBSD File
FS Taskmaster Paper Keyboard FormSpec (Datacap Inc.)
FS FlexiSIGN File (Scanvec Amiable)
FS F# Source Code (Microsoft Corporation)
FS PDT Feature Structure File
FS FormSaver File
FS Gforth Forth Stream Source File (Free Software Foundation, Inc.)
FS Usenix FaceServer Bitmap
FS2 FreeSpace 2 Mission (Volition, Inc.)
FS5 Flight Simulator Scenery File (Microsoft Corporation)
FS6 Flight Simulator Panels File (Microsoft Corporation)
FSA FASTA Format DNA and Protein Sequence Alignment
FSA ABIF Applied Biosystems Inc. Format (Applied Biosystems)
FSAC Files Search Assistant File List (AKS-Labs)
FSB FMOD Sample Bank Format (Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd.)
FSC Design Pro Tools Form File (Elixir Technologies)
FSC FLAMES Scenario File (Ternion Corporation)
FSC Worms Armageddon Fiddler File
FSC Campaign Cartographer 2 File
FSC FL Studio File (Image Line BVBA)
FSD FacetWin Backup File Set (FacetCorp)
FSD Sheets Document (Leaf Twenty-Five)
FSD COCO Flowsheet Document (AmsterCHEM)
FSED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FSF fPrint Audit Tool File
FSF Convert It! Factor File
FSFIX Internet Security Signed Product Patch File (F-Secure)
FSG IBM Voice Type Language Map File
FSG Greeting Card Factory Greeting Card File (Nova Development)
FSH Fifa World Cup Game File
FSH EA Sports Game Graphic Editor File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
FSH Coolfish Encrypted File (CompSci)
FSI F# Source Code (Microsoft Corporation)
FSI FileSplit
FSIF MyLabel Designer Deluxe Label File (Avanquest Publishing USA, Inc.)
FSKEY Internet Security Product Key File (F-Secure)
FSL Corel Paradox Saved Form
FSL Paradox Version 7 Forms (Borland Software Corporation)
FSM Farandoyle Composer WaveSample Music Format
FSN Greeting Card Factory Greeting Card File (Nova Development)
FSO Adobe Flash Media Server File System Object (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FSP FormScape Branch File (FormScape, Ltd.)
FSP Fsplit Split File
FSP Floating Point Data Files
FSP fPrint Audit Tool File Format
FSP Flash Slideshow Builder Project (Wondershare Software Co., Ltd.)
FSR File Substring Replacement Utility
FSS File Split Pro
FSS Iomega Backup File Selection Set
FSS Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Register File
FSS PaperPort Slide Show (ScanSoft Inc.)
FSSCRIPT F# Source Code (Microsoft Corporation)
FSSD Sound
FST dbFast Linkable Program
FST GFI FAXmaker Configuration File (GFI Software)
FST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FST FL Studio File (Image Line BVBA)
FST FruityLoops Channel State File
FST MRS-802 Rhythm Song Fast Method Formula Data (Zoom Corporation)
FST FastStats Analyzer File
FSX FormSaver Fields
FSX 1-2-3 Data (IBM)
FSX F# Source Code (Microsoft Corporation)
FSY PhotoFantasy Image
FSY FileSync Profile (FileWare)
FSZ Fractal Zplot Data/Parameter File (Mystic Fractal)
FT Notes Full Text Index (IBM)
FT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FT Edgecam Feature Template (Planit)
FT5 FH5 File
FT7 Macromedia Freehand Drawing
FT8 Macromedia Freehand Drawing
FT9 Macromedia Freehand Drawing
FTA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FTB Family Tree Maker Geneology File (, Inc.)
FTB Roots3 Index File
FTBL PIPE-FLO Professional Fluid Data Table (Engineered Software, Inc.)
FTC FluxTime Studio Clip Animation File (FluxTime Limited)
FTD FFTDesigner (RHDC Services Ltd.)
FTG ArcView UNIX Help Supporting File (ESRI)
FTG Windows Help Full-text Search Group File
FTI FamiTracker Instrument (jsr)
FTL FreeMarker Template (FreeMarker Project)
FTL Future Tense Texture (Future Tense, Ltd.)
FTL Family Tree Legends Family File (Pearl Street Software)
FTM FaceTheMusic Song/Module
FTM Finale Template File (MakeMusic!)
FTM Family Tree Maker Family File (, Inc.)
FTM MicroGrafx Font
FTM FamiTracker Song File (jsr)
FTM Fathom Data File (Chartwell-Yorke)
FTML Mighty Games World File (Mighty Games World)
FTN FORTRAN Source Code File
FTO Sistemas Administrativos (ASPEL DE MEXICO, S.A. de C.V)
FTP FTP Configuration Information
FTP FTP Voyager Document (Rhino Software, Inc.)
FTR Future Document (SERAFIM Limited)
FTS Windows Help Full-Text Search Index File (Microsoft Corporation)
FTS Flexible Image Transport System Bitmap
FTS Borland BDE File (Borland Software Corporation)
FTS StateClock Export to STEP
FTS ArcView UNIX Help Supporting File (ESRI)
FTS FastTrack Schedule File (AEC Software, Inc.)
FTS CHASE Evaluation and Audit System Help File (CHASE.FTS) (Health And Safety Technology And Management Ltd.)
FTV Forest & Trees File
FTW FontTwister File
FTW FormTool Pro Form File (IMSI/Design LLC)
FTW Family Tree Maker Family Tree File (, Inc.)
FTXT IFF Text Document
FTXT Cloanto C1-Text Document (Cloanto)
FU F* You Software Key Generator
FUD FairUse Wizard Data
FUK POSTAL 2 Map File (Running With Scissors)
FUL Full Foram Count File
FULL Cygwin Variable Log File
FULL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FUN Koolmoves File
FUN Project FUN Editor Game Source Code (DigiPen Institute of Technology)
FUN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FUP FairUse Wizard Project
FUS GURU Uninstall Script (FXpansion Audio UK Ltd.)
FUSUC Final Uninstaller Special Uninstallation Database (Final Uninstaller)
FUTHARK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FUTHARKG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FUTURELAS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FUZZGUITAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FUZZY Fuzzy Logic File
FUZZY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FVANIM Powerbullet Presenter Animation File (DDD Pty Ltd.)
FVF Fluke View
FVML formVista Document (DTLink LLC)
FVPL Frozen Vertex Pair List File
FVS Forest Vegetation Simulator Tree Data File
FVT Interlock Public Computer Utility
FW Kodak Camera Firmware File (Eastman Kodak Company)
FW Framework Database (Selections & Functions, Inc.)
FW2 Framework II File (Selections & Functions, Inc.)
FW3 Framework III File (Selections & Functions, Inc.)
FW4 Framework IV File (Selections & Functions, Inc.)
FWB FileWrangler Data File Backup (CursorArts Company)
FWD IMail Server Forwarded Mail (Ipswitch, Inc.)
FWD RollerCoaster Tycoon Fireworks Display (Atari)
FWEB Fortran WEB
FWF Xwave FWF File
FWI PhotoSmart 850 Digital Camera Firmware Update (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
FWK Fireworkz Document (Abacus Training)
FWL FileWrangler EXE Library
FWP Worms Armageddon Fiddler Weapons Module
FWP IMail Server Forwarded Mail (Ipswitch, Inc.)
FWP SharePoint Designer (Microsoft Corporation)
FWS FileWrangler Data File for File Splitting Configuration
FWT FacetWin Terminal Configuration (Facet Corp.)
FWV Fullwave Audio File (MASTLabs LLC)
FX DirectX D3DXEffect Object (Microsoft Corporation)
FX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FX FastLynx On-Line Guide
FX WordPerfect Office Template File (Corel Corporation)
FX2 G3 Two-dimensional Working with Message Windows Fax
FX2 WordPerfect Office Template File (Corel Corporation)
FXB HALion Sampler File (Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.)
FXD FoxPro FoxDoc Support
FXD WinFax Sent Document (Symantec Corporation)
FXD FAXit Phonebook
FXF BigFix Fix File (BigFix, Inc.)
FXG BigFix Fixlet Pool (BigFix, Inc.)
FXG Adobe Creative Suite (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
FXI File-Ex Configuration File (Cottonwood Software)
FXI Casio FX-Interface Format File (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
FXM Fuxoft AY Music Chip Language
FXM WinFax Fax (Symantec Corporation)
FXM BigFix Fixlet Pool (BigFix, Inc.)
FXO DirectX Pre-Compiled Pixel/Vertix Shader (Microsoft Corporation)
FXO Fax Image Document
FXP FoxPro Compiled Source (Microsoft Corporation)
FXP Steinberg Plug-in Format (Steinberg)
FXP HALion Sampler File (Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.)
FXPACK MXwendler Packed Shader (device+context)
FXR WinFax Received Document (Symantec Corporation)
FXS WinFax Fax Transmit Graphic (Symantec Corporation)
FXS The Land Of UM
FXT Finale Music Notation Software Plug-in
FXT Cottonwood Software File-Ex Trained Template
FXT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
FXY Orchida Embroidery System (Orchida Soft)
FY Fontasy Publisher Regular Font
FYB Fontasy Publisher Bold Font
FYI Fontasy Publisher Italic Font
FYI Flow-Cal File
FZ AIRLINE City Data File (Efzed Pty. Ltd.)
FZB Casio FZ-1 Bank Dump (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
FZD AIRLINE City Data File (Efzed Pty. Ltd.)
FZF FontZip Font Packer
FZF Casio FZ-1 Full Dump (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
FZIP Foxit Reader Add-ons (Foxit Corp.)
FZP Fargo Primera Color Printer Dye Sub Support File
FZV Casio FZ-1 Voice Dump (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
FZX CP/M Fix File
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Number Symbol
Download All File Types/Extensions in ONE Compressed File