The Known File Extensions/Types References – E*
Posted by Admin L in IT Resources/Information on 09-12-2011.
Collector: Nosa Lee
Original Address:
To reprint this article, please indicate the source, thank you.
Now, I collected all the known file extensions/types for your reference, I grouped them according to the first character due to there are too many file extensions/types.
The following file extensions/types are grouped as E*, to refer to more file extensions/types or download them (a compressed txt file that separates the extension and description with ” : “), please click the following links.
Number Symbol
Download All File Types/Extensions in ONE Compressed File
E Euphoria Include File (Rapid Deployment Software)
E Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
E EiffelStudio Source File (Eiffel Software Inc.)
E Epsilon Editor EEL Macro Language
E Specman Testbench E-program Source File
E Amiga E Source Code (Wouter van Oortmerssen)
E00 ArcInfo Coverage Export (Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. (ESRI))
E01 EnCase Forensic Image File (Guidance Software, Inc.)
E2 thinkdesign CAD Design
E2C NJStar Chinese Word Processor Dictionary File Index (NJStar Software Corp.)
E2P PonyProg Device File (Lanconelli Open Systems)
E3 thinkdesign CAD Design (think3 Inc.)
E32 Inno Setup 1.3 File
E3D E3.series Design File (CIM-Team GmbH)
E3D Instant3D Project
E3D Macromedia Extreme3D Object
E3P E3.series Part File (CIM-Team GmbH)
E3S E3.series Project FIle (CIM-Team GmbH)
E3T E3.series Template (CIM-Team GmbH)
E48 Emu48 HP48 Emulator File
E4C e4Clicks Project Estimator Import File (4Clicks Solutions, LLC)
E78 IBM 3270 Terminal Emulator Screen Layout Definition
E99 Steuer99 Daten File
EA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EA3 Fifa 2001 Environment Data
EAC EmEditor Auto Completion File
EAC EasyAntiCheat Configuration File (
EAF Aframe
EAF MicroEmacs Abbreviation File Format
EAL Enfocus Action List
EAM France98 Football Game Audio File
EAP Enterprise Architect Project (Sparx Systems Pty Ltd.)
EAP C-More HMI Programming Software Project File (Automation Direct)
EAR Java Enterprise Application Packaging Unit
EAR ETI Camcorder Pro Audio File (Eyemail Technology, Inc.)
EARTH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EAS EAS 2004 Applicant Reference Database (UCAS)
EAS OS/2 Extended File Attributes
EAS Elite Visual Basic API Spy
EASA EASA Application Development File (AEA Technology plc)
EASAP EASA Archive (AEA Technology plc)
EASM eDrawings File (SolidWorks Corporation)
EATF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EAZ Express Assist File
EB EBwin Estudio Basico de Seguridad y Salud Health and Safety Project Information (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
EBA Mobile Phone Data Manager
EBAK Ideal Summary Sheets Encrypted Backup (Conquer Internet Ltd.)
EBB Empower Business Bulletin (Metapraxis Ltd.)
EBD Empower Business Dashboard (Metapraxis Ltd.)
EBF EARS Definition Backup
EBF Pocket PC WindowsCE Form File (Microsoft Corporation)
EBJ Geoworks Error Checking Object File
EBK Email Saver Xe Backup File (Amic Games)
EBK EARS Database Backup
EBK Embiid Reader eBook (Embiid Inc.)
EBM Attachmate Extra! Macro
EBM Ragnarok Online Emblem (Gravity Co., Ltd.)
EBO Reader eBook Format (Microsoft Corporation)
EBP Jes-Soft Sports Program Play Description File (Jes-Soft)
EBP Pocket PC WindowsCE Project File (Microsoft Corporation)
EBP Relic Entertainment Game File (Relic Entertainment Inc.)
EBS EyeBatch Command Script (Atalasoft, Inc.)
EBS E-Scripter Script (CMS)
EBS Rational Rose 98 Script Source (IBM)
EBS WindowsXP Scanner File
EBU Exact Globe 2000/2003 Database Backup (Exact Software)
EBUILD Gentoo Linux Ebuild Application File (Gentoo Foundation, Inc.)
EBX Electronic Book Exchange eBook (Electronic Book Exchange (EBX) Working Group)
EBX Rational Rose 98 Compiled Script (IBM)
EBX Esabix Database Framework Database (Esabix Database Software)
EBZ EB Player Saved Game (Intersystem Concepts, Inc.)
EC Preprocessed GOC Source Code
EC3 Print CD CD Label Image (Epson America, Inc.)
ECA electroCAD File
ECC dvdisaster Error-Correction File (Carsten Gn鰎lich)
ECC Essential Taceo Crypto Container (Essential Security Software, Inc.)
ECC Ecchi Role-playing Format
ECD LabelMaker CD/DVD Label File (Memorex Products, Inc.)
ECD Questionnaire Specification Language File
ECE Oracle Application Express Dynamic Web Page (Oracle)
ECF Eventcorder Recorded Events and Clickviews (CMS)
ECF Micrografx Media Manager
ECF Outlook Add-in File (Microsoft Corporation)
ECF Exchange Extended Configuration File (Microsoft Corporation)
ECF WinFax Office Add-in File (Symantec Corporation)
ECG ECG Viewer (Nihon Kohden Corporation)
ECG Preprocessed GOC Source Code
ECH EasyChem Save File
ECHO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ECHO6 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ECHOING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ECHR Explorations RPG System Character/Map System Sprites (Tyrone W. Lee)
ECL Eclipse (The Eclipse Foundation)
ECLIPSEPRODUCT Eclipse Product Marker (The Eclipse Foundation)
ECM Cmpro Examples File
ECM Error Code Modeler File (Neill Corlett)
ECMS ECMerge Merge Status (Elli� Computing)
ECMT ECMerge Merge Template (Elli� Computing)
ECO NetManage ECCO File
ECP eCourse Planner eCourse Template (ICS Corporation)
ECR Ecrypt E-mail File (Email Connection)
ECRAN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ECS Sony Ericsson Phone Backup File
ECS Encrypted Compressed GIS Software Geographic Shape File
ECT Visual C++ Exception Console Template (Microsoft Corporation)
ECW Ensoniq Waveset Format (E-MU Systems)
ECW Enhanced Compressed Wavelet
ECW EclipseCrossword Crossword Puzzle
ECW2002PUZZLE EclipseCrossword Puzzle
ECW2002WORDS EclipseCrossword Word List
ED LithTech Game Level File (Touchdown Entertainment, Inc.)
ED EasyDraw CAD File
ED Tmx Editor File
ED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ED2K eDonkey Download Link File (MetaMachine)
ED5 EDMICS Graphics File
ED6 EDMICS Graphics File
EDA Ensoniq ASR Disk Image (E-MU Systems)
EDB EstImage Database (Stelvio Inc.)
EDB Exchange Server Property Store (Microsoft Corporation)
EDB Business Assessment Manager (E2S n.v.)
EDB ACT! E-mail Data File (Best Software CRM Division)
EDB Photoshop Extended Digital Book (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EDB EzyMailManPro (Welshware)
EDB Euphoria Database System (EDS) Database File (Rapid Deployment Software)
EDB ROOTS3 Geneological Data
EDC Kryptel (light) Decoder/Encoder
EDD FrameMaker Element Definition Document (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EDE Ensoniq EPS Disk Image (E-MU Systems)
EDE EDraw Max Element (EDrawSoft)
EDF Digital Trainer Encrypted Score File
EDF RF Online Texture, Sound and String Archive (CCR Inc.)
EDF Drumbeat Component
EDF eMemoPad Data File (eMemoPad)
EDF Workshare Synergy Document Change Management
EDG EDGE Diagrammer Diagram (Pacestar Software)
EDG EdG Command File
EDH xcontur XEDH Electron-Density Histogram
EDH EditHelp Source File
EDI EDI Engine Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) File (123 EDI, Inc.)
EDI EDI Interchange File (Budget EDI)
EDI UN/EDIFACT Business Data File
EDIT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EDIT0 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EDITHELP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EDITOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EDK Ensoniq KT Disk Image (E-MU Systems)
EDK OS/2 Saved SKF Format File (IBM)
EDL ASAP Entity Definition Language File (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
EDL Edit Decision List
EDM CAD Contouring Parameter Data File
EDM Setters III 3 Map File
EDM Eclipse Data Module (The Eclipse Foundation)
EDM Extinction Corrected Differential Photometry
EDML Dreamweaver MX Extension File
EDML EDML Parser-Library (Marc-Sven Rudolf)
EDN Acrobat Document (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EDN EDIF Netlist File
EDP Attachmate Extra! Session
EDPI ExamDiff Pro Session File (PrestoSoft)
EDQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 Disk Image (E-MU Systems)
EDR Embird Plus Color Paletter (Embird)
EDR GROMACS Portable Energy File
EDRW eDrawings File (SolidWorks Corporation)
EDS Ensoniq SQ80 Disk Image (E-MU Systems)
EDT External Editor Definition
EDT VAX EDT Editor Default Settings
EDT EDraw Max Template (EDrawSoft)
EDT NEPLAN External Program Import/Export File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
EDV Ensoniq VFX-SD Disk Image (E-MU Systems)
EDX Editor Dictionary File (Serenity Software)
EDX EDraw Max Drawing (EDrawSoft)
EEA Attachment Decoder Encrypted Attachment (Scanlon Associates)
EEB EaseBook File
EEB WordPerfect Equation Editor Button Bar (Corel Corporation)
EEE EEEWin Archive (Remia s.r.o.)
EEE 3eee Triple Encryption Encrypted File (Fasttrack Ltd.)
EEG SleepScan and Ceegraph EEG Data (Bio-logic Systems Corp.)
EEP Evidence Eliminator (Robin Hood Software Ltd.)
EER Lahey Fortran Execution Error Messages
EES Empire Earth Scenario File
EF Wimba Diploma Wimba Diploma (Wimba)
EFA Ecrypt 2005 E-mail File (Email Connection)
EFA Ensoniq ASR File (E-MU Systems)
EFC EFCoins File
EFC Technics Sx KN 6000 Keyboard Effect Memory File
EFD EARS Filter Definition
EFDEMO Star Trek Voyager Elite Force Demo File
EFE Ensoniq EPS-Family Instrument (E-MU Systems)
EFF Infinity Game Engine Effects File (BioWare Corp.)
EFF EverQuest Effects File
EFF eFileFolder (The Hotline Group, Inc.)
EFFECT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EFG Gambit Extensive Form Representation (The Gambit Project)
EFI Extensible Firmware Interface Firmware File (Intel)
EFK Ensoniq KT File (E-MU Systems)
EFL Encryptafile Encrypted File (XenoSystems, LLC)
EFP Exchange Forms Designer Template (Microsoft Corporation)
EFQ Ensoniq SQ1/SQ2/KS32 File (E-MU Systems)
EFS FlowChart; EasyFlow 6.x-8.x
EFS Ensoniq SQ80 File (E-MU Systems)
EFT e-Form Form Template (Hong Kong SAR Government Communications and Technology Branch)
EFT ChiWriter High Res Screen Characters
EFT Finale Enigma Tansportable File (MakeMusic!)
EFV Ensoniq VFX-SD File (E-MU Systems)
EFW CA Security Center Renamed ZIP or EXE or RAR File (CA)
EFX eFax Fax Document (j2 Global Communications, Inc.)
EG Image It Backup Disk Image (WASAY Software Technology Inc.)
EG2 eGatherer Collected System Configuration Information (IBM)
EGA EGA Resolution BMP Bitmap
EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter Graphics Data
EGA Ventura EGA Screen Characters
EGD GIS Software Encrypted Grid Shape File
EGG Ducks Add-on/Level File (Hungry Software)
EGG Python Egg (Python Software Foundation)
EGG Panda3D Transform Definition (Disney and Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center)
EGG Explosion Graphics Generator Script (Shawn Hargreaves; maintained by Vincent Penquerc’h)
EGG Dynomite Dynomite (Popcap)
EGG Wer Wird Millionaer Data Screens File
EGG EGG Solution 360RealTour
EGISENC egis Encrypted File (HiTRUST Inc.)
EGISENX egis Encrypted File (HiTRUST Inc.)
EGL EagleCheck Encrypted Database Reference File (Washington State Gambling Commission)
EGN Daqarta Extended Audio Data (Interstellar Research)
EGON Egon Animator Animation (Ulric Eriksson)
EGP Egrid32 Form Properties Template (Elias Montoya)
EGP Easy Grade Pro Data (Orbis Software)
EGR Egrid32 Form (Elias Montoya)
EGRP Explorations RPG System MapGroup Object (Tyrone W. Lee)
EGS GIS Software Encrypted Grid Shape File
EGWARSAVE War! Age of Imperialism Save File (Donohoe Digital LLC)
EHELP Emperor Help Language Pack (Emperor)
EHP HelpLogic Project (Electric Butterfly, Inc.)
EI Electric Image
EI EARS Component File
EID IBM ViaVoice Vocabulary File
EID Faena MyID Encrypted File
EIDI Electric Image EIDI File
EIF Epson Installation Control File (Epson Corporation)
EIF Eroiica Graphic
EIFP FountainPen FountainPen (Eightt)
EIG Easy Index Generator Project (Easy HTools Corporation)
EIKULE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EIN Skyplot Settings File (Frank P. Thielen Software Design)
EIO EIOffice Document Binder (Evermore Software)
EISLEY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EIT Encarta Database Update File (Microsoft Corporation)
EIZ Electric Image Graphics Data
EIZZ Electric Image Graphics Data
EJP Elite Japan Crossword Puzzle (EliteWare)
EK5 Simrad EK500 Scientific Echosounder Data
EK6 Simrad EK60 Scientific Echosounder Data
EKA Eureka Internal Data File (Borland Software Corporation)
EKB VisualTablet Data (Zak Morris Company, Inc.)
EKEYS Emperor Key-Set File (Emperor)
EKM EXP: The Scientific Word Processor Macro
EKS Empower Site File (Metapraxis Ltd.)
EL Emacs Lisp Source Code (Free Software Foundation, Inc.)
EL1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EL2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EL3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EL4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELA TradeStation EasyLanguage Archive (TradeStation Securities, Inc.)
ELC Emacs Lisp Byte-compiled Source Code (Free Software Foundation, Inc.)
ELD EARS Label Definition
ELD NEPLAN NEPLAN-DOS Import/Export File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
ELD TradeStation EasyLanguage Document (TradeStation Securities, Inc.)
ELECBASS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELECGTR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELECPIANO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELEMENT Ampoliros Platform Component Type Handler (Solarix)
ELEMS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELEPHANT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELETTERHEAD Electronic Letterhead (Basildon Bond)
ELF Electronic Application Form File
ELF Playstation Executable/Game Data File (Sony Corporation of America)
ELF Wii Executable File (Nintendo)
ELF Executable and Linkable Format File
ELF Tasklink for Windows Machine Control Executable and Linking Format
ELF Black Belt Systems Extended Layer File
ELG EnABLE Activity Log (Energy Scitech Ltd.)
ELH Electronic Application Help File
ELI Encyclopedia Article List
ELI ELI Compressed File Archive
ELISE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELIST Emperor Playlist (Emperor)
ELL ATI Radeon Video Driver
ELM FrontPage Theme-Pack File (Microsoft Corporation)
ELOG McAffee Firewall Log
ELP HotRecorder Proprietary Audio Format (Porto Ranelli, S.A.)
ELS TradeStation EasyLanguage Storage (TradeStation Securities, Inc.)
ELS EnSight 3D Document (Scenario) (Computational Engineering International (CEI))
ELSE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELSEWHERE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ELT Prosa Event List
ELT Event List Text
ELT NEPLAN Topology File (BCP Busarello + Cott + Partner Inc.)
ELX Design Pro Tools Form File (Elixir Technologies)
ELZ Electronic Application Form Answer File
EM$ Modem Bitware Fax Disk2 File
EM1 Emax I Bank File
EM2 Emax II Bank File
EMACS Emacs Lisp User INIT File (Free Software Foundation, Inc.)
EMAIL Outlook Express Mail Message (Microsoft Corporation)
EMAP Genetica High Dynamic Range Spherical Panorama (Spiral Graphics Inc.)
EMAT ANSYS Element Matrix
EMB EMBL Nucleotide Format
EMB Everest Embedded Bank File
EMB ABT Extended Module
EMB Orchida Embroidery System Embroidery Pattern (Orchida Soft)
EMBL IEMBL Nucleotide Format
EMC Striata Striata Encrypted Document (Striata)
EMC Ecrypt File (Email Connection)
EMD Micrografx System4 Media Manager File
EMD ABT EMD Module/Song Format
EMD Embroidery File
EMD ExpressThermo Log (Eclo, Lda.)
EMD POP Peeper E-mail Database (Mortal Universe Software Entertainment)
EMDL Softimage XSI Exported 3D Model (Softimage)
EMELODY Eericson eMelody Ringtone (Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson)
EMF Jigs@w Puzzle Template (Tibo Software)
EMF Extended (Enhanced) Windows Metafile Format
EMF EZClaim HCFA-1500 Graphic Image (EZClaim)
EMI Pocket Tanks Emitter File (BlitWise Productions LLC)
EMITTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EMK EMK Compress Archive (Elex Media)
EML QuickMail Pro
EML Outlook Express Electronic Mail (Microsoft Corporation)
EMLX OS X Tiger Mail E-mail File (Apple Inc.)
EMM EARS Mail Merge Definition
EMO Messenger Emoticon (Smiley) (Microsoft Corporation)
EMP Medlin Accounting Employee Data File (Medlin Accounting)
EMP eMusic File Format (, Inc.)
EMP EVEMon Skill Plan (Timothy Fries)
EMR Emrite
EMS eMachineShop CAD Design File (eMachineShop)
EMS Revolution EMSA 1.0 Spectrum File (4pi Analysis, Inc.)
EMS YoshimuraEMS Motorcycle Fuel Injection
EMS PC Tools Enhanced Menu System Config
EMT EverQuest (Sony)
EMT Unreal Engine Emitter (Epic Games, Inc.)
EMU BITCOM Terminal Emulation Data
EMU Emulation
EMUL1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EMUL2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EMUL3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EMUL4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EMUL5 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EMULECOLLECTION eMule Plus Collection (eMule Team)
EMV LabView Configuration File (EuroMeV)
EMX Emax System File
EMX MS-DOS Extender file
EMX Enigmacross Puzzle File
EMXD OneApp Pro E-mail Definition in XML (Sy.Med Development, Inc.)
EMY Eericsson eMelody Ringtone (Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson)
EMZ Windows Compressed Enhanced Metafile (Microsoft Corporation)
EN Stratum Template File
EN$ Cubase Compressed File (Steinberg)
ENB Evernote Database (Evernote Corporation)
ENB eNotebook Saved Notebook (eNotebook)
ENB eNewsletter Manager Database (e-undertown s.r.l.)
ENB Census of Employment and Wages Flat Data File (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
ENC CopySafe PDF Encrypted File (ArtistScope)
ENC BlackIce Evidence Log File
ENC Knowledgeware Encyclopedia
ENC My Personal Programmer Encrypted Distributed Project (M:Pact Technologies)
ENC Encore Musical Notation File (GVOX)
ENC Media Safe Encrypted Data (Nova Epoc Systems)
ENC Sniffer (DOS) Capture File (Network Associates Technology, Inc.)
ENC Census of Employment and Wages Flat Data File (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
ENC Video File
ENC Dungeon Related File
ENCRYPTED TopStudio Encrypted File
END Census of Employment and Wages Flat Data File (Bureau of Labor Statistics)
END Corel Draw Arrow Definition
END Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENE GROMACS Binary Energy File
ENEM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENEMY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENEX Evernote Exported XML (Evernote Corporation)
ENF EndNote Filter File
ENF RightClick-Encrypt File
ENF SmartScore Score (MUSITEK Corporation)
ENFF Extended Neutral File Format
ENG DreamMaker Program Source Code in English (Intelligent Systems)
ENG Personal Paint English Language User Interface File (Amiga)
ENG Dictionary
ENG Train Simulator Engine File (Microsoft Corporation)
ENG Sprint Dictionary Engine File
ENG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENG RealFlight Radio Control Airplane Description (Knife Edge Software)
ENG MATLAB Engine Routines (The MathWorks, Inc.)
ENG English Documentation
ENG EnerGrahics Chart Graphics File
ENGLISH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENH CRiSP Harvest File
ENIGMA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENJOYTHESILENCE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENL EndNote Library File
ENM eNewsletter Manager Message (e-undertown s.r.l.)
ENO FruitfulTime TaskManager Encrpted Task Notes (FruitfulTime)
ENOCHIAN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENOLAMIX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENOUGH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENP Entelligence Media Security Encrypted File/Folder (Entrust)
ENR Enroute Toolath
ENR PC Fold Energy
ENS Envox Studio Script (Envox Group)
ENS EndNote Style File (Thomson Reuters)
ENS REAKTOR Ensemble (Native Instruments)
ENT egseing Engineering HK Data
ENT Brookhaven PDB Molecule File
ENT SGML Entities, character mapping
ENT HyperChem Molecule File (Hypercube, Inc.)
ENT Entrust Entelligence Secured File
ENTERTAINER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENTRTAIN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENTRY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENTRY1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENU Win Ace204 File
ENU ATI Radeon Video Driver
ENV Train Simulator Environment File (Microsoft Corporation)
ENV TeamQuest View Environment (TeamQuest Corporation)
ENV Creatacard Envelope Project (Broderbund)
ENV WOPR Enveloper Macro
ENV Sierra Print Artist Envelope
ENV X-Plane Scenery File (Laminar Research)
ENV Novell ENVoy Data
ENV Motocross Madness 2 Track (Microsoft Corporation)
ENV HP-95 Environment; like CNF
ENV Envelope or Environment
ENV Acrobat Spelling File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
ENV The Golem Project Environment File
ENV WordPerfect Environment (Corel Corporation)
ENVELOPE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ENW Sierra LandDesigner 3D Terrain Modeling
ENW EndNote Import File (The Thomson Corporation)
ENX Rational XDE (IBM)
ENX eNeighborhoods Document (eNeighborhoods, Inc.)
ENZ EndNote Connection File (The Thomson Corporation)
EOBJ Geoworks Object Code
EOBJ Explorations RPG System Objects (Tyrone W. Lee)
EOC EncryptOnClick EncryptOnClick (2BrightSparks)
EOMODELD WebObjects Data Modeler (Apple Inc.)
EOMODELED WebObjects Data Model (Apple Inc.)
EON EON Studio File
EOP EON Studio File
EOT WEFT Embedded OpenType File (Microsoft Corporation)
EOT ExamView On-line Test (eInstruction)
EOX EON Studio File
EOZ EON Studio File
EP EasyPlot Saved Data (Spiral Software)
EP Bonas Jaquard EP Weave Format File
EP2 EclipsePackager Package
EPA Award BIOS Logo
EPC EPC Tools Diagram
EPC Jill Game File
EPD ChessDB Extended Position Description (Dr. David Kirkby)
EPD EARS Printer Definition
EPD Express Publisher Publication File
EPDF Encapsulated Portable Document Format
EPE EON Studio Personal Edition File
EPF EdgeCAM Part Data (Pathtrace Engineering Systems)
EPF Entrust Entelligence Profile (Entrust Inc.)
EPF WebSphere Development Studio Client Profile (IBM)
EPH NOAA Post-fit GPS Orbit Data
EPH GPS Pathfinder Office Ephemeris File (Trinble Navigation Limited)
EPHTML Enhanced Perl-parsed HTML File
EPI Encapsulated PostScript Interchange Format (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EPI EclipsePackager Invoice
EPI Express Publisher Encapsulated PostScript Text and graphics.
EPITASK Episode Task File (Telestream)
EPJ RapidSQL SCCS Project
EPJ Java-clients File
EPL Encirq \PL Programming Language Source File
EPL Tallyman E-commerce Software
EPM Destiny MPE Encoder Encrypted Portable Media File (Destiny Media Technologies Inc.)
EPML EPC Tools EPC Interchange Format (Nicolas Cuntz and Ekkart Kindler, Siegen University and University of Paderborn)
EPP EditPad Pro Project (JGsoft – Just Great Software)
EPR Eiffel Project Repository
EPR Actuate External Procedure Object (Actuate Corporation)
EPR Z88 Disk/ROM Image
EPRJ Pg4uw Project File (Elnec s.r.o.)
EPRT eDrawings File (SolidWorks Corporation)
EPS Encapsulated PostScript
EPS Ventura Printer Font (Corel)
EPS2 Level II Encapsulated PostScript (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EPS3 Level III Encapsulated PostScript (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EPSF Encapsulated PostScript (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EPSI Encapsulated PostScript Interchange Format (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EPSON Epson Printer Graphics File (Epson Corporation)
EPT Encapsulated PostScript Interchange TIFF Preview (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
EPT Elpoint Presentation File
EPT Clarion for Windows Embed Points File (SoftVelocity)
EPUB Open Publication Structure eBook (International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF))
EPW EnergyPlus Weather Data (United States Department of Energy)
EPW EasyPlot Saved Data (Spiral Software)
EPX Piranesi 3D Model File (Informatix Software International)
EPZ EON Studio Personal Edition File
EQD EquineMax Data File (Cattlesoft, Inc.)
EQF Winamp2/Winamp3 Equalizer Settings File
EQL DART Pro 98 Fabric Equalization Presets
EQN Equation
EQN WordPerfect Equation (Corel Corporation)
EQN KaleidaGraph Macro File (Synergy Software)
EQN HP-95LX Solver Equation File
EQP BPM Studio Equalizer Presets (ALCATech)
EQT ReliaSoft Weibull++ 6
EQU Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EQU AstroDigital.Net Equipment File (Panagiotis Xipteras, MSc, Dipl.-Ing.(FH))
EQU Assembly Language Equates
EQUATES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EQUILIBFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EQUS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EQW SPEFO Stellar Spectra Analysis File
EQX Goldwave 402 File
ER AOL 3.0 Organizer (America Online, Inc.)
ER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ER1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ER1 Visible Advantage
ER1 AllFusion ERwin Data (Computer Associates International, Inc.)
ER2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ER3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ERASURE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ERB Ruby on Rails Script (Ruby on Rails Project)
ERC Ercato Engine Ercaton (Living Pages Research GmbH.)
ERD Prosa Entity Relationship Diagram Graphic File
ERD Entity Relationship Diagram
ERD Eclipse Resource Database (The Eclipse Foundation)
ERD LocationFree TV Registration File (Sony Electronics Inc.)
ERF Neverwinter Nights Toolset Exported Resource
ERF SGML Visual DTD Entity Reference File
ERF BioWare Aurora Engine File (BioWare Corp.)
ERF Eclipse Resource File (The Eclipse Foundation)
ERG Arranger Audio File
ERI AllFusion ERwin Data (Computer Associates International, Inc.)
ERI Entis Rasterized Image
ERIC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ERL GameGuard Log File (INCA Internet Co, Ltd.)
ERM Prosa Entity Relationship Diagram Model File
ERM Entity Relationship Diagram Model
ERM Bitmap Graphic
ERP British Economics & Social Research Council Electronic Form
ERP NOAA Post-fit GPS Earth Rotation Parameters
ERR Error Log
ERR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ERROR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ERRORS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ERS Earth Resource Mapping Satellite Image Header
ERS EARS Control File
ERS Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)
ERS Eraser
ERWIN ERwin Data Modeler Data Model Information (CA)
ERX ERWin File
ER_ Winhelp Compressed File
ES Serious Sam Entity Class (Croteam Ltd.)
ES ESwin Estructuras Tridimensionales Project Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
ES EasySIGN Drawing Sheet
ESA ExeemSkin Archive (Swarm Systems Inc.)
ESA ExpertScan Survey Report (AutoData Systems)
ESA Enveloc Secure Archive (Enveloc, Inc.)
ESB es-Builder PIM Database (Season Workshop)
ESD ExpertScan Survey Document (AutoData Systems)
ESF Emblaze Audio File
ESF VisualAge Generator External Source Format (ESF) File (IBM)
ESFORM EasySurveyor Form File (Pepto Systems AB)
ESG Effect Size Generator Data File (Psytek Ltd.)
ESH Easy Splitter Split File
ESH Extended Shell Batch File
ESI eStore Image File (ePC)
ESI Escape Level Index (Tom Murphy VII)
ESI Esri Plot File
ESI Diskeeper Disk Defragmenter
ESJ Profile Master 2000 Archived Job Database (MAP Ltd.)
ESJ eCabinet Job (Thermwood Corporation)
ESK ESK Document Reader
ESK Longplay Vesa file
ESKIN Emperor Theme Skin (Emperor)
ESL Visual FoxPro Distributable Support Library (Microsoft Corporation)
ESL FoxPro Macintosh Runtime Library
ESL Everest Authoring System Screen Library
ESM Enhanced Simplex
ESM Europay Security Module
ESM The Elder Scrolls Main Game File (Bethesda Softworks LLC)
ESO FoxPro
ESP Edskes Software Pakket
ESP Personal Paint Spanish Language User Interface File (Amiga)
ESP appWeb Embedded Server Pages (Mbedthis)
ESP Easy Setup Program Configuration File (Microscan Systems, Inc.)
ESP Email Sentinel Pro Protected Email Attachments (DS Development)
ESP TESIV:Oblivion Plug-in (Bethesda Softworks LLC)
ESP ACD Analysis File
ESP Extension-Sort Packer Compressed Archive (GyikSoft & MikroLab)
ESP Morrowind: The Elder Scrolls Plug-in (Bethesda Softworks LLC)
ESP Eclipse Screensaver Project (The Eclipse Foundation)
ESP E$Planner File
ESP Ventura File
ESP ACD/CurveManager Analysis File
ESP Ethos System Analysis File
ESPS ESPS Audio File
ESR 4th Dimension Database Windows Procedure (4D, Inc.)
ESS EXP: The Scientific Word Processor Style Sheet
ESS Ekahau Site Survey Binary Container (Ekahau, Inc.)
ESS EasySpreadsheet Native Format File (e-press Corp)
ESS The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Saved Game (Bethesda Softworks LLC)
EST Webalizer.01 Lang File
EST Streets & Trips Trip File (Microsoft Corporation)
EST ICE 2000 File
ESTIMATE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
ESU LokSound Electronic Sound File (Electronic Solutions Ulm GmbH & Co. KG)
ESW Turbo Smetchik (Data Basis)
ESX Escape Level (Tom Murphy VII)
ESX Xactimate File
ESY EmEditor Syntax File (Emurasoft, Inc.)
ES_ Audio Waveprg Sounder Compressed File
ET RM Easiteach Educational Presentation (RM Educational Software, Inc.)
ET ETwin Electrodos de Tierra Project Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
ET1 Energy 10 Weather Data
ET2 Electronic Tax Return Security File
ETA Google Earth Overlay (Google)
ETA eTreppid Audio File
ETA Google Earth Placemark (Google)
ETB Seismograph File
ETBL eTextbookViewer Licence For Packaged Electronic Textbook (Textbook Solutions Limited)
ETBP eTextbookCreator Project (Textbook Solutions Limited)
ETBZ eTextbookViewer Packaged Electronic Textbook (Textbook Solutions Limited)
ETC Seismograph File
ETC eTreppid Compressed File
ETD Acrobat eBook Reader EBX Transfer Data File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
ETD EpsilonTest Test File (EpsilonSoft)
ETE EpsilonTest EDITOR Template (EpsilonSoft)
ETF PolyEdit File
ETF Enriched Text File
ETFF Theme Maker Theme Maker (Encrypt4allSoftware)
ETH HP Internet Advisor Capture File
ETH Ethnograph Document File
ETL Windows2000 Trace Log
ETL ThermaData Logger Log Data File (Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd)
ETL Eclipse Transition Listing (The Eclipse Foundation)
ETM eTreppid Audio File
ETP Visual Studio .NET Enterprise Template Project (Microsoft Corporation)
ETV eTreppid Audio File
ETW Turbo Smetchik (Data Basis)
ETX Setext (Structure Enhanced Text)
ETXT Secure Notepad Encrypted Text File (
ETZ RAM Elements RAM Elements Model (Bentley Systems, Inc)
EU Euphoria Include File (Rapid Deployment Software)
EU3 Europa Universalis III Saved Game (Paradox Interactive)
EUC EucliDraw Dynamic Geometry File (Logismos Inc.)
EUC Japanese
EUG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EUG2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EUI Ensoniq EPS Family Compacted Disk Image (E-MU Systems)
EUK Euklides Dynamic Geometry
EUM Euklides Dynamic Geometry
EUS EDonkey2000 Serverlist Tool
EUX Eulogica Funeral Information (Intelligent Software UK Ltd)
EV EchoView File
EV EV8 File
EV2 Calendar Commander Event File (Briggs Softworks)
EV2 Java File
EV3 EVERLOCK Options File
EV6 EV8 File
EVA MSX Video File
EVA Viz Modeler 3D Scene Archive
EVB Embedded Visual Basic File
EVC EchoView Color Scheme
EVE EmbeddedVectorEditor Diagram (Barry Kauler)
EVE Summit Event Manager Event Data File (MIE Software Pty Ltd)
EVENT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EVENTS Homeworld Animation/Effects Data (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
EVERYC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EVF SARscape� 4.1 Module for ENVI ENVI Vector File (ITT Visual Information Solutions)
EVI EchoView Index File
EVL Business Evaluation Systems Pro Spreadsheet (ValuSource, the valuation software division of John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
EVL CHASE Evaluation and Audit System Evaluation Lock File (Health And Safety Technology And Management Ltd.)
EVL EchoView Line File
EVL Cokriging Software COKRIG Output File
EVL Echoview Exported Line (SonarData Pty Ltd.)
EVO CRiSP Harvest File
EVO HD DVD Video (DVD Forum)
EVO EnVideo Video Animation Document (Computational Engineering International (CEI))
EVP Sound Envelope
EVPUPD EditVoicepack Update File (Lars M鴏lebjerg)
EVR EchoView Region File
EVR Cokriging Software COKRIG Output File
EVT eventvwr.msc Event Viewer Log File (Microsoft Corporation)
EVT PC Tools Event File Scheduler
EVT Cameo D1 Digital CCTV System Recording Event Log
EVTX eventvwr.msc (Microsoft Corporation)
EVY Envoy Document (Corel Corporation)
EVY Tumbleweed Software ActiveX Control A portable format.
EVZ EasyViz EPR Integration Script (Medical Insight A/S)
EW Euphoria Include File (Rapid Deployment Software)
EWB Electronics Workbench Circuit (Electronics Workbench Corporation)
EWB Ewisoft eCommerce Builder Binary Backup (Ewisoft)
EWB EasyWorship Bible Text File (Softouch Development, Inc.)
EWD Express Publisher for Windows Document
EWF EpicWriter Document (Epic) (Trollzsoft)
EWI PLAY Instrument File (East West Communications, Inc.)
EWL Encarta Document (Microsoft Corporation)
EWL EclipseCrossword Word List
EWP Ewisoft eCommerce Builder Project (Ewisoft)
EWP Evidence Washer Plug-In
EWP Elastic Collaboration EC-Button (Elastic Workspace Software, Inc.)
EWP AdWonder Archived Project (EyeWonder, Inc.)
EWP QuickCog Project File
EWPRJ National Instruments Electronics Workbench Group Project (National Instruments Corporation)
EWS QuickCog Sample Set File
EWS EasyWorship Presentation (Softouch Development, Inc.)
EWT Elastic Collaboration EC-Toolbar (Elastic Workspace Software, Inc.)
EWT Ewisoft eCommerce Builder Template (Ewisoft)
EWZ EdgeWize Compressed Encoded Data File (Qivx Inc.)
EX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EX Install Helper File
EX Cequadrant Backup File
EX EPM Macro File
EX Euphoria Source Code (Rapid Deployment Software)
EX Symantec Ghost Template File (Symantec Corporation)
EX! Modem Bitware Fax Disk1 File
EX$ Temporary File
EX$ Compressed File
EX$ MS Compressed EXE Decompress with UNPACK.EXE.
EX1 Renamed .EXE File
EX2 ExodusII File
EX2 PC Doctor File
EX3 Harvard Graphics Device Driver (Harvard Graphics)
EX4 MQL 4 Compiled Expert Advisor
EXA Examine32 Saved Search Parameters
EXA Lsys File
EXAML Examine32 Search Data (Aquila Software)
EXAMPL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXAMPLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXB Flash Image File
EXB Caxa CAD Drawing (Caxa ICP)
EXC Mail Exchange Component
EXC QEMM Exclude File
EXC REXX Program
EXC Text Document
EXC Word Exclusion Dictionary (Microsoft Corporation)
EXC Excentro Template (Excourse)
EXC Exces Vault (SeoSoft)
EXCEPTION As-U-Type Exceptions File (Fanix Software)
EXD Control Information Cache (Microsoft Corporation)
EXE Win32 Executable PowerBASIC (generic) (PowerBASIC, Inc.)
EXE PDP-10 Page-Mapped Executable Binary
EXE Win32 Executable PowerBASIC/Win 8.x (PowerBASIC, Inc.)
EXE Playstation Executable File (Sony Corporation of America)
EXE Settlers 4 Saved Game (Ubisoft Entertainment)
EXE Executable File (Microsoft Corporation)
EXE Out-of-process Code Component Used by COM Clients (Microsoft Corporation)
EXE Self-extracting Archive
EXE2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXE3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXEC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXECUTE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXEME Likely an .EXE File Be careful if you rename and run a file of this type.
EXEMPLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXF ExactFile Checksum Digest File (StudyLamp Software LLC.)
EXF Calculus EZ-Fax Fax
EXF Fuji EXIF Format File
EXF CostX Data Exchange File (Exactal Pty Ltd)
EXI exSILentia Project (exida)
EXJ Java File
EXL MIMEsweeper Ver 5 Expression List (Clearswift Limited)
EXL NSkill Neocron Character Builder (Reakktor Media GmbH)
EXM HP Palmtop 95/100/200LX System Manager Executable File (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
EXM RapidExam Test (XStream Software)
EXMPLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXO System File
EXP PharLap Protected Mode Executable Program
EXP Viscal C++ Export File (Microsoft Corporation)
EXP Export File
exp Expect Source Code
EXP ASCET Binary Model Description (ETAS GmbH)
EXP Drawing Express CAD Drawing File (Trial Systems)
EXP QuickBooks (Intuit Inc.)
EXP ERTS Experiment File (Berisoft)
EXP ICQ Saved Chat File (ICQ Inc.)
EXP CATIA Export File (Dassault Syst鑝es)
EXP STEP Express Schema
EXP Business Modeler Export of Models From Repository (XDIN AB)
EXP Melco Embroidery Design File
EXPERT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXPLAIN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXPLORE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXPLORER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXPLOSION Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXPORT CATIA Export File (Dassault Syst鑝es)
EXR OpenEXR Bitmap (Lucas Digital Ltd. LLC.)
EXS iBox Director Digital Signage Show File (inLighten, Inc.)
EXS Emagic EXS-24 Instrument Files (Apple Inc.)
EXT WS-FTP ASCII Binary Transfer File
EXT Extinction Corrected Photometry
EXT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXT E-mail Text Attachment
EXT Norton Commander Extension File
EXTBASE Associate This Extension Base (Spearit)
EXTRA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXTRA2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EXU Euphoria Source Code (Rapid Deployment Software)
EXW Euphoria Source Code (Rapid Deployment Software)
EXX IBM LinkWay MsgPut Intermediate File
EXY Orchida Embroidery System (Orchida Soft)
EX^ Norton Live Update File
EX_ Compressed EXE File
EYA eYaViewer Graphic (ESRI China (Beijing))
EYB Encarta Encyclopedia Yearbook and Web Links Update File (Microsoft Corporation)
EYE Renderize Project
EYE Eyemail Video (Eyemail Technology Inc (ETI))
EYE CubicEye Cube
EYE Glass Eye File
EYE Eyeris Encoded Audio/Video File (Eyewonder, Inc.)
EYE ETI Camcorder Pro Video File (Eyemail Technology, Inc.)
EYE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
EYETV EyeTV Video (Elgato Systems)
EZ2 EZPix Secure Photo Album Photo Package (Electronic Zombie Corp.)
EZ3 EZPix Secure Photo Album Photo Package (Electronic Zombie Corp.)
EZB EasyBoot Image File (EZB Systems, Inc.)
EZB EasyBookkeeper Native Format File (e-press Corp)
EZC EZScreen Screen Saver Editor
EZC EZClaim Memorized Claim File (EZClaim)
EZC EZGUI Designer Control Definition (Christopher R. Boss)
EZD WSxM Image File (Nanotec Electronica)
EZDRAW EazyDraw Native Data Format (Dekorra Optics LLC enterprise)
EZHEX Harmony Advanced Universal Remote Saved Configuration File (Logitech)
EZL EasyLog Well Log Record (EasySolve Software LLC)
EZM Text File
EZN EZClaim Memorized Note File (EZClaim)
EZP EZ-Pix Image (Xequte Software)
EZP EasyPlot Saved Data (Spiral Software)
EZP EDIUS Project File (Thomson S.A.)
EZP Edify Electronic Workforce Backup Utility Compressed Slips File
EZS Sunburst Technology Easy Sheet Document
EZS EZ-R Stats for Windows Batch Submit File (EZ-R Stats, LLC)
EZT Sunburst Technology Easy Sheet Template
EZW easyOFFER easyOFFER (Reagency Systems Corp.)
EZX EZ-Forms (EZ-Forms Company)
E_E Eru file
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Number Symbol
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