The Known File Extensions/Types References – C*
Posted by Admin L in IT Resources/Information on 09-12-2011.
Collector: Nosa Lee
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Now, I collected all the known file extensions/types for your reference, I grouped them according to the first character due to there are too many file extensions/types.
The following file extensions/types are grouped as C*, to refer to more file extensions/types or download them (a compressed txt file that separates the extension and description with ” : “), please click the following links.
Number Symbol
Download All File Types/Extensions in ONE Compressed File
C UNIX Compact File Achive
C Desktop Color Separation Specification Cyan Layer
C Check Point Site Configuration for Secure Remote (Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.)
C C/C++ Program File
C Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
C ADS Source Code (Autodesk, Inc.)
C Origin C Program File (OriginLab Corporation)
C V Cvip File
C!_ Audio Utility Midimach Compressed File
C#= C# (Microsoft Corporation)
C++ C++ Source Code
C– Sphinx C– Source
C0 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
C00 Ventura Print File
C00 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C01 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C01 Genesis 2000 (Genesis 2000, Inc.)
C02 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C02 (C02-C38) Driveimage Ace File
C03 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C04 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C05 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C06 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C07 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C08 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C08 Lord Of Destruction Game File
C09 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C1 Pov-ray for Windows v3.1 Scenes Advanced Newltpot File (Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty Ltd.)
C10 WinAce Compressed File Split Portion of Compressed File (e-merge GmbH)
C10 IRIG 106 Original Recording File (Range Commanders Council)
C13 Charlie Packer
C1S Capture One Photo Cache File (Phase One)
C2 Pov-ray for Windows v3.1 Scenes Advanced Newltpot File (Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty Ltd.)
C2C CopyToDVD Project File (VSO-Software)
C2D WinOnCD CD Image (Sonic Solutions)
C2E NJStar Chinese Word Processor Dictionary File Index (NJStar Software Corp.)
C2I Driver File
C2I Tt File
C2L Cequadrat WinonCD File
C2X WinonCD File
C3 3D Model
C3 Pov-ray for Windows v3.1 Scenes Advanced Newltpot File (Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty Ltd.)
C39 (C39-C56) Quicken Ace File
C3D Cult3D Designer Intermediate File
C3D Coordinate 3D
C3D Chem3D Chemical File (CambridgeSoft Corporation)
C3D Micrografx
C3E Cype
C3T Chem3D Chemical Template File
C4 Joint Engineering Data Management (JEDMICS) DoD Engineering Data Format
C4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
C4 Edmics
C4D Clonk Object Definition (RedWolf Design GmbH)
C4D Cinema 4D 3D Model (MAXON Computer GmbH)
C4F Clonk Round File (RedWolf Design GmbH)
C4G Clonk System File (RedWolf Design GmbH)
C4P Clonk Player File (RedWolf Design GmbH)
C4S Clonk Scenario (RedWolf Design GmbH)
C4V Clonk Video (RedWolf Design GmbH)
C6 Ashlar-Vellum (Ashlar Incorporated)
C64 Commodore 64 Game ROM
C86 Computer Innovation C86 C Program
C9 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CA CLAN Conversion Analysis (Child Language Data Exchange System)
CA FlexPlus Data File (DATAIR Employee Benefit Systems, Inc.)
CA Telnet Server Initial Cache Data File
CA0 Installer Packed and Split File (Borland Software Corporation)
CA1 OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Catalog File
CA1 Delphi Install Disk11 File
CA1 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
CA2 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
CA2 Delphi Install Disk12 File
CA3 Delphi Install Disk9 File
CA4 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
CA4 Electronics Workbench Circuit
CA4 Delphi Install Disk10 File
CA5 Delphi Install Disk11 File
CA7 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
CA7 Beta 44 Job File
CAB Cabinet File (Microsoft Corporation)
CAB Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAB Install Shield v5.x or 6.x Compressed File (InstallShield Software Corporation)
CAC Infoview (Microsoft Corporation)
CAC dBASE IV Executable File
CAC Collage Alarm Clock Alarm File (Collage Alarm Clock)
CACHE Snacc-1.3 VDA File
CACHE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAD EXTRACAD Drawing (Softwing Srl)
CAD Softdesk Drafix CAD File
CAD Inago Rage Compact Arena Definition (Dejobaan Games)
CAD CadStd Drawing (CadStd Computer)
CAD QuickCAD CAD Drawing (Autodesk, Inc.)
CADET Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAE Abaqus/CAE CAE Model File (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CAE Caditor Encrypted Document (Caglow)
CAF GarageBand Apple Loop (Apple Inc.)
CAF Southern Company Terrestrial Data Acq
CAF Class Action Gradebook Secondary/College Edition Data File (CalEd Software)
CAG CADfix ASCII Geometry File (ITI TranscenData)
CAG Clip Gallery Catalog File (Microsoft Corporation)
CAG Capella Gallery Data File (Capella Software)
CAI SeeYou Flight Data (Naviter)
CAISSE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAJ CAJViewer Full-text Database
CAK Sega FILM/CPK File Format (Sega of America, Inc.)
CAKEWALKWINDOWLAYOUT Cakewalk Window Layout (Cakewalk)
CAL Cakewalk Application Language Script (Cakewalk)
CAL SuperCalc Worksheet
CAL PhotoSmart 850 Digital Camera Firmware Update (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
CAL QV Map Geographic Coordinates (Touratech)
CAL Creatacard Calendar Project (Broderbund)
CAL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAL DOS Calendar Creator File
CAL Calendar File
CAL Schedule Data (Microsoft Corporation)
CAL CyberAudioLibrary Link
CAL HTML Calendar Maker Pro
CAL Radiance Function File Format
CAL Daqarta Extended Audio Data (Interstellar Research)
CALC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CALCULATOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CALENDAR1994 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CALL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAM Minolta Scanner 3D File (Minolta)
CAM Camtasia Studio Project/Producer Files (TechSmith Corporation)
CAM NASCAR Racing 2002 Replay Camera Settings (Sierra)
CAM Calibrated Camera File Photomodeller
CAM HouseCall AUTOEXEC.BAT Backup (Trend Micro Inc.)
CAM Mill Data File (GraphiTech Ltd.)
CAM Abe’s Oddysee Background (Oddworld Inhabitants)
CAM Casio QV Digital Camera Image (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
CAMP Windows Color System Color Appearance Model Profile (CAMP) (Microsoft Corporation)
CAMPROJ Camtasia Studio Project File (TechSmith Corporation)
CAMREC Camtasia Studio Recorder File (TechSmith Corporation)
CAMS Driver (Atari)
CAMSHR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAMTHTR Camtasia Studio Theater File (TechSmith Corporation)
CAN Canon Navigator Fax
CAN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAN .Can Encryptor/Decryptor Encrypted File
CAP NetMon Capture File (Microsoft Corporation)
CAP Snoop Capture File
CAP Telix Session Capture
CAP TTC FireBerd 500 PC Capture File
CAP Ventura Caption
CAP WWG Domino Capture File
CAP WWG LinkView PRO Capture File
CAP Generic Network Capture Document
CAP PacketView Pro Packet Trace Data (Klos Technologies, Inc.)
CAP Code Architect Project File (Embedded Systems Academy)
CAP Shomiti Surveyor Capture File
CAP ProComm/Telix session Capture File
CAP Sniffer Capture File (Network Associates Technology, Inc.)
CAP Fluke Protocol Inspector Capture File
CAP Capella Music Sheet Data File (Capella Software)
CAP Agilent LAN Analyzer Capture File
CAPITAL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAPROJ ChartAble Project File (MRDC Ltd)
CAPS Visimetrics Digital CCTV Recording
CAPS CaptureServer CaptureServer (GoldGingko Software)
CAPS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAR Railroad Tycoon 3 Car Properties (PopTop Software Inc.)
CAR Cellsprings/Web or DT Rule File (J.M.G. Elliott)
CAR PSA Cards Address Book (PSA Software)
CAR Design-Your-CD Data File (Avery)
CAR Carnivores / Ice Age Resource File (Action Forms, Ltd.)
CAR CardMaker Ver. 1.0-2.0 Card File (Avery)
CAR NeoBook Cartoon (NeoSoft Corp.)
CAR CAR Archive Compressed Archive (MylesHi! Software)
CAR SeeYou Airspace (Naviter)
CAR Viper Racing Car Description File
CAR Creatacard Quarter-Fold Card Project (Broderbund)
CAR AtHome Assistant
CAR Carrara Environment (DAZ Productions)
CAR Insight II Cartesian Coordinate File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
CAR NASCAR Racing 2002 Car Description File (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
CARAMBA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CARD Funkiball Adventure Auto-Saved Game File (RealNetworks Inc.)
CARD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CARDS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAROL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAROLES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAS FLUENT Case (Fluent Incorporated)
CAS Comma-delimited ASCII File
CAS Quest Compiled Adventure Game (Axe Software)
CAS Atari Cassette Image File (Atari)
CAS i2’s Case Notebook Timeline Analysis
CAS Cascade DTP Ver. 3 Layout File (Price Media)
CAS Videoton TVC Computer Tape File
CAS Casio Calculator Program (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
CAS4 Cascade DTP Ver. 4 Layout File (Price Media)
CASE EnSight Results File (Computational Engineering International (CEI))
CASE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CASECONVERT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CASTLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAT Todd Osborne Directory Catalog
CAT TablEdit Chord Catalog
CAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAT Security Catalog (Microsoft Corporation)
CAT Catz Cat Description File (Ubisoft Entertainment)
CAT Cognos Impromptu Database Report
CAT TAPCIS Forum Library Catalog
CAT Casio Calculator Program (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
cat UNIX Configuration File
cat UNIX Message Catalog File
CAT dBASE Catalog
CAT OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Catalog File
CAT Advanced Disk Catalog Disk Catalog (Elcomsoft)
CAT Rational Rose Logical Package (IBM)
CAT Quicken IntelliCharge Categorization File (Intuit Inc.)
CAT PhotoStudio (ArcSoft, Inc.)
CATALOG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CATALOG CATIA Catalog (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATANALYSIS CATIA (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATDRAWING CATIA Drawing (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATEGORIES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CATFCT CATIA (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATMATERIAL CATIA Material Specification (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATPART CATIA Part Description (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATPROCESS CATIA Process Description (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATPRODUCT CATIA Product Description (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATSHAPE CATIA Shape (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATSWL CATIA (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CATSYSTEM CATIA (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CAULDRON Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAVE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CAZ Computer Associates Archive (CA)
CA_ Cakepro Compressed Audio File
CB Crystal Button File
CB Gigascape Virtual Town Project (Third Dimension Limited)
CB CoolBasic Source File (CoolBasic Software)
CB Brief Macro Source Code
CB COMBAS Source Code (Living Byte Software GmbH)
CB Clean Boot File (Microsoft Corporation)
CB3 CliBench Mk III SMP 0.7.10
CB4 Analytics Cube (Actuate Corporation)
CB7 Comic Book Viewer
CBC CubiCalc Fuzzy Logic System File
CBCP CodeBaby Production Studio Character Package (CodeBaby Corp.)
CBCX Comic Book Creator Comic Book Save File Format (Planetwide Media)
CBD MapBrowser/MapWriter Vector Map Data
CBD System DLL Catroot File
CBD WordPerfect Dictionary File (Corel Corporation)
CBDS Comic Book DS Comic Book DS (Gnese)
CBF Infinity Game Engine Archive of Resources (BioWare Corp.)
CBF CoffeeCup Button Factory Button (CoffeeCup Software, Inc.)
CBF Calendar Builder Saved Calendar (RKS Software)
CBH ChessBase Chess Database File
CBI IBM Mainframe Column Binary Formatted File
CBIN CACTVS Chemical Binary Format
CBK Kreon Scanner File
CBK Giza Specifier Drawing Backup File (20-20 Technologies)
CBK CardScan Backup File (Corex Technologies)
CBK System DLL Catroot File
CBK National Construction Estimator 32 Costbook
CBL CD Box Labeler Pro (Green Point Software UK Ltd.)
CBL Contextual Browsing Language Viewer
CBL RM/COBOL Development System Source File (Liant)
CBL PDP-10 COBOL Compiler Source
CBLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CBM Fuzzy Bitmap
CBM XLib Compiled Bitmap
CBMV Comic Book Millennium Comic Book Collection (Beaver Valley Software Company)
CBN CBN Selector Smart Image (CBN Systems)
CBN PaperMaster Cabinet (j2 Global Communications, Inc.)
CBO Interactive Training Bookmark (Microsoft Corporation)
CBO COMBAS Object File / Compiled Program (Living Byte Software GmbH)
CBP Conlab Project (Apix Concrete Solutions)
CBP CD Box Labeler Pro (Green Point Software UK Ltd.)
CBP Code::Blocks Project File (The Code::Blocks Team)
CBP CentraBuilder (CentraLearning International)
CBR CDisplay RAR Archived Comic Book File
CBS Code Breaker Save File (GSCCC, Inc.)
CBS Computer Based Training (Microsoft Corporation)
CBS Calendar Builder Style Sheet (RKS Software)
CBS Borland Computer Based Training (Borland Software Corporation)
CBS Cardbox Macro Script
CBS MasterWord Button Bar Configuration
CBT Computer Based Training
CBTX Comic Book Creator Comic Book Page Template File (Planetwide Media)
CBTZ Comic Book Creator Comic Book Page Template Container File (Planetwide Media)
CBU Conlab Update Information (Apix Concrete Solutions)
CBV ChessBase Archive File (ChessBase GMBH)
CBW Cardbox Workspace
CBX Rational XDE (IBM)
CBZ CDisplay ZIP Archived Comic Book File
CC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CC KODAK Color Control Profile (KODAK)
CC Trojan Spymaster.A Text File
CC ADS Source Code (Autodesk, Inc.)
CC CC Language Source Code
CC Visual dBASE Custom Class File
CC C++ Program File
CC dB2K Custom Class File
CC Picture Window’s Color Curve File
CC1 Chem3D Cartesian Coordinates 1
CC1 Briggs Softworks Calendar Commander
CC2 ClubControl 2
CC2 Chem3D Cartesian Coordinates 2
CC2 Calendar Commander Calendar File (Briggs Softworks)
CC3 CUEcards Professional Database (Marcus Humann)
CC5 Calendar Creator 5.x 6.x File
CCA Common Component Architecture (CCA) Component (Dept. of Energy Laboratories)
CCA CC:Mail Archive File (IBM)
CCA Multimedia Fusion File (Clickteam)
CCAD ClarisCAD data
CCB Visual Basic Animated Button Configuration
CCC WordPerfect Office Calendar File (Corel Corporation)
CCC Curtain Call Native Bitmap Graphic
CCC FLEXnet Manager (Acresso Software Inc.)
CCC Internet Chat (Comic Chat) Conversation/Chatroom Log (Microsoft Corporation)
CCD IsoBuster Data Recovery File (Smart Projects)
CCD CloneCD Control File (SlySoft Inc.)
CCD Vector CAD Program File
CCDOC Rational CCDoctor Output (IBM)
CCE Calendar Creator 2 Event File
CCF Symphony Communications Configuration File
CCF CryptLoad Container File (CryptLoad)
CCF OS/2 Multimedia Viewer Configuration File
CCF AudioReQuest Control File
CCF Card Studio Card File Template (Hallmark)
CCF Cannondale Motorcycle ECM System Engine Calibration File (Cannondale Corp.)
CCF Cumulus Database (Canto)
CCF Remote Control File
CCF CommView Capture File (TamoSoft, Inc.)
CCF GPS Pathfinder Office Configuration File (Trinble Navigation Limited)
CCH Corel Chart
CCH Forgotten Realms Unlimited Adventures (FRUA) Character Reference File
CCH Photomodeler Photochip Thumbnail File (OES Systems)
CCH PhotoModeler
CCH Fabasoft Components
CCH .NET Configuration and Security Policy File (Microsoft Corporation)
CCI CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
CCITT CCITT Group 3 and Group 4 Encoding
CCJ Crossword Compiler Compiled Crossword Applet (Antony Lewis)
CCK Corel Clipart Format (Corel)
CCL Intalk Communication Command Language
CCL CCtools Levelset (Translucent Dragon)
CCL PDP-10 Concise Command Language (Used by COMPIL.EXE to Talk to Compilers)
CCM CC:Mail Mailbox (IBM)
CCM Multimedia Fusion Custom Menu (Clickteam)
CCN Calendar Constructer Calendar Data (Aspire Software)
CCN Multimedia Fusion Express File (IMSI/Design LLC)
CCN Vitalize! Game File
CCO CyberChat Data File
CCO Command Console Command File (DigitallyCreated)
CCO XBTX BTX Graphics File
CCO MicroSim PCBoard Autorouter Session Output
CCP CaptureCAM-PRO Screen Recording (Click-N-Learn PTY LTD)
CCP ‘RIB Import Converter Profiles Import profile (RIB Software)
CCP Two Brothers Software Encrypted File Information (Two Brothers Software)
CCP CalComp Color Palette File
CCP CloneCD (SlySoft Inc.)
CCPR CaptureCAM-PRO (Click-N-Learn PTY LTD)
CCR Systems Management Server (SMS) Client Configuration Request (Microsoft Corporation)
CCR Internet Chat Room Shortcut (Microsoft Corporation)
CCR HealthFrame ASTM Continuity of Care Record (Records For Living, Inc.)
CCRF Calcomp Raster Bitmap
CCS CableNut Configuration Custom Setting File (CableNut Software)
CCS CCS-lib File
CCS CONKY CeZaR Stribas International
CCS TrialDirector Clip Script (inData Corporation)
CCS Candy Candy (Construction Computer Software)
CCT SIL Hebrew Font System Transliteration Table
CCT Railroad Tycoon 3 Car Type Description (PopTop Software Inc.)
CCT MicroSim PCBoard Design Information and Rules For Autorouting
CCT LogicWorks Schematic File (Capilano Computing)
CCT DesignWorks Schematic File (Capilano Computing)
CCT Windows Live Messenger Contacts File (Microsoft Corp.)
CCT Macromedia Director Shockwave Cast (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CCV Crystal Vision Report (CTMS)
CCX CorelDraw File
CCX Corel Compressed Exchange File
CCX Total Annihilation: Counter-Strike
CCX Multimedia Fusion Extension (Clickteam)
CCXML Call Control eXtensible Markup Language (W3C)
CCZ Client-Course Manager Customized Report Distribution File (PTEP Inc)
CC_ Audio Utility Midimach Compressed File
CD Class Diagram (Unicode)
CD CD-i OptImage CD Image
CD cdTree Content List
CD1 Cafeteria Document System Data File (DATAIR Employee Benefit Systems, Inc.)
CD150 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CD2 Cafeteria Document System Custom Text File (DATAIR Employee Benefit Systems, Inc.)
CD2 Click’N Design 3D CD Label (Avery Dennison Corporation)
CDA CD Audio Track Shortcut
CDA Giza Specifier Typical File (20-20 Technologies)
CDA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CDAT Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server Cache File (Microsoft Corporation)
CDB SeeYou Waypoint (Naviter)
CDB Giza Specifier Design File (20-20 Technologies)
CDB The Cleaner Trojan Database (Moosoft Development LLC.)
CDB Mactive AdBase Data (Mactive AB)
CDB FreeOTFE Keyfile (Sarah Dean)
CDB CardScan Database (Corex Technologies)
CDB Clipboard File
CDB Nokia 9210/9290 Phone Contact Database (Nokia)
CDB One Page from a ROM With a View Project File
CDB PowerDesigner Conceptual Model Backup File
CDB SymbianOS Contact Database File
CDB Turbo C Database (Borland Software Corporation)
CDB Pocket Access Database (Microsoft Corporation)
CDBK SPSS Database File
CDC Nero CD Cover File (Nero AG)
CDC Chromeleon Driver Configuration Plug-in
CDC Canvastic Documnet/Drawing (Canvastic)
CDC CLAN Debug File (Child Language Data Exchange System)
CDD CD-Architect Driver File (Sonic Foundry)
CDD CADAM Drawing (Dassault Systemes)
CDD Chromeleon Device Driver
CDD Claris Draw v 1.2 Document
CDD Cadifra Diagram (Cadifra Inc.)
CDD Balder Multiboot Configuration File (Hans Christian Ihlen)
CDD Concept Draw Drawing/Diagram (Computer Systems Odessa, Corp.)
CDDS Midtown Madness 3 Data
CDE Honeywell Hybrid Control Designer
CDE CADKEY Dynamic Extension (Kubotek USA Inc.)
CDEV Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CDEVSAMPLES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CDF MicroSim PCBoard Component Description File For Bill Of Materials
CDF ANDI/netCDF Mass Spectrometry Data Interchange format
CDF Channel Definition Format (Microsoft Corporation)
CDF Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Chain Description File (Xilinx, Inc.)
CDF ASCII Format Describing VRML Worlds
CDF InstallShield Components Definition File (Acresso Software Inc.)
CDF Comma Delimited Format
CDF CDF Player Computable Document Format (Wolfram)
CDF Nominal Accounting Nominal Accounting (bsmArt Consulting)
CDF Cyberspace Description Format
CDF Unidata NetCDF Graphic File (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
CDG DART Karaoke Studio CD+G File
CDG CanoDraw Graph (Microcomputer Power)
CDI Phillips Compact Disk Interactive Format
CDI Disc Juggler CD Image File
CDI CD Anywhere Virtual CD (V Communications, Inc.)
CDJ Disc Juggler File
CDK CD Katalog (KRISoftware)
CDK Calamus Document (invers Software)
CDK OS/2 Saved SKF Format File (IBM)
CDKEY Protocol Used in Communicating from MediaRemote Server to PC MediaRemote Plug-in
CDL CaseWare Working Papers Document Link
CDL NetCDF CDL Metadata (Unidata)
CDL CADKEY Advanced Design Language (CADL) (Kubotek USA Inc.)
CDL CD Label Pro CD Label Pro Project
CDL SignLab Vector Graphic
CDM Visual dBASE Custom Data Module
CDM Novell NetWare Disk Drivers NPA
CDM PowerDesigner Conceptual Model File
CDM Minolta Scanner 3D File (Minolta)
CDM NTI CD&DVD-Maker Image File (NewTech Infosystems)
CDM Compressed Music Format
CDMM ConceptDraw MINDMAP Mind Map (Computer Systems Odessa Corporation)
CDMP Windows Color System Device Model Profile (DMP) (Microsoft Corporation)
CDN Click’N Design 3D CD Label (Avery Dennison Corporation)
CDO CADAM Overlay (Dassault Systemes)
CDO Cdo Navigator
CDP Ca Visual Objects Platform for Developer (CAVO) (CA)
CDP CD/Spectrum Pro
CDPRJ CD Menu Creator Project File (Drackon Tech)
CDPX ConceptDraw PROJECT Document (Computer Systems Odessa Corporation)
CDPZ ConceptDraw MINDMAP Document (Computer Systems Odessa Corporation)
CDQ CD Indexer
CDR Sound File
CDR Elite Plus Commander Saved Game
CDR GameJack Virtual CD or DVD Image (S.A.D. GmbH.)
CDR Corel Vector Graphic Drawing (Corel Corporation)
CDR Final Cut Pro CD/DVD Image File (Apple Inc.)
CDR Raw Audio-CD Data
CDRZIP DICOM Zipped Image Archive
CDS TrialDirector Input File (inData Corporation)
CDS United States Postal Service Computerized Delivery Sequence
CDS ChemDraw Stationery Document
CDS Delphi TClientDataset Data (Borland Software Corporation)
CDSC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CDSG DrawMusic Chord Song (Conrad Albrecht)
CDT MRS-802 Album Data (Zoom Corporation)
CDT STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
CDT ProWORX Nxt Temporary Long Comment Data (Schneider Electric)
CDT CorelDraw Template (Corel)
CDV Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CDV CatDV Media Catalog (Square Box Systems Ltd.)
CDW CeledyDraw Drawing (Celedy Software Inc.)
CDW CADKEY Organized Dialog File (CADKEY)
CDX Visual Foxpro Index (Microsoft Corporation)
CDX Active Server Document
CDX MicroStation Cell Library Index (Bentley Systems, Incorporated)
CDX NovaBACKUP Backup Database Index (NovaStor Corporation)
CDX iAnywhere Index File (Sybase, Inc.)
CDX Alpha Five Table Index (Alpha Software, Inc.)
CDX Compound Index
CDX Corel Draw Compressed Drawing
CDX ChemDraw Chemical Structure Exchange File (CambridgeSoft Corporation)
CDXL Old Amiga Movie Format
CDXML ChemDraw XML ChemDraw Format
CDZ Cadenzo Music File (Heiko Hinz)
CDZ ROM With a View Project File
CE CA Clipper Workbench Application
CE Computer Eyes, Digital Vision
CE FarSide Computer Calendar File
CE1 Computer Eyes Raw Low Resolution Image
CE2 Computer Eyes Raw Medium Resolution Image
CE3 Calendar Creator 3.x 4.x Event List
CEB Apabi eBook
CEC Colombia en Cifras Financial Archive (Lunasoft Colombia Ltda.)
CEF CruzerLock Encrypted File (SanDisk Corporation)
CEF CA Clipper Workbench Application
CEF Class Action Gradebook Elementary Edition Data File (CalEd Software)
CEF CenturionMail Encrypted File (CenturionSoft)
CEF Spaix PumpSelector Catalog Exchange Format (VSX – VOGEL SOFTWARE GMBH)
CEG Continuous Edge Graphic Bitmap (Edsun)
CEG Tempra Show Bitmap Graphic
CEI CRiSP Harvest File
CEL Animator Graphic (Autodesk, Inc.)
CEL CIMFast Event Language File
CEL MicroStation Cell Library (Bentley Systems, Incorporated)
CEL Lumena CEL Bitmap (Time Arts Software)
CEL Audition Loop File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CEL Celestia 3D Rendering Script
CEL KiSS Paper Doll File
CEL2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CELL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CELLAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CELTIC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CELX Celestia 3D Rendering Script
CEM Empire Earth Game File
CEM Computer Graphics Metafile
CEN Master Tracker Financial Analysis
CEO Extension associated with Winevar Worm
CEP CostOS Estimating Project Database File (Nomitech Unlimited)
CER Sierra Print Artist Certificate
CER Cerius2 (Accelrys Software Inc.)
CER Creatacard Certificate Project (Broderbund)
CER Lahey Fortran Compilation Error Messages
CER Internet Security Certificate File
CER MSI Cerius II Chemical Format File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
CES Sheffield Dictionary File
CEV LOUT Character Encoding File
CEV Software License Tracking Tool
CEX INMOS Transputer Development System Occam User Program
CEX ThumbsPlus File
CEX The Currency Exchanger Rate File
CEX CLAN Output File (Child Language Data Exchange System)
CF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CF Imake Configuration File
CF CFwin Project Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
CF Sendmail Configuration File
CF1 Common File Format 1
CF2 Common File Format 2
CF4 Catfish File Manager Support File
CFA Premiere Pro Audio File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CFB Comptons Multimedia File
CFB Inmos Binary Configuration File
CFC Cold Fusion Component File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CFD CryptoForge Document (Ranquel Technologies)
CFDG Context Free Design Grammar
CFE CryptoForge Encrypted File (Ranquel Technologies)
CFF Common File Format
CFF BoomTracker 4.0
CFF Capabilities File for FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1
CFG Flight Simulator Aircraft Configuration File (Microsoft Corporation)
CFG Configuration
CFG Pro/ENGINEER Configuration (PTC)
CFG Proxomitron Configuration File (Scott R. Lemmon (deceased))
CFH Capabilities File for FOUNDATION Fieldbus HSE
CFI CleverForm Script File (Code Development Ltd.)
CFIG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CFK MS Developer Studio Diagram
CFK Kardplay 1.62 File
CFL Developer Studio Diagram (Microsoft Corporation)
CFL Corel Flowchart File
CFL Compressed File Library File (Compressed File Container)
CFM Cold Fusion Template File
CFM Corel FontMaster
CFM Visual dBASE Windows Customer Form
CFML Cold Fusion Markup Language
CFN Calamus Font Data (invers Software)
CFO Turbo C (Borland Software Corporation)
CFO TCU Turbo C Utilities C Form Object
CFP QuickBooks Cash Flow Projector File (Intuit Inc.)
CFP Complete Fax Portable Fax File
CFR IBM Configurator Report
CFR NRC Inspection Manual CFR Guidance
CFS ChatFactory Script (ChatFactory Team)
CFS Inmos Configuration File
CFS Signal Data (Cambridge Electronic Design Limited)
CFT Flow Chart; Corel Flow Template
CFT Cumberland Family Tree
CFT Animation Studio CFast Graphics File (Disney)
CFW ChemFinder Form
CFX Creative DSP File
CFX Flow-Cal File
CFX Casio Algebra FX 2.0 Add-in (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
CG Norton Crashguard File
CG Chord Groover Guitar Song (
CG Cg Toolkit Shader (NVIDIA Corporation)
CG3 Cabri 3D License File (CABRILOG SAS)
CG3 Dungeons & Dragons Character File (Wizards of the Coast, Inc.)
CGA Ventura CGA Screen Characters
CGA Color Graphics Adapter Graphics Data
CGA CGA Resolution BMP Bitmap
CGB Gameboy Color
CGF ProWORX Nxt CODEGEN Batch File (Schneider Electric)
CGF Egrid32 Grid Format File (Elias Montoya)
CGF Asm Objasm
CGF Family Tree Creator Deluxe (Broderbund)
cgi Common Gateway Interface Script
CGL CodeGuard Error Log
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile [New Style]
CGM Computer Graphics Metafile [Old Style]
CGO Railroad Tycoon 3 Car Properties (PopTop Software Inc.)
CGP PixelCryptor Package File (CodeGazer)
CGP DVDFab Change Graphic Picture (Fengtao Software Inc.)
CGP NetCaptor CaptorGroup (Stilesoft, Inc.)
CGR CATIA Drawing (Dassault Syst鑝es)
CGR Quest3D Program Part (Act-3D B.V.)
CGT GOLD Parsing System Table (Devin Cook (and Contributors))
CH String Data Storage (Encrypted)
CH Clipper Header
CH OS/2 Configuration File
CH String Data Storage
CH1 ViewChoice (Payroll Associates, LLC)
CH1 Freelance Graphics CHart (IBM)
CH10 IRIG 106 Original Recording File (Range Commanders Council)
CH3 Harvard Graphics Chart (Harvard Graphics)
CH4 Charisma 4.0 Presentation
CHA PageMaker Kerning Data (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CHA Challenger Encrypted File (it-com4)
CHA Character Data
CHA CLAN Frequency Sample File (Child Language Data Exchange System)
CHA mIRC Chat File
CHANG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHANGE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHANGELOG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHANGER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHANGES Squeak Change File
CHANGES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHAR1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHAR2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHAR3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHAR4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHARSET Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHART Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHART2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHAT PIRCH98 Chat File
CHATLOG Adium Chat Log (Adium Team)
CHB Oledb Checkbook File
CHD ViewChoice (Payroll Associates, LLC)
CHD Ares Font Chameleon Font Descriptor
CHD MAME Compressed Hard Disk File (MAME Team)
CHD ChartFX File
CHE CHwinEHE Control Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
CHEAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHEAT The Sims Custom Settings (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
CHEATS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHECK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHECKER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHESSREV Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHESSTITANSSAVE-MS Chess Titans Saved Game File (Microsoft Corporation)
CHF pcAnywhere Remote Control File
CHG Quicken On-line Data File (Intuit Inc.)
CHG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHGR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHH C++ Header
CHI Help File Index (Microsoft Corporation)
CHI ChiWriter Document
CHI TOMBO Encrypted File (Tomohisa Hirami and TOMBO Maintainers)
CHIME Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHIMES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHJ Help Composer Project
CHK Sophos Intercheck File
CHK 3D Movie Maker Interface Data File (Microsoft Corporation)
CHK WordPerfect Temporary File (Corel Corporation)
CHK Blue Coat ProxySG ProxySG Image File (Blue Coat Systems Inc)
CHK SSConvert Multilanguage Video Subtitle Data (Screen Subtitling Systems Ltd.)
CHK EpiData Check File (EpiData Association)
CHK Starcraft Campaign Map
CHKEXP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHKJAIL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHL Chile Compressed File
CHL Black and White 2 Game Data Script (Lionhead Studios)
CHL Configuration History Log
CHL RealPlayer Live Channel
CHL Internet Explorer Channel Information (Microsoft Corporation)
CHL ConTEXT Highlighter (ConTEXT Project Ltd.)
CHL Chromeleon Channel Raw Data
CHM Ares Font Chameleon Source Font – Font Outline
CHM ChemDraw Chemical Structure (CambridgeSoft Corporation)
CHM HTML Help Compiled Help File (Microsoft Corporation)
CHN Ethnograph Data File
CHO Chord Pro Song Format (Mussoft)
CHO Ares Font Chameleon Output Font
CHO Animation:Master Choreography (Hash)
CHOICE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHOOCHOO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHOPIN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHOPPER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHOPRO Chord Pro Song Format (Mussoft)
CHOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHORALE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHORD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHORDHARM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHORDPIANO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHORES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHORUS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHP DVD Chapter File
CHP CodeHealer Project File (SOCK Software, LLC)
CHP FLOWer (Pallas Athena)
CHP BizInt Smart Charts for Patents Document (BizInt Solutions)
CHP Ventura Publisher Chapter (Corel Corporation)
CHQ Help Combined Full-text Search File (Microsoft Corporation)
CHR Wormhole 2.0/ Liero Graphics Editor Liero Graphics Mod
CHR Infinity Game Engine Exported Character Info (BioWare Corp.)
CHR Borland Language Stroke Font File (Borland Software Corporation)
CHR Character or Font File
CHRISTMAS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHROMAFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHS ChessRally Saved Game/E-mail Attached Game (Ingenuware, Ltd.)
CHS Corel WP Chart Style
CHS ATI Radeon Video Driver
CHT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHT ICQ Saved Chat Session (ICQ Inc.)
CHT ChartViewer dBASE Interface File
CHT ChartFX Template File
CHT My Health Software Chart (My Health Software)
CHT Navigator Vector Chart File (Tecepe)
CHT BizInt Smart Charts for Drug Pipelines Document (BizInt Solutions)
CHT Cheat Machine Data File
CHT SPSS Template (SPSS, Inc.)
CHT Sierra Generations Family Tree Chart (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
CHT ZSNES Cheat Code (ZSNES Team)
CHT Novagraph Chartist File
CHT Harvard Graphics Vector File (Harvard Graphics)
CHT Chartist from Novagraph
CHU Infinity Game Engine GUI Elements File (BioWare Corp.)
CHURCH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CHUZZLEDELUXESAVEDGAME Chuzzle Deluxe Saved Game (PopCap Games, Inc.)
CHW HTML Help General Index Funtionally comparable to .GID.
CHX ZX-Editor Second Edition Big Font Files (OmikroN-Software)
CHZ ChArc Compressed File Archive
CI I Script (Caglow)
CI CitectSCADA File
CI2 Calin Lawyer’s Interest Calculator Ver 2 Data File (Lawtech (Aust) Pty Ltd.)
CI3 Calin Lawyer’s Interest Calculator Data File (Lawtech (Aust) Pty Ltd.)
CIA Sheffield Dictionary File
CID CallerID File (AnalogX)
CID coDiagnostiX User Defined Implant (IVS Solutions AG)
CID Navigator Chart Image Description (Tecepe)
CIDA xplorer� Scrap File Document (Nikos Bozinis)
CIDF Creative ID Document File (Creative ID Software)
CIF Easy CD Creator Image (Sonic Solutions)
CIF Colombo Ipermedia File
CIF Chip Layout Information
CIF Ariba Buyer Catalog Information Format (Ariba Inc.)
CIF CalTech Intermediate Graphic
CIF Crystallographic Information File
CIF Ventura Converted Image File
CIF Creator Document File (MultiAd, Inc.)
CIF Ventura Chapter Information
CIF pcAnywhere Caller File
CIG Fastback Plus Compressed Backup
CIK Corel Graphics Ver. 10 Custom Dual Tone File (Corel)
CIK Norton CleanSweep Installation Log (Symantec Corporation)
CIL Norton CleanSweep Installation Log (Symantec Corporation)
CIL Clip Gallery Download Package (Microsoft Corporation)
CIM SimCity 2000 (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
CIM CIMEX Cimpack Design Drawing File
CIM CompuApps Drive Backup Image
CIM The Ultimate Draw C Text Mode Image File
CIM GE Industrial Systems CIMPLICITY HMI Screen
CIN Cineon Bitmap (Kodak)
CIN Digital Moving Picture Exchange Bitmap (The Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers)
CIN Cinetitler Digital Screen Subtitling
CIN Cinemania (Microsoft Corporation)
CIN Calculux Indoor Project (Royal Philips Electronics)
CIN Quake II Cinematic Video (id Software)
CIN OS/2 Change Control File
CIN Photo-Sonics Picture Sequence
CIP Ghost Keylogger File
CIP CryptoBuddy Encrypted File (Research Triangle Software)
CIPO Internet Same as .CPI.
CIQ CableIQ Test Data (Fluke Networks)
CIR PSpice Circuit File (Cadence Design Systems, Inc.)
CIR real-PCB Netlist (Crocodile Clips Ltd)
CIR SuperMax E-CAD Save-File Command
CIRCLES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CIS TAPCIS Parameter/Address Book/Rates File
CIS CheckInbox File
CISO Pismo File Mount Package Compact ISO
CIT Intergraph Scanned Image (Intergraph Corporation)
CIT Norton CleanSweep Installation Log (Symantec Corporation)
CIT SeeYou Vector Maps (Naviter)
CIT ClockIt Employee Duty Roster (
CITY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CIV Empire Earth Custom Civilization Information (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
CIV4REPLAY Civilization IV Replay File (Firaxis Games, Inc.)
CIV4SAVEDGAME Civilization IV Saved Game (Firaxis Games, Inc.)
CIV4WORLDBUILDERSAVE Civilization IV Saved World Builder Data (Firaxis Games, Inc.)
CIX Rational XDE (IBM)
CIX TCU Turbo C Utilities Database Index
CJB cleaner XL Job (discreet (an Autodesk Company))
CJP WinOnCD Project File (Sonic Solutions)
CK ChucK Source Code (ChucK Team)
CK1 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 Data File
CK2 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 Data File
CK2 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 2 Data File
CK2 ViewChoice (Payroll Associates, LLC)
CK3 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 Data File
CK3 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 3 Data File
CK4 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 Data File
CK4 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 4 Data File
CK5 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 5 Data File
CK5 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 Data File
CK6 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 6 Data File
CK6 iD/Apogee Commander Keen 1 Data File
CKA Comfort Keys Database (Comfort Software Group)
CKB C++ Keyboard Mapping File (Borland Software Corporation)
CKD CADKEY Workshop Design File (Kubotek USA Inc.)
CKD KeyCreator Design Container File (Kubotek USA Inc.)
CKF Music Data Management Software Casio Keyboard File (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
CKI Off by One Browser Persistent HTTP Cookies (Off By One Productions, a division of Home Page Software Inc.)
CKO KnockOut 2 Image Mask (Corel)
CKP Ingres Checkpoint File (Computer Associates International, Inc.)
CKP Valise Secure Archive (CertainKey, Inc.)
CKT Crocodile Clips
CKT CircuitMaker Schematic (Altium Limited)
CKT B2 Spice Curcuit Design (Beige Bag Software, Inc.)
CKT KeyCreator Template File (Kubotek USA Inc.)
CKV CheckVision Database (CheckVision GmbH)
CKX ChucK Plug-in (ChucK Team)
CKY DSOrganize DSOrganise (Dragon Minded)
CL Generic LISP Source Code
CL CLwin Project Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
CL ArtIcons Pro Cursor Library (Aha-soft)
CL3 Bruker Aspect NMR Data File
CL3 Easy CD Creator Layout File (Sonic Solutions)
CL4 Easy CD Creator Ver 4 Layout File (Sonic Solutions)
CL5 Easy CD Creator Layout File (Project) (Sonic Solutions)
CLA CLASS336 Markup Language
CLA Java Class File (Sun)
CLA Clarion for DOS Source Code (SoftVelocity)
CLAP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLASS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLASS Java Class File (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
CLASS Java Bytecode (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
CLASS Gambas Gambas Class Source File (Gambas Team)
CLB ICQ Contact List (ICQ Inc.)
CLB cdrLabel Compact Disc Label
CLB Super NoteTab ClipBook Template
CLB Corel Library
CLB Office XP Developer Code Librarian (Microsoft Corporation)
CLB COM+ Catalog File
CLB Total Club Manager Single Club Info (Electronic Arts Inc.)
CLBX MP3 Automagic CD Cover Creator (MACCC) Label (Brian Pipa and PipaSoft)
CLC Schedule+ 7-Habits Mission Statement (Microsoft Corporation)
CLC UltimaCalc Calculation Data File (UltimaCalc)
CLC Corel Catalog
CLD CD-Label Print Label Layout File (Canon, Inc.)
CLD Skerryvore Software Simply Calenders
CLD CD Label Designer Design File (Dataland Software)
CLD ClamWin AntiVirus Database (Clam AntiVirus Team)
CLD Clam AntiVirus Database (Clam AntiVirus Team)
CLD Terragen Cloud Layer File (Planetside Software)
CLD CA Clipper Debugger Configuration File
CLDLYR Terragen Cloud Layer File (Planetside Software)
CLE Icon Lock-iT Locked File Indicator (Moon Valley Software, Inc.)
CLEAN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLEANER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLEAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLEARANCE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLF ListPro Database (Ilium Software, Inc.)
CLF DesignWorks Symbol Library (Capilano Computing)
CLG Disk Catalog Database
CLG CollageMaker Graphic (Galleria Software)
CLG Maxagrid CTM Log File
CLI Client Management System Customer File (HawkSoft, Inc.)
CLICK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLIP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLIP1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLIP2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLJ Clojure Source Code (Rich Hickey, Open Source Project Sponsor)
CLK R.A.V.E. Animation File (Corel)
CLK WatchGuard Cloaked File (WatchGuard Technologies, Inc.)
CLK ClickFORMS Data (Bradford Technologies Inc.)
CLKK Clicker Keyboard (Crick Software Ltd.)
CLKT Clicker Template (Crick Software Ltd.)
CLKW Clicker Word Bank (Crick Software Ltd.)
CLKX Clicker Grid Set (Crick Software Ltd.)
CLL OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Custom Library Search
CLL Clicker (Crick Software Ltd.)
CLM Micrografx Picture Publisher 7 Macro
CLMOV Clan Lord Movie – Visiostone (Delta Tao Software)
CLN Backup Configuration File
CLO Cloe Ray-Tracer
CLO SPSS Chart Look (SPSS, Inc.)
CLOCK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLOE Cloe Ray-Tracer
CLOG SpreadMaster Client Log (
CLOSED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLOUD GOM Atos Scanner File
CLOUD Homeworld Cloud Data (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
CLP DeskMate Clip
CLP Quattro Pro Clip Art (Corel)
CLP Windows Clipboard/Picture
CLP Clipper 5 Compiler Script
CLP PC Paint/Pictor Picture
CLPI Blu-ray Clip AV Stream File (Blu-ray Disc Association)
CLR Flash Color Table File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CLR Boxer/2 Color Scheme
CLR 1st Reader Binary Color Screen Image
CLR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLR Vue Color Maps (e-on software, inc.)
CLR WinMX Color Scheme (Frontcode Technologies)
CLR PhotStyler Color Definition
CLR WinEdit Colorization Word List
CLR FileMaker Spelling Dictionary
CLS C++ Class Definition
CLS Visual Basic Class Module
CLS ArcView Geocoding Classification File (ESRI)
CLS JavaScript Class
CLS MS VisC++/Visual Basic Class Definition
CLS MS VB-4 Class Module Add-In
cls LaTeX Class Definitinon
CLT VisualBoyAdvance Cheat List (Forgotten and VBA Team)
CLU IBM PCI Cryptographic Coprocessor Code File (IBM)
CLU CLUCalc Geometric Algebra Description (CLUScript File) (Christian Perwass)
CLU Phantasmagoria 2 8-bit Playback Pallete File
CLU XNBC V8 Biological Neural Network Simulation Workstation Cluster Names
CLU Broken Sword 2 Dialog File (THQ Inc.)
CLU Clusse Node File (Heikki Hannikainen)
CLUB Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLUBS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CLV Clovis for Outlook Schema Settings (Steelhead Systems)
CLV Vbox Current Language File (Aladdin Knowledge Systems)
CLV Yamaha Cool Voices (Yamaha Corporation of America)
CLW Visual C++ Class Wizard File (Microsoft Corporation)
CLW Clarion for Windows Source Code (SoftVelocity)
CLX Macro ToolsWorks Macro
CLX Acrobat (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CLX Ceelox SecureMail Encrypted Document (Ceelox Inc.)
CLX Rational XDE (IBM)
CLY Corel Graphics Ver.10 Custom Layouts File (Corel)
CLY ACT! Layout (Best Software CRM Division)
CL_ C Poet compressed Disk1 File
CM Unix Puzzle 8-bit Bitmap
CM CopyMinder Contains the secure code that performs a copy protection check (Microcosm)
CM Craftman Data File
CM1 CaseMap Version 1.x Case Analysis File (LexisNexis)
CM2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CM2 CaseMap Version 2.x Case Analysis File (LexisNexis)
CM2 Curious Labs Poser Camera File
CM3 CaseMap Version 3.x Case Analysis File (LexisNexis)
CM4 CaseMap Version 4.x Case Analysis File (LexisNexis)
CM4 ClipMate Data File
CM4 Championship Manager 4 Saved Game (Sports Interactive Ltd.)
CM5 CaseMap Version 5.x Case Analysis File (LexisNexis)
CM6 CaseMap Version 6.x Case Analysis File (LexisNexis)
CM7 CaseMap Version 7.x Case Analysis File (LexisNexis)
CMA Camomile Library File
CMA Coach 6 Activities File (Foundation CMA – Centre for Microcomputer Applications)
CMA Filetopia Collection Manager List (Filetopia)
CMA Applix TM1 Database
CMAP CmapTools Concept Map (IHMC)
CMAP Hex Workshop Color Map File (BreakPoint Software, Inc.)
CMB Reason Combinator Instrument Patch (Propellerhead Software)
CMB Xtree for Windows Button Bar
CMB Chromeleon Backup Archive
CMBL Logger Pro Data (Vernier Software & Technology)
CMBX #develop (SharpDevelop) Combine File (IC#Code)
CMC PowerFront File
CMC Comic Collector Collection Data (
CMD Summit Contact Manager Contact Database (MIE Software Pty Ltd)
CMD Command File for Windows NT (Microsoft Corporation)
CMD OS/2 REXX Batch File
CMD DOS CP/M Command File
CMD dBASE II Program File
CMD PDP-10 Indirect Command File
CMD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CMD 1st Reader External Command Menu
CMD5 CrystalMaker Data (CrystalMaker Software Ltd.)
CMDF CrystalMaker Data (CrystalMaker Software Ltd.)
CMDR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CME Crazy Machines Level File (Pepper Games)
CMF Corel Metafile
CMF CopyMate Data File (GraphiTech Ltd.)
CMF Connection Manager Fixer File
CMF CaseMap File Viewer Definition (LexisNexis)
CMF Creative Music File
CMF MapPoint 2006 Map File (Microsoft Corporation)
CMG cramfs ROM Filesystem Package
CMG Chessmaster Saved Game (Ubisoft Entertainment)
CMI CD Mate CD Burning Image File (An Chen Computers Co. Ltd.)
CMI Camomile Interface File
CMK Card Shop Plus File
CML Filetopia Collection Manager List (Filetopia)
CML Crazy Machines Saved Laboratory File (Pepper Games)
CML PADGen Company Info File
CML ProWORX Nxt Comment Data (Schneider Electric)
CML Chemical Markup Language Document
CML Cheat Machine Library File
CMM CEnvi (ScriptEase:Desktop) Batch File
CMMF CrystalMaker Data (CrystalMaker Software Ltd.)
CMMP Camtasia Studio Menu Maker Project (TechSmith Corporation)
CMMTPL Camtasia Studio Menu Maker Template (TechSmith Corporation)
CMN Systems Management Server (SMS) Collection Membership Update (Microsoft Corporation)
CMN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CMO Virtools Behavioral Server Composition
CMO Spanish Whiz What Did You Say? Sound File (GB Blanchard)
CMP Freelancer Physical Model Layout (Microsoft Corporation)
CMP Microsoft Sharepoint Microsoft Sharepoint (Microsoft Corporation)
CMP HotDocs Template Component File (Matthew Bender & Company, a member of the LexisNexis Group)
CMP Discorp CMP Image
CMP Leadview (LEAD) Bitmap
CMP Internet Explorer Custom Menu Plug-in (Microsoft Corporation)
CMP Open Access File
CMP Photofinish Calibration MaP
CMP PKWare Compression Library Compressed Data
CMP Route 66 Address Document
CMP CraftMan Data
CMP SWAT 3 Compressed Sound File
CMP Giza Specifier Color Map (20-20 Technologies)
CMP Chord Pro Song Format (Mussoft)
CMP Word for DOS User Dictionary (Microsoft Corporation)
CMP Generic CADD Component File
CMP CaseMap Send To TimeMap Plug-in (LexisNexis)
CMP Technics Keyboard Composer File
CMP CorelDRAW Postscript Printer Header
CMP THEOS Compressed Archive (THEOS Software Corporation)
CMP Address Document
CMPRB CaseMap ReportBook Plug-in (LexisNexis)
CMPROJ Channel Master Project (SharpC Consulting Group)
CMPT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CMQ Culturemetrics
CMR CribMaster File
CMR MediaPlayer Movie
CMR SeeYou Raster Maps (Naviter)
CMR Coach 6 Saved Results File (Foundation CMA – Centre for Microcomputer Applications)
CMRBK CaseMap ReportBook Definition (LexisNexis)
CMRT CraftMan Data
CMS TrialDirector Case File (inData Corporation)
CMS TrialDirector Compound Media Storage
CMS CaseMap Case Script (LexisNexis)
CMS Coach 6 Project File (Foundation CMA – Centre for Microcomputer Applications)
CMT e-Sword Commentary (Rick Meyers)
CMT Chinon ES-1000 Digital Camera
CMT Culturemetrics
CMT Corel Draw
CMTD Cool Moon To Do To Do List (Cool Moon Software, LLC.)
CMU Andrew Toolkit CMU Format (Andrew Consortium)
CMU CMU Window Manager Bitmap
CMU Carnegie Mellon Univeristy Stereo Raster Image
CMUWM Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) Window Manager Bitmap
CMV Creative Zen/Centrale Media Player Video File (Creative Technology Ltd.)
CMV CorelDRAW 4.0 Movie Animation (Corel Corporation)
CMW Custom Maintenance Wizard File (Microsoft Corporation)
CMX Qualcomm CMX Ringtone
CMX Patch File
CMX The Sims 3D Body Mesh Data (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
CMX Apple Viewer (Apple Inc.)
CMX Rational XDE (IBM)
CMX Presentation Exchange Image (Corel)
CMXA Camomile Packed Library File
CMY Corel40 Custom File
CMYK Raw Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black Samples
CN CNwin Project Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
CNA Catena Data File (OpEx Software LLC)
CNB Pegasus Mail Mail Message in Noticeboard (David Harris)
CNC Click ‘n Create File (Clickteam)
CNC CNC General Program Data
CNC3REPLAY Command & Conquer 3 Replay (Westwood Studios)
CND Embroidery Design File
CND ControlDraw File
CNDF Compressed Channel Data File Contains data about satellite TV channels.
CNF minisat or ubcsat Connective Normal Form Logic Equations (SATLIB – The Satisfiability Library)
CNF 1-2-3 Configuration (IBM)
CNF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CNF Windows SpeedDial (Microsoft Corporation)
CNF Inor MinIpaq Software File
CNF Conference Link
CNF Configuration File Used by Telnet, Windows, and other applications with varying internal formats.
CNF KiSS Paper Doll Set
CNM NoteMap Outline File (LexisNexis)
CNM Windows Application Menu Options and Setup File
CNM Pegasus Mail New Mail Message (David Harris)
CNM WinRoute Electronic Mail File (Kerio Technologies Inc.)
CNQ Compuworks Design Shop File
CNQ WebShop Platinum Project File (Boomerang Software, Inc.)
CNR Click’N’Run Installation Package (Linspire,Inc.)
CNR Pegasus Mail Mail Message in Systemwide Folder (David Harris)
CNR CRiSP Harvest File
CNREG EULANDA Warenwirtschaft (ERP) Configuration Information
CNREP EULANDA ERP System Report Template
CNS Windows2000 Client Connection Manager Export File (Microsoft Corporation)
CNT Rational Rose 98 Contents Tab File (IBM)
CNT Help File Contents
CNV WS_FTP Pro Upload Conversion File Data
CNV WordPerfect Temporary File (Corel Corporation)
CNV DB2 Conversion File
CNV Canvas Versions 6, 7, 8, 9 Graphic File (ACD Systems Ltd.)
CNV Word Data Conversion File (Microsoft Corporation)
CNX Rational XDE (IBM)
CN_ Regeditx File
CO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CO Cult3D ActiveX Player Application (Cycore Systems AB)
CO Cobalt v8 3D file (Ashlar-Vellum)
CO$ MS Compressed COM Decompress with UNPACK.EXE.
COA Medlin Accounting Chart of Accounts With Beginning of Year Balances (Medlin Accounting)
COA TrueSpace 3D Object (Caligari Corporation)
COB RM/COBOL Runtime System Application File (Liant)
COB TrueSpace Object (Caligari Corporation)
COB COBOL Program File
COB Total Annihilation Unit Script (Cavedog Entertainment)
COB Creatures Compiled Object File (Gameware Development Ltd.)
COB TrueSpace2 Object
COBRA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COCO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COD FORTRAN Compiled Code
COD Agent Charmap (Fort�)
COD Compiler Program Code
COD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COD Forecast Plus
COD dBASE Template Source File
COD Video Text File
COD Code List
COD Multiplan Data File (Microsoft Corporation)
COD StatPac Gold Datafile
COD Charset Code File
COD SWAT Input Control File
COD UUPC Code Definition Table
COD C Compiler Output (Microsoft Corporation)
COD Boxer/2 printer Code Definition File
COD dBASE Application Generator Template Source File
COD Blackberry Compiled Java Code (Research In Motion Limited)
COD Atlantis Word Processor Encrypted Document (Rising Sun Solutions, Inc.)
CODE Graal and Related Servers Encrypted Cache (Cyberjoueurs)
CODE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CODE0 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CODE1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CODE2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CODE3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CODE4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CODEC Rockbox CODEC (The Rockbox Crew)
CODES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COF Days Of Death Program/Media Saved Information (ColemanSystems)
COK Carmageddon Patch File
COKE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COL Notes Import Column Description File (IBM)
COL Movie Maker Collection File (Microsoft Corporation)
COL HTML Help Collection File (Microsoft Corporation)
COL SequoiaView Color Template (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven)
COL IFF Color Map Palette
COL Grand Theft Auto III Collision Data (Rockstar Games)
COL Internet Color Wizard Color Scheme
COL Multiplan Spreadsheet (Microsoft Corporation)
COL Autodesk Color Palette (Autodesk, Inc.)
COL MPEG Audio Collection Collection (The MAC Team)
COL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COLA Cola Source Code (The Perl Foundation)
COLLAPSE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COLLECTION Shareaza Collection (Shareaza Pty. Ltd.)
COLLOQUYTRANSCRIPT Colloquy Chat Transcript (
COLOGNELA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COLOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COLOR Amaya Configuration
COLOR2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COLORS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COM EICAR Anti-Virus Test File (EICAR)
COM Command
COM DOS or CP/M Executable
COM Psion Organiser CommsLink Setup File (Psion PLC)
COM Common Object Module
COM AOL (America Online, Inc.)
COM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COM2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMBAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMFYCAKESSAVE-MS Purble Place Saved Game (Microsoft Corporation)
COMICSCARTOON Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMMANDLINE Commandline Powertoy File
COMMANDS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMMANDS2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMMENTS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMMON MATLAB Install File (The MathWorks, Inc.)
COMMS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMPACT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMPANY Chris Sawyer抯 Locomotion Company Owner Face (Atari Interactive, Inc.)
COMPARE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMPARISON Merge Comparison Report (Araxis Ltd.)
COMPAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMPAT Likely a Text File
COMPILERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMPLICATIONS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMPOSER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMPPIANO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COMPRESSION Dreamweaver Web Compression (
COMPRESSOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CON LucasArts Container File (LucasArts Entertainment Company LLC)
CON Train Simulator Train/Model Identification File (Microsoft Corporation)
CON Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CON Tree Professional Conifer Creator File
CON Concept Application Server Source Code (RadGs Software s.r.l)
CON Simdir Configuration File
CON Trace Data File (GraphiTech Ltd.)
CON Knowledgeware Consolidation File
CON WordPerfect Document Concordance (Corel Corporation)
CON Battlefield 1942 Configuration File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
CON Unreal 2 Audio File (Epic Games, Inc.)
CONCERTO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONF Psitree psitree Router Configuration File
CONF Palace Server Server Configuration (
CONF Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONF IRC Related Configuration File
CONF Linux Configuration File
CONFERENCE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONFIDENT2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONFIDENTIAL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONFIG WatchDirectory Task Information (GdP Software)
CONFIG Rockbox Configuration File (The Rockbox Crew)
config UNIX Configuration File
CONFIG CRiSP Harvest File
CONFIG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONFIG NET Application Configuration Information (Microsoft Corporation)
CONFIGDBLINK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONFIGS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONFIGURE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONNECTION Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONSEQUEN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONSOLE WinNT Console File
CONSOLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONTACT Windows Vista Contact File (Microsoft Corporation)
CONTENTS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONTENTSONCLIPBOARD Contents on Clipboard Powertoy File
CONTROL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONTROL Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) Control Specifications Data (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
CONTROLPANEL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONV Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONV Stylus Studio Data Conversion Template (DataDirect Technologies, a division of Progress Software Corporation)
CONVERSIONS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONVERT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONVERT2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CONVERTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COO Fabasoft Components
COO Cookie File
COOKIES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COOL QB – Text Analyzer Archive (Sierra Vista Software)
COP Tree Professional Conifer Creator Image File
COPIER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COPIEREC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COPPER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COPY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COPYING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COPYR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COR Web GPS Correction Server Export File
COR Cokriging Software COREG Output File
COR Protein Structure File
COR Insight II Output Coordinate File (Accelrys Software Inc.)
COR posem Correction File (Nimal Solutions Ltd.)
CORE Core Software Tech CORE IDC Bitmap
CORELPROJECT Photo Album Project (Corel Corporation)
CORELSHOW MediaOne Enhanced Slideshow File (Corel Corporation)
CORRECT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CORRECTION As-U-Type Correction FIle (Fanix Software)
CORTOUCHKA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COS Scarlett Expert System Compiler Query File
COS Creatures Object Source (Gameware Development Ltd.)
COS3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COSMO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COSMO2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COSMO3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COSMO4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COSMO5 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COSTS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
COT Intergraph Raster Graphic (Intergraph Corporation)
COUNT Gen Counters File
COUNTER Netobjects Fusion Components Bbscomp Message File
COV Fax Cover Page (Microsoft Corporation)
COX Multimedia Fusion Plug-In (Clickteam)
CP CPIde Component Pascal Source (CFB Software)
CP Audition Script (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CP Xcode C++ Source (CodeWarrior/XCode) (Apple Inc.)
CP Sound Shared File
CP CompuMedic Database
CP1 Compel Show Ver 1 Presentation (Click2learn, Inc.)
CP2 Compel Show Ver 2 Presentation (Click2learn, Inc.)
CP8 CP8 256 Gray Scale Image
CP? LoseThos C+ Source File (Terry A. Davis)
CPA Premiere Conformed Audio File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CPA Colasoft Capsa
CPA Cimrex Prog (Beijer Electronics)
CPA Compass program of the Takahashi
CPAN Tucows Info File (Tucows Inc.)
CPAO 3dize Cool Page Objects Counter File
CPC Cartesian Products Compressed Internet Document (Cartesian Products, Inc.)
CPD Fax Coversheet
CPD Complaints Desk Script
CPD Corel PrintOffice File
CPE Fax Cover Sheet (Microsoft Corporation)
CPF IGO 8 3D Buildings Database File (Global Services LLC)
CPF CPF Editor Contract Preparation Form Submission File (CORDIS)
CPF CircuitCAM Manufacturing Process Definition File (Aegis Industrial Software Corporation)
CPF CaseMap Portable Format (LexisNexis)
CPF ProWORX Nxt Comment Pointer And Length File (Schneider Electric)
CPF O&O CleverCache Profile (O&O Software GmbH)
CPF Complete PC Fax File
CPF Canvastic Preferences (Canvastic)
CPG 3dize Cool Page File Tutorial
CPGZ Compressed UNIX CPIO Archive
CPH Print House Image (Corel Corporation)
CPI Sietronics CPI XRD Document (Sietronics Pty Ltd)
CPI Windows International Code Page (Microsoft Corporate)
CPI Calamus Graphic (invers Software)
CPI Cartesian Products Compressed Internet Document (Cartesian Products, Inc.)
CPI ColorLab Processed Image
CPI AVCHD Clip Information
CPICS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CPJ Commotion File
CPJ CeQuadrant CD Project
CPK Sega FILM/CPK File Format (Sega of America, Inc.)
CPL Windows Control Panel Extension (Microsoft Corporation)
CPL Compel Show Ver 1 Presentation (Click2learn, Inc.)
CPL Corel Color Palette (Corel)
CPL TrialDirector Concordance File (inData Corporation)
CPM InterComm Project Manager File
CPM Cisco Secure Policy Manager File
CPM ConceptHDL Project File
CPM CP/M Executable
CPM Turbo Pascal DOS File (Borland Software Corporation)
CPN Rise of Nations Campaign File (Microsoft Corporation)
CPN Age of Empires I and II Campaign File (Microsoft Corporation)
CPN CPN Tools CPN Model File (CPN Group at the University of Aarhus)
CPO Corel Print House File
CPP C++ Builder 6 (Borland Software Corporation)
CPP Visual C++ Source Code File (Microsoft Corporation)
CPP CA-Cricket Presents Presentation
CPP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CPP Xcode Core C Program (Apple Inc.)
CPP Maya OpenGL 3D Scene (Alias Systems, a division of Silicon Graphics Limited)
CPQ Exam Essentials Exam File (Cyber Pass Inc.)
CPR Patrician II
CPR Corel Presents Presentation
CPR INMOS Transputer Development System Occam Program Code Fold
CPR Cubase Project File (Steinberg)
CPR CPC Plus Cartridge Image
CPR Knowledge Access Graphics
CPR PV-WAVE Compiled Procedure File
CPR ConTEXT Project File (Eden Kirin)
CPR Port Royale
CPS Classroom Performance System File
CPS Photo House Image (Corel Corporation)
CPS QEMM Backup of Startup Files
CPS Colored PostScript File
CPS Anti-Virus Checksum
CPS Central Point PC Tools Backup
CPT CA Cricket Presents Template
CPT After Shot (Corel Corporation)
CPT Compact Pro Archive (Cyclos)
CPT dBASE Encrypted Memo
CPT Corel Photo-Paint Image (Corel)
CPT CCRYPT Encrypted File
CPT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CPT6 Corel Photo-Paint Image
CPTHEME cPanel Theme Package (cPanel, Inc.)
CPU Sysoft Sandra File
CPX Rise of Nations Campaign File (Microsoft Corporation)
CPX Age of Empires I and II Campaign File (Microsoft Corporation)
CPX Code Page Translation File (Microsoft Corporation)
CPX Control Panel Applet
CPX Corel Presentation Exchange Compressed Drawing
CPX CryptaPix Encrypted Image
CPY Cobol Include
CPY Flexus COBOL Definitions
CPY Copy Books Data File
CPY Atari Ramdrive CPY Commands
CPY eCopy Scanned Document (eCopy, Inc.)
CPY RM/COBOL Development System Include File (Liant)
CPZ LoseThos C+ Source File (Terry A. Davis)
CPZ CP Shrink Archive (Symantec Corporation)
CQ CP/M SYSGEN Replacement
CQL XDCC Catcher Saved Queue List (SiHiDa and balduz (Developers))
CQQ Cool Quiz
CQS CADfix Quality Standard (ITI TranscenData)
CQZ Cool Quiz
CR CRiSP Source Code
CR Iris Printer CT Format Bitmap
CR Crack File
CR$ BASIC VB Kartei File
CR2 Curious Labs Poser Character File
CR2 Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format (Canon, Inc.)
CR4 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
CR5 Tripod Data Systmes Survey Pro Coordinate File
CR7 STABCAL (stability calculation for aqueous systems) File
CRA Advanced Crack File (usually text)
CRA Personal Craft Factory File
CRACK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRACKING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRACKPOTY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRAM Compressed ROM File System File
CRASH OS X Crash Reporter Crash Report (Apple Inc.)
CRASH2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRATE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRAW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRAZE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRAZY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRB BigOven Recipe Database (Lakefront Software, Inc.)
CRC Total Commander CRC File (Christian Ghisler, C. Ghisler & Co.)
CRC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRC Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)
CRC JPEG Sheriff CRC Info File (engineering bureau Office Automation)
CRC16 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRD Windows Cardfile
CRD ColdRED Script File
CRD Guitar Chord File
CRD Spanish Whiz Card Game Sound File (GB Blanchard)
CRDEL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRDOWNLOAD Google Chrome Google Chrome (Google)
CRE LiveUpdate Crescendo Catapult File
CRE Infinity Game Engine Monster Description (BioWare Corp.)
CREATOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CREDITS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CREG CrazayReg Database (Crazy-Team)
CRF CHARTrunner Chart Definition (PQ Systems)
CRF Thief: The Dark Project Archive
CRF MASM Cross-Reference File
CRF Database Cross-Reference File
CRF Programming Cross-reference
CRF Sierra Print Artist Craft
CRF System Shock 2 Archive
CRF Thief 2: The Metal Age Archive
CRF OM2Cipher Recipient File
CRF Zortech C++ Cross-Reference File
CRF Calcomp Raster Bitmap
CRG Calamus Graphic (invers Software)
CRH EBwin Estudio Basico de Seguridad y Salud Health and Safety Project Information (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
CRH Golf Image File (Microsoft Corporation)
CRH Links Games Course File
CRK Crack File
CRL Certificate Revocation List
CRLD Clicker Crick Resource Library Data File (Crick Software Ltd.)
CRM Capital Research Vendor Bid System
CRM Netmino File
CRM CHARTrunner Multi-Chart Definition (PQ Systems)
CRO Webalizer.01 Lang File
CRONTAB Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CROPS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CROSS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CROWN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRP MSI SecureDoc Encrypted File (Micro-Star Int’l Co.,Ltd.)
CRP Corel Presents Run-Time Presentation
CRP dBASE Encrypted Database
CRP Visual dBASE Custom Report
CRS StepMania Course (StepMania Development Team)
CRS Gold Game Course File
CRS WordPerfect 5.1 for Windows File Conversion Resource (Corel Corporation)
CRS Links Games Course File
CRS Dance With Intensity
CRT UNIX Crontab File
CRT Oracle Terminal Settings Info
CRT C64 Cartridge Image
CRT Soft Concert Karaoke File
CRT GlobalSign Certificate File
CRT X.509v3 Security Certificate
CRU CRUSH Compressed Archive
CRUNCH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRUNCHER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRV Corel Graphics Ver. 10 Custom Gradients File (Corel)
CRV Daqarta Extended Audio Data (Interstellar Research)
CRW Canon Digital Camera Raw Image Format (Canon, Inc.)
CRW Crossword Genius
CRW Cadrail Train Terrain Layout (Sandia Software)
CRW CHARTrunner Workspace Definition (PQ Systems)
CRX Google Chrome Plugin/Extension File (Google)
CRX Links Games Course File
CRY CryEngine Sandbox Editor 2 Level Information File (CRYTEK)
CRY Cypherix/Cryptainer Encrypted Volume File Format (Cypherix)
CRY Crypto Chat II Encrypted Notebook-content
CRYPTOMITE CryptoMite Encrypted Archive (BAxBEx Software)
CRYPTRA Cryptra.exe Encrypted file (BMB Software)
CRYPTX Cryptx Encrypted File ((CSI) Centro Studi Informatica di Danilo Priore)
CRYSTALHAMMERREMIX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CRZ Links Games Course File
CRZ FScruiser Cruise Record (USDA Forest Service)
CS Visual C#.NET Source Code (Microsoft Corporation)
CS Tribes 2 Scripting File (Sierra)
CS Caditor Document (Caglow)
CS CLEO 3 Custom Script (Seemann)
CS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CS ClearSilver (ClearSilver)
CS Fractal Lab Data/Parameter File (Mystic Fractal)
CS Torque Game Engine Script (GarageGames)
CS-CNF Currency Server Software Configuration (Cloanto Corporation)
CS1 CaptureShop 1-Shot Image (Sinar)
CS3 Casio WK-1800 Keyboard Output File (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
CS4 CaptureShop 4-Shot Image (Sinar)
CSA Ultimate Ride Roller Coaster
CSA InterComm ASCII Sheet File
CSA Comma Deliminated Text
CSB CircuitSoft Viewer
CSB Pci Ncr3030 Ncrflash File
CSB Corel Photo-Paint Script (Corel)
CSC Corel Script (Corel)
CSC Wizard
CSC CrystalControl LCD Control Software Screen (Crystalfontz)
CSD Chemsoft MSDS Database File
CSD Bitstream Fontware
CSD Embroidery Design File
CSD CHI-LLC Storage Designer Design (Computer Human Interaction, LLC)
CSD Canon Camera Configuration File (Canon, Inc.)
CSD Csound Unified File Format for Orchestras and Scores (Dr. Richard Boulanger)
CSD EasyLink Measurement Database (Damalini AB)
CSE Cardinal Studio Template File
CSE GPS Pathfinder Office Coordinate System (Trinble Navigation Limited)
CSF Brava Reader Content Sealed Format (Informative Graphics Corp)
CSF Acrobat Color Setting (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CSF Photoshop Color Settings (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CSF [Unknown]
CSF GeoMedia Coordinate System File
CSF Van Dyke’s CRT/SecureCRT Script File
CSF Uefa Champions League Logis Cutscene File
CSFDB Open CASCADE 3D Model File (Open CASCADE Company)
CSG Statistica Graph File
CSH Cubase Offline Processing Information (Steinberg Media Technologies GmbH.)
CSH Photoshop Custom Shape (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CSH UNIX csh Shell Script
CSH csh Script
CSH Hamilton Labs C Shell Script File
CSH CARA-Script-Interpreter-Engine Script
CSHRC UNIX C Shell Environment File
CSI Cyberautograph Signed Item
CSK Claris Works
CSK Copernic 2001 Skin (Copernic)
CSK StoryWeaver Template (Storymind Store)
CSL Citation Style Language
CSL AOL Modem Script (America Online, Inc.)
CSL TestQuest Pro Test Script (TestQuest, Inc.)
CSL Designer Symbol Library (Corel)
CSLM Zeiss CSLM Bitmap
CSM C++ Symbol File (Borland Software Corporation)
CSM Kodak DC265 Camera Script
CSM CASL Compiled PalmPilot Program (Feras Information Technologies)
CSM COOLSoft Model Database (Wright Williams & Kelly, Inc.)
CSM C++ Ver. 4.5 Precompiled Header (Borland Software Corporation)
CSM Chemical Style Markup Language
CSML Chemical Style Markup Language
CSN Dreamweaver MX’s Snippet
CSN CopyMate Raw Points Cloud (GraphiTech Ltd.)
CSO CISO Compressed ISO CD Image
CSP AudioZip Encoded Audio
CSP Draw Service Bureau Profiler (Corel)
CSP Intersystems Cach� Server Page File
CSP Crystal Enterprise Crystal Server Page
CSP Cardinal Studio Project File
CSP ChaoSynth Parameter File (Nyrsound)
CSP PC Emcee On-Screen Image
CSP CaseWare Working Papers Script Page
CSP CASLwin Program (Feras Information Technologies)
CSPROJ Visual Studio .NET C# Project (Microsoft Corporation)
CSQ Foxpro Query (Microsoft Corporation)
CSR Fast SMS Set SMS Relay Configuration (Comat AG)
CSS Stats+ Datafile
CSS InterComm Part Body Definition
CSS Statistica Datasheet
CSS Hypertext Cascading Style Sheet
CSS Citadel SafStor User Script File
CSS1 Cascading Style Sheet See .CSS.
CST Macromedia Director Cast File
CST CHARTrunner Chart Style Definition (PQ Systems)
CST Technics Sx KN 6000 Keyboard Custom Style File
CST Medbasin Model Calibration File (National Technical University of Athens, Laboratory of Reclamation Works & Water Resources Management)
CSUP Clan Short Roster Database (Clan Short Universe Productions)
CSV CompuShow Adjusted EGA/VGA Palette
CSV Boso View Express Railway and Structure File (Mackoy)
CSV Comma-Separated Variables
CSVENX egis Encrypted CSV File (HiTRUST Inc.)
CSW WordPerfect Setup Info File (Corel Corporation)
CSW Compressed Square Wave
CSX Visual C#.NET Primary Script File (Microsoft Corporation)
CSY EPOC Polymorphic DLL
CS_ Creativ Compressed Sb16 Sbide File
CT Iris CT Graphic
CT Scitex CT Handshake Continuous-Tone Bitmap
CT CTwin Project Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
CT Continuout Tone TIFF Bitmap
CT Cheat Engine Cheat Table (
CT0 Systems Management Server (SMS) Master Site Control File (Microsoft Corporation)
CT0 Maxagrid CTM File Being Processed
CT1 Systems Management Server (SMS) Proposed Site Control File (Microsoft Corporation)
CT1 Maxagrid CTM File Successfully Processed
CT2 CTRAN/W Graphical Layout File (Geo-Slope International)
CT2 Maxagrid CTM File Unsuccessfully Processed
CT3 CaseMap Version 3.x Case Analysis Template File (LexisNexis)
CT3 Systems Management Server (SMS) Proposed Site Control File (Microsoft Corporation)
CT3 CTRAN/W Sketch Lines and Text File (Geo-Slope International)
CT4 CaseMap Version 4.x Case Analysis Template File (LexisNexis)
CT5 CaseMap Version 5.x Case Analysis Template File (LexisNexis)
CT6 CaseMap Version 6.x Case Analysis Template File (LexisNexis)
CT7 CaseMap Version 7.x Case Analysis Template File (LexisNexis)
CTAB CACTVS Chemical Table Format
CTB AutoCAD Color-dependent Plot Style Table (Autodesk, Inc.)
CTB NoteTab Clipbar
CTB Custody Toolbox Data File (Five O’clock Software)
CTC SeeYou Flight Data (Naviter)
CTC PC Installer Control
CTD Marine Data File
CTD Click to DVD Project (Sony Corporation of America)
CTD Simpsons Cartoon Studio Export File
CTD Cardtable File
CTD Cobra Track Dump
CTE Classical Text Editor Document (Stefan Hagel, Vienna)
CTF Calculator Text Format
CTF TIFF Compressed File
CTF Symphony Character Code Translation (IBM)
CTF PhotoSuite Album File (Sonic Solutions)
CTF HP-95LX Character Translation File for Datacomm
CTF CoffeeCup HTML Editor Table File (CoffeeCup Software, Inc.)
CTF BrightStor ARCserve Backup Backup File (Computer Associates International, Inc.)
CTF WhereIsIt Catalog
CTF Casio Text File (Casio Computer Co., Ltd.)
CTF AVG Update Control File (AVG Technologies)
CTFSYS OS X Mach Kernel System File (Apple Inc.)
CTG Powershot Pro 70 Info File (Canon, Inc.)
CTG Cartridge Definition File
CTG BMC Software Patrol File
CTG ChessBase Opening Book
CTI Template Info File (Bitz & Pixelz)
CTK mSuite License File (CommonTime Limited)
CTL EditPlus Cliptext File (ES-Computing)
CTL Visual Basic User-defined Control (Microsoft Corporation)
CTL Setup Information
CTL User Control
CTL PDP-10 Batch Control File
CTL Notes 5 Thesaurus (IBM)
CTL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CTM Maxagrid CTM File
CTM Java Charge Transaction Matrix File
CTM SDR99 Speech Recognition Task Time Marked Conversation Input
CTM Crazy Talk Face Model File (Reallusion Inc.)
CTM CGMetafile
CTM FreeBSD Content Management File
CTM Content Delivery Service
CTM Crazytalk Talking Animation File
CTM OpenCTM Compressed Triangle Mesh File (Marcus Geelnard)
CTN CADTERNS Sloper File (CADTERNS Custom Clothing Inc.)
CTP American Greetings CreataCard (Broderbund)
CTP BestAddress HTML Editor Combined Template File (Multimedia Australia Pty. Ltd.)
CTP ChemDraw Template
CTP CakePHP View template (CakePHP)
CTR ERGO Receiver Configuration File (Creative Express Corporation)
CTR CATALYST Text Parsing Rules File (Alchemy Software Development Ltd.)
CTR Corel40 Trace File
CTR The Cookie Counter! Hit Count File (CLIQ Services Coop)
CTR CTRAN/W DEFINE Data File (Geo-Slope International)
CTR Counter File
CTRL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CTS ABC Programming Language Permanent Location Contents
CTS Crazy Talk Audio File (Reallusion Inc.)
CTS ClipTrakker Clipboard Collection (SoftwareOnline)
CTT MSN Messenger Saved Contact List (MSN)
CTT CAIL Suite Terminal Emulation Data (CAIL Systems Inc.)
CTV Citavi Project (Academic Software Zurich GmbH)
CTW Context Tree Weighting Compressed File (Eindhoven University of Technology)
CTX Gasteiger Group CTX Chemical File
CTX Chinese Character Input File
CTX Compressed Text
CTX GE Industrial Systems CIMPLICITY Text Version HMI Screen
CTX Alphacam Compiled Text (Planit)
CTX Online Course Text (Microsoft Corporation)
CTX Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Ciphertext File (PGP Corporation)
CTX Windows Terminal Server INI Backup File (Microsoft Corporation)
CTX Visual Basic User Control Binary File
CTX CTRAN/W DEFINE Compressed Data File (Geo-Slope International)
CTX Nokia PC Suite Backup Contact File (Nokia)
CTY Railroad Tycoon 3 Cargo (PopTop Software Inc.)
CTY SimCity City File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
CTY Fog Creek CityDesk Template
CTZ Custody Toolbox Compressed Backup File (Five O’clock Software)
CU1 Photoline4 Curves Curve File
CU3 Photoline4 Curves Clut File
CUB Cubloc Studio PLC Information File (Comfile Technology Inc.)
CUB PowerPlay File (Cognos Incorporated)
CUB SeeYou Airspace (Naviter)
CUB MDL Molfile Gaussian Cube (Wavefunction) Format (MDL Information Systems, Inc.)
CUB OLAP Cube File (Microsoft Corporation)
CUBE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CUBE Gaussian Cube File
CUBE Cubicomp PictureMaker Bitmap
CUBI Cubicomp PictureMaker Bitmap
CUC SeeYou Contest File (Naviter)
CUE BPM Studio Cue Points (ALCATech)
CUE Cue Cards Data (Microsoft Corporation)
CUE CDRWin and Others Description File for a CD-Image
CUE CUEcards 2000 Database (Marcus Humann)
CUF Turbo C Utilities Form Definition (Borland Software Corporation)
CUL IconForge/ImageForge Cursor Library
CUL Cubloc Studio PLC Information File (Comfile Technology Inc.)
CUP SeeYou Waypoint (Naviter)
CUP OzWin CompuServe E-mail/Forum Access Catalog Library Update
CUP Roland Garros Tennis Terrain File
CUR Windows Cursor (Microsoft Corporation)
CUREXSCHEME CursorXP Theme (Stardock Corporation, Inc.)
CURL URL Links Curl
CURSOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CURSOR Sun Icon/Cursor
CURV Genetica Mathematical Curve (Spiral Graphics Inc.)
CURVE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CURXPTHEME CursorXP Theme (Stardock Corporation, Inc.)
CUS ConciseURI Syntax (Clear Methods, Inc.)
CUS Medlin Accounting Customer Data (Medlin Accounting)
CUS Payroll Mate 2008 Customer Data (
CUS AutoCAD Custom Dictionary (Autodesk, Inc.)
CUSTOM Personal Paint Custom Language User Interface File (Amiga)
CUT INMOS Transputer Development System Occam Utility Package
CUT Utilitaires
CUT CLAN Disambiguation Rules (Child Language Data Exchange System)
CUT Dr. Halo Bitmap Graphic
CUT DataWave Physiological Data File
CUT BPM Studio Cue Points and Marker Information (ALCATech)
CUTLIST Asfbin Assistant Cut Data
CUZ CropWalker
CU_ Winhelp Compressed File
CV CodeView Information (Microsoft Corporation)
CV Versions Archive (Corel)
CV3 Civilization III Game High Score (Firaxis Games, Inc.)
CV4 CodeView Colors (Microsoft Corporation)
CV5 CCS-lib.2 JPEG Stream File
CV5 Canvas Version 5
CVA Compaq Diagnostics (Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.)
CVB Borland BDE File (Borland Software Corporation)
CVD Clam AntiVirus Database (Clam AntiVirus Team)
CVD Yamaha Custom Drums (Yamaha Corporation of America)
CVD Calamus Vector Graphic (invers Software)
CVD ClamWin AntiVirus Database (Clam AntiVirus Team)
CVD CVTracker Dictionary File (Netmap Software Inc.)
CVF Train Simulator Cab View File (Microsoft Corporation)
CVF SuperStor Compressed Volume
CVF Jet-VoiceMail Audio Data (COWON America, Inc.)
CVG Calamus Vector Graphic (invers Software)
CVG CVTracker Personal Goal File (Netmap Software Inc.)
CVH CVTracker Proprietary Help File (Netmap Software Inc.)
CVH Sound File
CVJ Cabinet Vision Solid Job Document (Planit Solutions, Inc.)
CVL VLBI and Tied Array Cover Letter Tasking Document
CVL Coastal Vector List Text Format
CVN Yamaha Custom Voices (Yamaha Corporation of America)
CVP WinFax Cover Page (Symantec Corporation)
CVP Portrait
CVP Kodak File
CVQ Coastal Vector List Compressed Format
CVR Bitware Fax File
CVR ElectraSoft Fax Cover Sheet
CVR WinFax Cover Page (Symantec Corporation)
CVS Canvas Drawing File
CVS Outlook Express File
CVS Sound File
CVSAUTO Call Management System (CMS) Automatic Script (Avaya Inc.)
CVT dBASE Converted Database Backup
CVT Follett Conversion Tool
CVT CVTracker Position and Company Template File (Netmap Software Inc.)
CVT Convert Data File (Joshua F. Madison)
CVW Giza Specifier Carera View (20-20 Technologies)
CVW Analytics Cube Report (Actuate Corporation)
CVW CodeView Colors (Microsoft Corporation)
CVX Canvas Versions 6, 7, 8, 9 Graphic File (ACD Systems Ltd.)
CW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CW CodeWallet Pro Secure Database (Developer One, Inc.)
CW2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CW3 Claris Works Win 3 Document
CW3 Chem Draw Molecular Structure
CW3 Crossword Construction Kit Puzzle Group
CW6 COMPRESS Windows Version Pressure Vessel Data File (Codeware Inc.)
CWA Castelware Inventory Hardware/Software Audit File (Castelware GmbH)
CWB WebNote Document
CWC CADfix Wizard Configuration File (ITI TranscenData)
CWD StarDraft CWAD File
CWD Cardwar Card Deck (Stefan Sarbok)
CWDOC CopyWrite Project Document (Bartas Technologies)
CWE Crossword Express (AUS-PC-SOFT)
CWF CodeWatch for Windows Workspace File (Liant)
CWG Castle of the Winds Saved Game
CWK ClarisWorks Data File (FileMaker, Inc.)
CWK GCPrevue Work File (Graphicode)
CWK CattleMax Data File (Cattlesoft, Inc.)
CWL ClarisWorks Library
CWP Cakewalk SONAR Audio Project (Cakewalk)
CWPB CopyWrite Project Binder (Bartas Technologies)
CWR Crystal Reports Report (Crystal Decisions)
CWR Wrapcandy Candy Wrapper (
CWS combustion Workspace (Discreet)
CWS Claris Works Template
CWW Crossword Weaver File
CWZ CropWalker File
CW_ Corel Graphics Ver. 10 Workspace (Corel)
CX CodeMapper Script
CX3 click.EXE 3.0 Script File (ASXperts Inc.)
CXB Custody X Change Data File (Custody X Change, Inc.)
CXB ComicGuru (Fay Solutions)
CXC Custody X Change Data File (Custody X Change, Inc.)
CXD SimplePCI Combined Graphics and Data (Compix Inc., Imaging Systems)
CXE Common XML Envelope
CXF Chemical Abstracts Exchange Format
CXF Picasa Collage File
CXH Custody X Change Data File (Custody X Change, Inc.)
CXI COMPAxiON Compressed File (Xitech (Europe))
CXL ConsoXL Project File (jepib)
CXL Business Integrator Extract Schema (Pervasive Software Inc.)
CXM QuadColor Color Correction Master
CXM Proprietary File
CXO CXInsight Export File (CodeMatrix Ltd.)
CXP Core Media Player XML-based Playlist File (CoreCodec, Inc.)
CXP Proprietary File
CXP CX-Programmer PLC Program File (Binary) (Omron Electronics LLC)
CXS ConciseXML Format File (Clear Methods, Inc.)
CXT CX-Programmer PLC Program File (Text) (Omron Electronics LLC)
CXT Macromedia Director Protected Cast File
CXT Crocodile Technology Circuit (Crocodile Clips Ltd)
CXT Vegas Jackpot Gold Game Data File
CXV Custody X Change Data File (Custody X Change, Inc.)
CXV CryptoEx Volume File (Navastream)
CXX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CXX Zortech C++ Program
CXX Visual C++ Source Code File (Microsoft Corporation)
CX_ C Poet Compressed Disk1 File
CY CCS-lib.2 JPEG-v4 File
CYA Cyan Color Separation (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
CYC CYCAS Design Project (Verlag Frese)
CYCLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
CYG Pollux Data (CyGem, ltd.)
CYI Clustify Input File (Hot Neuron LLC.)
CYL Ribbons Molecular Cylinder
CYM Callus Game Sound File (Bloodlust Software)
CYN Cynex Root55 Program Extension
CYO Clustify Output File Containing Cluster ID (Hot Neuron LLC.)
CYP Crocodile Physics Simulation File (Crocodile Clips Ltd.)
CYP Cypherus Encrypted Archive
CYP FCB Cypher Knot Diagram (International Guild of Knot Tyers)
CYS Clustify Clustering Summary (Hot Neuron LLC.)
CYT Crocodile Technology Simulation (Crocodile Clips Ltd.)
CZD The Crash Zone Drawing (The CAD Zone)
CZE NHL Ice Hockey 2002 Required File
CZE Personal Paint Czech Language User Interface File (Amiga)
CZIP ZipGenius Compressed Archive (M.Dev Software)
CZP Cloze Pro Archive (Crick Software Ltd.)
CZS WinEcran screen link (Bruno DENIS)
C_ Winhelp Compressed File
C_M Eru/erd File
C__ C++ Source; C__ is C++ in Win32
C~G Windows 3.x System File
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Number Symbol
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