The Known File Extensions/Types References – B*
Posted by Admin L in IT Resources/Information on 09-12-2011.
Collector: Nosa Lee
Original Address:
To reprint this article, please indicate the source, thank you.
Now, I collected all the known file extensions/types for your reference, I grouped them according to the first character due to there are too many file extensions/types.
The following file extensions/types are grouped as B*, to refer to more file extensions/types or download them (a compressed txt file that separates the extension and description with ” : “), please click the following links.
Number Symbol
Download All File Types/Extensions in ONE Compressed File
B Limbo Implementation File
B Modula-3 Base Program
B Molconn-Z Format File
B Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
b LILO Boot Loader Image
B IRIS Editor Shortened Format File (eurobraille)
B Grand Theft Auto III Save File (+ Other Rockstart Games) (Rockstar Games)
B Brainf*ck Program
B Befunge Program
B BASIC Language Source
B Applause Batch List
B!K Flight Simulator Scenery File (Microsoft Corporation)
B&W 1st Reader Mono Binary Screen Image
B&W Atari Black and White Graphics (Atari)
B&W Image Lab
B02 ADP Payroll
B1 Progress Database File (Progress Software Corporation)
B1 21st Century Mahjong
B16 PCO Graphic
B1J BookJones
B1N 1st Reader Binary Screen Image
B1S BookSmith
B2 Progress Database File (Progress Software Corporation)
B2D Brutus2D Source Code File (Pewter Software)
B2Z B2Z dVS Model/Object
B30 Ventura Publisher Printer Font
B32 MS-DOS Bcc file
B36 PDP-10 BLISS-36 Compiler Source
B3D 3D Builder
B3D BDE Multipath Movie Digital Viewer
B3D Boso View Express Structure Mesh Diagram (Mackoy)
B3D Blitz3D/Max/Plus Texture or Mesh File (Blitz Research Ltd.)
B4 Helix Nuts and Bolts File
B4S Winamp 3+ Playlist
B4U docPointer Visual ReadMe File (docPointer)
B5 CEDICT Chinese/English Dictionary (Erik E. Peterson)
B5I IsoBuster CD/DVD Image File (Container) (Smart Projects)
B5I BlindWrite Ver. 5 Image File (VSO-Software)
B5S Numerical Controlled Machine File
B5T BlindWrite Ver. 5 Table of Contents File (VSO-Software)
B64 Base 64 MIME-encoded File
B6I BlindWrite Ver. 6 Image File (VSO-Software)
B6T BlindWrite Ver. 6 Table of Contents File (VSO-Software)
B8 Piclab Raw Graphic File
B8 PictureMaker Blue Channel Image Data (Cubicomp)
BA Scifer Archiver and Compression External Archive Format (Senthil Kumar R)
BA$ MS Compressed BAS Decompress with UNPACK.EXE.
BAB Babble! Data File (Korenthal Associates, Inc, 230 W 13th St, NYC 10011)
BABAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BABER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAC Backup
BACH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BACHTOLD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BACK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BACKGAMON Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BACKGRND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BACKGROUND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BACKPACK Backpack Word List (Mammoet Software)
BACKUP pgAdmin Database Backup (pgAdmin Project)
BACKUP ISAPI Loader Backup of Current ISAPI Application (EGGcentric)
BACKUP Ad-Aware Reference File (Lavasoft)
BACKUP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BACLOOP7 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAD Brutus Application Definition File (HooBie Inc.)
BAD Oracle BAD File
BAD Rime Mailer Address File
BADONGO BaDonGo File Information (
BAF Infinity Game Engine Script (BioWare Corp.)
BAG AOL 6 Organizer (America Online, Inc.)
BAG Emperor: Battle for Dune Archive
BAG Bag Archive File
BAG PMMail/2 Mail Index File (V.O.I.C.E. (Virtual OS/2 International Consumer Education))
BAG AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) Buddy List (America Online, Inc.)
BAG OS/2 Netfinity Manager Sysinfo File
BAG PMMail 2000 Mail Index File (Blueprint Software Works)
BAH Infinity Game Engine (BioWare Corp.)
BAI BUILD2WIN Add-in (BID2WIN Software Inc.)
BAK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAK Backup
BAL BAL Borland Programming Language Source
BAL Ballade Music Score
BALANCE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BALL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BALL2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAM Bravo! Archived Media (Thought Studios, Inc.)
BAM Infinity Game Engine Zlib Compressed Animation and Multi-frame Graphics (BioWare Corp.)
BAM Panda3D Game Engine Compressed Model Folder (Panda3D Development Team)
BAM Bob’s Adlib Music
BAM Infinity Game Engine Animation and Multi-frame Graphics (BioWare Corp.)
BAM OHRRPGCE Music File (Hamster Republic)
BAN MegaHAL Non-Keyword List (Ai Research)
BAN Creatacard Banner Project (Broderbund)
BAN Sierra Print Artist Banner
BAND GarageBand Song (Apple Inc.)
BANGER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BANJ Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BANK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BANKSW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BANNER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAR Age of Mythology
BAR dBASE Application Generator Horizontal Menu Object
BAR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAS BASIC Source Code
BAS QuickBASIC Extended v7.1 Source
BAS e.Report Designer Actuate Basic Source (Actuate Corporation)
BAS HBasic Source Code
BAS VBDOS Pro 1.0 Source
BAS2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAS7 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BASE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
bash Bash Shell Script
BASIN Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) Basin Model Settings (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers)
BASKETBALL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BASS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BASS1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BASS2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BASSD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BASSDRU2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BASSG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAT Batch Processing (Microsoft Corporation)
BATCH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BATH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAU 1.1 Configuration Files (
BAV The Bat! E-mail Client Anti-Virus File (RITLABS)
BAV AVG The Bat! Add-in (AVG Technologies)
BAVANT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BAW BrainLED AlfaWave Session (BrainLED)
BAY Kodak/Roper Bayer Picture Sequence
bb gcc -ftest-coverage Basic Block List Data
BB Papyrus Database Backup
BB BrowserBob Project File (BrowserBob weblications)
BB Art-lantis Billboard Management File (ABVENT)
BB Starfleet Battles DOS Game
BB Blitz3D/Max/Plus Source Code (Blitz Research Ltd.)
BB2 XBBS-OS/2, XGROUP, AV and ZTree Archiver Control File
BBC BBC BASIC for Windows File (R. T. Russell)
BBC Babya Photo Workshop Color Collection (Babya Software Group)
BBE Brainbloom Document Exchange File (Gael Limited)
BBF ScriptBasic Binary File (ScriptBasic Project Team)
BBF FRAMES Body Burden Concentration File
BBG CyberSports for Basketball Game File (CyberSports, Inc.)
bbg gcc -ftest-coverage Basic Block List Data
BBK WWTBAM Game Component
bbl TeX/BibTeX Bibliographic Reference File
BBM Deluxe Paint Image File
BBMA Bonzibuddy
BBNNG BBN BitGraph Terminal Display Pixel Data (DPD) Sequence Bitmap
BBP Bezier Surface File
BBP BitBeamer Split File
BBQ BitBeamer Transfer Queue File
BBRKPUZZLE BrainsBreaker Puzzle (Juan Trujillo)
BBRKSAVE BrainsBreaker Started Puzzle Status (Juan Trujillo)
BBS Bulletin Board System Text
BBS FTN Software Hudson-style Messagebase
BBS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BBT CyberSports for Basketball Team File (CyberSports, Inc.)
BBV PPLive Cache? (PPLive Inc.)
BBX BrainBox Neural Net (Neil Fraser)
BBZ Line Rider 2 Unbound DRMed Game Executable (inXile entertainment)
BBZ Bitblaze Audio File
BC Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) Bytecode (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Computer Science Department)
BC BCwin Project Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
BC Low Level Virtual Machine (LLVM) Bytecode (Compressed) (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Computer Science Department)
BC Big Crunch Compressed File (KaBoom)
BC Mikmak 203 file
BC Sierra Print Artist Business Card
BC BitComet Incomplete Download (
BC! BitComet Incomplete Download (
BC3 Fiebdc-3 Format File
BC3 BCC 3 Make File
BCA Railroad Tycoon 3 Building (PopTop Software Inc.)
BCA Allplan 2005 Backup Catalog File (Nemetschek A.G.)
BCB3 BC3 Make File
BCC Calendar Creator File (Riverdeep Interactive Learning Limited (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Learning Technology))
BCC C++ File/Makefile (Borland Software Corporation)
BCD ReaderRom Digital Library Book File (Inc. Reader Rom)
BCD Binary Cartographic Data File
BCD Turbo Pascal DOS File (Borland Software Corporation)
BCD OfficePrinter Document (Moss Bay Software)
BCD Cosmi Business Card Maker
BCF MyLabel Designer Deluxe Label File (Avanquest Publishing USA, Inc.)
BCF Business Card Designer Pro Business Card Design (Belltech Systems, LLC)
BCF The Sims 3D Body Mesh File (Electronic Arts (Maxis))
BCF ConfigSafe Snapshot Index
BCH dBASE Application Generator Batch Process Object
BCH Datalex Entry Point 90 Data File (Phoenix Software)
BCI Advisor Computer Profile Report (Belarc)
BCK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BCK Backup
BCKP Ad-Aware Quarantine File (Lavasoft)
BCL PDP-10 BCPL Compiler Source
BCM Works Communications File (Microsoft Corporation)
BCM PDP-10 Binary Compare – FILCOM Output Showing Differences by Octal Words
BCM Compaq Easy Access Keyboard Driver
BCMR BC Framer (Boise Cascade)
BCN Business Card Pro Design
BCO MicroSim PCBoard Backward Engineering Change Order
BCO Bitstream Fontware
BCP C++ Makefile (Borland Software Corporation)
BCP Business Card Designer Plus Design File (CAM Development)
BCP Bambalam PHP EXE Compiler/Embedder Project File (Bambalam)
BCR map&guide Station List (PTV AG)
BCS Yamaha Basic Style (Yamaha Corporation of America)
BCS Infinity Game Engine Compiled Script (BioWare Corp.)
BCS Windows95 Browse Information
BCS Brian’s Compression Shell (BCS) Image Animation/Video Shell
BCT Business Card Designer Template
BCT Clarion for Windows Backup Dictionary (SoftVelocity)
BCW C++ Version 4.5 Environment Settings (Borland Software Corporation)
BCX Beam Report Standard Definition File (SYSTEAM)
BCZ Siemens PLM Software BriefCaseZipfile (Siemens AG)
BD Solaris Browser Data File (Sun Microsystems, Inc.)
BD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BD1 X Operations Map Block Locations (Team Mitei)
BD4 West Point Bridge Designer Ver. 4 Bridge Design
BDB Works Database File (Microsoft Corporation)
BDB Blaise Database (Statistics Netherlands)
BDB CHASE Evaluation and Audit System Executable (Health And Safety Technology And Management Ltd.)
BDC West Point Bridge Designer
BDC Babylon Dictionary and Translation software (Babylon)
BDD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BDE Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)
BDE Borland Database Engine (Borland Software Corporation)
BDF Egret Data File
BDF Bupdate Binary Update File
BDF Glyph Bitmap Distribution Format (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BDF NuGraf Scene file
BDF NEi Nastran Bulk Data File (Noran Engineering, Inc.)
BDF TXRDWIN X-ray Diffraction Pattern (Omni Scientific Instruments, Inc.)
BDF RD Birthday Reminder Data File (Christian Weiske)
BDF West Point Bridge Designer
BDF X11 Bitmap Distribution Format
BDF Quartus II Block Design File (Altera Corporation)
BDF Brother BES-100E Embroidery Software File (Brother Industries, Ltd.)
bdf UNIX Font File
BDF E-Mail Detective Binary Data Fragment (Hot Pepper Technology, Inc.)
BDF Backup To CD-RW Backup Definition File
BDG BudgetExpress Data File (De Marque Inc.)
BDG Badge Designer 2000 Photo ID
BDI Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)
BDIC Chrome Dictionary File (Google)
BDK OS/2 Saved SKF Format File (IBM)
BDL Gamecube 3D Model File
BDL OneSpace Designer Bundle (CoCreate)
BDM Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)
BDM Blaise File (Statistics Netherlands)
BDMV Blu-ray Information File (Blu-ray Disc Association)
BDR Publisher Border (Microsoft Corporation)
BDRUM1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BDSPROJ Developer Studio Project File (Borland Software Corporation)
BDT Lingvo Dictionary
BDT TAC Browser Script (Swoot)
BDW Budget For Windows Data File (Snowmint Creative Solutions LLC)
BDX FUSE Science Pipeline Bad Data File
BDX JavaBib Index File
BDX BarBack Drink Exchange File
BE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEA Beamer Song File (The Beamer Project)
BEACHBALL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEACON Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEAM Erlang Compiled Erlang Code (Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson)
BEANS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEAT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEATWAVE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEC Break Even Calculator
BED RegionMiner Genomic Regions File (Genomatix Software GmbH)
BED InfoSnorkel Blue Elephant Definition
BED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEE Beeline-AIR System File
BEE The Bee Archiver Compressed Archive
BEEP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEF Boomi Integration Platform Setup Information (Boomi, Inc.)
BEGIN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEGINNERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEGINNING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEHEADER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEHINDTHEWH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEJEWELED2DELUXESAVEDGAME Bejeweled Ver 2 Saved Game File (PopCap Games, Inc.)
BEL Belon Compressed Archive
BEL Beamer Layout File (The Beamer Project)
BEL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEL HPXView Binary Event Log Archive (Haliplex Communication Systems)
BELL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BELL2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BELLS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BELOW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEN Syssoft Sandra File
BEP Beamer Playlist (The Beamer Project)
BER German Bericht Report File
BES MOBY Database (Bitter End Systems)
BETWEEN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEX Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Binary Extracted Public Key (PGP Corporation)
BEX BOOM Extensions To Dehacked
BEX Kashmir 3D Transparent Color Definition
BEX British National Bibliography File
BEXPK Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Binary Extracted Public Key (PGP Corporation)
BEYOND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEYOND2000 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BEZ Bezier Surface File
BEZ Bitstream Fontware
BF Befunge Program
BF Brainf*ck Program
BF Beyond Good & Evil Game Archive (Ubisoft Entertainment)
BF Cryo Interactive Game Data
BF2 Bradford 2 Font
BF2 Bidfax 2000 SE Database (Management Computer Controls, Inc.)
BFA Blowfish-encrypted File
BFB Ralcgm File
BFC Windows 95 Briefcase File
BFE bcrypt Blowfish Encrypted File (Johnny Shelley)
BFF AIX Backup File Format
BFF WorldToolKit Neutral File Format
BFFM B17 Flying Fortress Game File
BFI Blaise Index (Statistics Netherlands)
BFL yBook eBook (Spacejock Software)
BFL Big Flexible Line Interpretation (C64) Bitmap
BFL Colin McRae Rally 2 Data File
BFLI Big Flexible Line Interpretation (C64) Bitmap
BFM UNIX Font Metrics File
BFN Brother Embroidery Software Font (Brother Industries, Ltd.)
BFR NI Observer Capture File
BFS Tivoli Storage Manager File (IBM)
BFX BitFax Document (Bitware)
BG Lotus Agenda File
BG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BG Backgammon for Windows Game File (Microsoft Corporation)
BGA OS/2 Bitmap Graphic Array (IBM)
BGB Chat Background Graphic (Microsoft Corporation)
BGCF Greeting Card Designer Greeting Card Design (Belltech Systems, LLC)
BGDB Global Virtual Accademy E-Learning File
BGI BGInfo Configuration File (Bryce Cogswell)
BGI Borland Graphic Interface (Borland Software Corporation)
BGL Flight Simulator Scenery File (Microsoft Corporation)
BGL Babylon Glossary File ( Ltd.)
BGM Basic4GL 3D Object (BasicGl – Tom Mulgrew)
BGM Jane’s Combat Simulations F-15
BGN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BGO BigOven Recipe Card (sdmventures)
BGT Graphic Accounts Budget Data (FKJ Software)
BGT Quicken 2002 Internet Common File (Intuit Inc.)
BGV BonanzaGraf
BGW Final Fantasy XI Music (Square Enix Co., LtdSquare Enix Co., Ltd)
BH BlackHole Archive Format File
BH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BH3 Rise of Nations Unit Graphic (Microsoft Corporation)
BHA Rise of Nations Unit Graphic (Microsoft Corporation)
BHF pcAnywhere Host File (Symantec Corporation)
BHI Partminer Lib file
BHL Partminer Lib file
BHO Behold Settings File (Louis Kessler)
BHS Rise of Nations Script (Microsoft Corporation)
BHTML BabuHTML Embedded Software File
BHX BinHex Compressed File ASCII Archive
BI Progress Database Before Image File (Progress Software Corporation)
BI Quick Basic or Visual Basic for DOS Include File (Microsoft Corporation)
BI Binary File
BI$ MS Compressed BI Decompress with UNPACK.EXE.
BI7 Rukus 110 File
BI? LoseThos Binary Executable File (Terry A. Davis)
BIAR Business Objects (SAP)
BIB Bibliography
BIB JavaBib BibTeX File
BIB Papyrus Database
BIB TeX/BibTeX Literature Database
BIBTEX BibTeX Document
BIC Neverwinter Nights Character Sheet (Bioware)
BIC Civilization III Scenario (Firaxis Games, Inc.)
BID BidMaker 2002
BIF BioWare Aurora Engine Resource File (BioWare Corp.)
BIF UltraISO Boot Information File (EZB Systems, Inc.)
BIF WordPerfect Binary Information File (Corel Corporation)
BIF Planescape: Torment Archive
BIF BioWare Infinity Engine Archive of Resources (BioWare Corp.)
BIF Image Capture Board Binary Black & White Image
BIF GroupWise Initialization File (Novell, Inc.)
BIF Baldur’s Gate Archive
BIF Binary Information File
BIF TomTom General Info (TomTom International BV)
BIF MagicISO Boot Information File (MagicISO Inc.)
BIF byLight Graphic
BIFF BioWare Infinity Engine Archive of Resources (BioWare Corp.)
BIG Fifa World Cup Game File
BIG Homeworld Compressed Data Archive (Sierra Entertainment, Inc.)
BIG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIG Cartes Michelin
BIG Chinese Text
BIG Home World 2 SGA Archive (Relic Entertainment Inc.)
BIG Electronic Arts Game MOD File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
BIG5 Chinese Text
BIGBLUEFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIK Command and Conquer Generals Movie (EA Games)
BIK Bink and Smacker Game Video File Codec (RAD Game Tools, Inc.)
BIK BioCharter Profile Backup
BIL ArcView Image File (ESRI)
BILL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIM Envisioneer Self-contained Catalog Item (Cadsoft Corporation)
BIMD Blue Ink Meta-Data (Automated Architecture, Inc.)
BIN Linux Executable
BIN Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIN CDRWin CD Image File
BIN Thomson Speedtouch Series WLAN Router Firmware (Thomson Telecom)
BIN MacBinary Archive Format Often used on Macintosh.
BIN Binary File
BIN Perceptron Scanner File
BIN AVG Update File (AVG Technologies)
BIN Micrografx Designer 7 Project Image
BIN MTK Chipset GPS Tracklog
BIN SGI Powerflip
BIN TenCORE Plug-in Helper Application (TenCORE)
BINS3 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BINS4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIO BioCharter Profile
BIO Infinity Game Engine Character Biography (BioWare Corp.)
BIO BioArc Compressed Archive
BIO OS/2 Bios File
BIOT BiotSavart Magnetic Design File (Ripplon Software Inc.)
BIP Blue Ink Project (Automated Architecture, Inc.)
BIP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIP Keyshot Keyshot (Luxion)
BIP ArcView Image File (ESRI)
BIRD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIT Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Bitstream File (Xilinx, Inc.)
BIT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIT X11 Bitmap Image
BIT Worms World Party Imported Map
BIT Worms Armageddon Imported Map
BITMAP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BIU BidMaker 2002 Update
BIX Civilization III Scenario (Firaxis Games, Inc.)
BIX BIX Archiver Compressed Archive
BIX Index to a .BIB BibTeX Bibliography Database
BIX Digital Video Witness CCTV Data File (Kodicom Co., Ltd)
BIZ PrintMaster Gold Document (Broderbund)
BIZ Print Shop Business Card File (Broderbund)
BIZ BIZ dVS Model/Object
BIZ Creatacard Business Card Project (Broderbund)
BIZ ShowBiz Project File (ArcSoft, Inc.)
BIZDESIGN BusinessReport Design (Actuate Corporation)
BIZDOCUMENT BusinessReport Document (Actuate Corporation)
BIZZARELOVETRIANGLE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BJD NDDigital Print Bureau (NDDigital S/A)
BJF NTI Backup NOW! File
BJG DESQview (Symantec Corporation)
BJK Blaise File (Statistics Netherlands)
BJK Scanner Recognita file
BJL BJL Business Systems Active Translation Document (The BJL Group)
BJO Tabrite Banjo Tablature (Janet Davis Music)
BK JetFax Faxbook File
BK LinguAssist File
BK Movie Magic Screenwiter Screenwriter Document Backup (Write Brothers, Inc.)
BK Backup
BK FrameMaker BookFile Document (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BK! Backup
BK$ Backup
BK1 VirtuaGirl Graphics Container (Totem Entertainment)
BK1 Backup
BK1 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BK1 Bach Preludes and Fugues MIDI akmi Source, Book 1
BK2 VirtuaGirl Graphics Container (Totem Entertainment)
BK2 Bach Preludes and Fugues MIDI akmi Source, Book 2
BK2 Backup
BK3 VirtuaGirl Graphics Container (Totem Entertainment)
BK3 Backup
BK4 Backup
BK5 Backup
BK6 Backup
BK7 Backup
BK8 Backup
BK9 Backup
BKC Backup4all Backup Catalog File (Softland)
BKC Book Collector Book Collection Data (
BKF WindowsXP Backup Utility Backup Set (Microsoft Corporation)
BKF Moto Racer Archive
BKG UWXAFS Binary Format Data File
BKG Samsung Document (Samsung)
BKG Background File
BKGND Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BKI Backup Index
BKI IBM BookManager Backup Index
BKI IBM Softcopy Reader (Bookmanager) Bookshelf (and Book) Index File (IBM)
BKP Backup
BKR ReplaceEm Fileset (Custom Fit Software)
BKR Bruker Aspect NMR Data File
BKS BookManager Read Bookshelf (IBM)
BKS Windows 2000 Scheduled Backup Script (Microsoft Corporation)
BKS Works Spreadsheet Backup (Microsoft Corporation)
BKS IBM Softcopy Reader Bookmanager Book File (IBM)
BKT Zortech 3 tools Samples File
BKU Timeslips Backup (Peachtree Software)
BKW FontEdit Fontset Mirror Image
BKY bookkey Bookmark/Keyword Data (Michael Valentiner-Branth)
BL Binary Linework TIFF Bitmap
BLA Black Color Separation (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BLA Blaise Data Model (Statistics Netherlands)
BLA Blat E-mail
BLACK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLACKMORE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLANK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLAST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLASTER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLASTERBALL3SAVEDGAME BlasterBall Ver. 3 Saved Game (WildTangent, Inc.)
BLB ACT! Database File (Best Software CRM Division)
BLB DreamWorks Resource Archive
BLB Blorb Game Resource Package
BLB Blob File
BLB BlockLand Brick File (BlockLand LLC)
BLC BIACORE Instruments and BIAlite Project (Biacore)
BLD Visual Build Project (Kinook Software, Inc.)
BLD My Personal Programmer Project File (M:Pact Technologies)
BLD Yoot Tower Saved (Game) Building (Sega)
BLD MegaPaint
BLD EnergyPro (EnergySoft, LLC)
BLD Developer Studio MAK (Microsoft Corporation)
BLD 3D Home Design Suite Model (Cadsoft Corporation)
BLD VersaPro Block Build Info
BLD RealFlight Radio Control Airplane Description (Knife Edge Software)
BLD ACT! (Best Software CRM Division)
BLD Weinberger Picture Sequence
BLD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLD BASIC Bload Graphics
BLD2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLDITAL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLE BIAevaluation Ver 2.x Project (Biacore)
BLE Photoline4 Blends file
BLEND Blender 3D File
BLEND Blender Publisher Data File (Stichting Blender Foundation)
BLF Rally Online Car Texture File (GameSpy Industries)
BLF DriveBlockEditor Function Block Programming Data (Rockwell Automation)
BLF Advanced Computer Architecture Car Simulation
BLF Beast 2.02 Trojan File
BLF ObjectStore Distribution File (Franz Inc.)
BLF BancTec Scanner Driver (Kofax)
BLF Telerate Workspace File
BLF BIACORE Instruments and BIAlite Project (Biacore)
BLG MicroSim PCBoard Backward ECO Log File
BLG BibTeX Log
BLG Windows Binary Performance Log
BLI Thomson Speedtouch Series WLAN Router Firmware (Thomson Telecom)
BLI BLINK Archiver Archive (De Trans Software)
BLI PDP-10 BLISS-10 Compiler Source
BLINK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLK Amiga IFF (Amiga)
BLK Win32Forth Block Data
BLK Wavefront Image (Alias)
BLK Lightscape Block Library
BLK WordPerfect Temporary File (Corel Corporation)
BLK VersaPro Block
BLK ProWORX Nxt Block Data (Schneider Electric)
BLL VBS/European-A Worm
BLL INPRISE Format Language Library (Borland Software Corporation)
BLN Rise of Nations Campaign Media File (Microsoft Corporation)
BLOB Steam Registry (Valve Corporation)
BLOB Cosmic Blobs Model (SolidWorks Corporation)
BLOCK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLOCKS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLOSSOMS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLP Blizzard Game Picture (Blizzard Entertainment)
BLR BIACORE Instruments and BIAlite Project (Biacore)
BLS Blockland Saved Game (Step 1: Games LLC)
BLS Brush Lettering Saved Brush Lettering Style (EK Success, Ltd., pcCrafter, Inc.)
BLS BIACORE Instruments and BIAlite Project (Biacore)
BLT Wordperfect for DOS (Corel Corporation)
BLT CATC Merlin Bluetooth Trace Files (Computer Access Technology Corporation (CATC))
BLT AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) Saved Buddy List File (America Online, Inc.)
BLU Apple Binary 2 Library Utility Archive
BLU Blue Compiler Blue Source File (Monash University)
BLU blue Database (
BLUE Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLUE EVE Online Texture File (CCP hf)
BLUEBERRY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLUEESMERALDA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLUEMONDAY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLURB Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BLW ArcView World File For BIL Image (ESRI)
BLY Fifa World Cup Game Art Loadgame file.
BLZ N-Gage Game File (Nokia)
BLZ Emblaze.Creator File
BLZ Serial Number File
BLZ Twinkle Bulbs Bulb File
BLZ Blazon Heraldic Shield
BLZ Bitmap Graphic
BM X Windows System Bitmap
BM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BM$ Modem Bitware Fax disk2 file
BM1 Apogee BioMenace Data
BM2 Subspace/Continuum Graphic
BMA BMA Archiver Compressed Archive
BMAP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BMB Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)
BMB SLICS Bounding Box Information
BMC IBM Voice Type languages Newuser File
BMC Embroidery Graphic File
BMD GameCube 3D Model (Texture + Skeleton) (Nintendo)
BMD Mu Online Data File (WEBZEN, Inc.)
BME Beatmania Music Simulator File (Konami Broadcasting)
BMF BrainMine Mind Map (Neural Matters Limited)
BMF Corel Flow Image File (Corel)
BMF BMF Bitmap
BMF ByteMap Font
BMF FloorPlan Project File (IMSI/Design LLC)
BMG Bert’s Dinosaurs File
BMHTML Deluxium Stored Bookmark (Bookmark Hyper Text Markup Language) (ShadowIdeas,co,uk)
BMI 3ds Max Executable (Autodesk, Inc.)
BMI Blue Martini Import File
BMI Buzz Instrument
BMI Blaise Index File (Statistics Netherlands)
BMK WinDVD Bookmark (Corel Corporation)
BMK Help Bookmark
BMK BMC Software Patrol Icon File
BML Alpha Five Image Library File (Alpha Software, Inc.)
BML Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) File
BML BPM Studio Skin Bitmap (ALCATech)
BML BusinessMAP Map Layer File (ESRI)
BMM Tacmi Pixia Palette File
BMP Infinity Game Engine Palette Information (BioWare Corp.)
BMP Windows OS/2 Bitmap Graphics
BMP Award AWBM BIOS Bitmap (Phoenix Technologies LTD)
BMP24 Bitmap Graphic
BMPENX egis Encrypted BMP File (HiTRUST Inc.)
BMS Beatmania Music Simulator File (Konami Broadcasting)
BMS BIOWRAP Biometric Authentication of Files (Nation Technologies)
BMS BeMusic Script
BMS Backup Magic Backup Set
BMT Ami Pro Button Image (IBM)
BMT Alpha Five Image Library File (Alpha Software, Inc.)
BMTP Bome’s Midi Translator Project File (
BMU Infinity Game Engine BioWare Music Unit (BioWare Corp.)
BMW W32/Liji-A
BMW Buzz Music File with Waves
BMX Buzz Music File
BMX Alpha Five Image Library File (Alpha Software, Inc.)
BMX Siemens Mobile Phone Animation (Siemens)
BMX BMXdesign Extended Bitmap Graphic (Container) (HEIDENHAIN)
BMZ Compressed BMP File
BMZ Demon Stalkers: Raid on Doomfane
BM_ Mumath 30 File
BM_ WebCD Fread File
BN AdLib Instrument Bank
BN2 Bojanov Encryptor Encrypted File (Bojanov Software)
BN7 Ox Object-Oriented Matrix Programming Language PcGive 7 Data File
BNC Bojanov Encryptor Encrypted File (Bojanov Software)
BND Flight Simulator Panels File (Microsoft Corporation)
BND Typequick File
BND DB2 Bind File
BNF IBM Voice Type Languages Map File
BNK Bink Compressed Video/Audio File
BNK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BNK ExamView Question Bank (FSCreations, Inc.)
BNK SimCity Game File (Electronic Arts, Inc.)
BNK AdLib Instrument Bank
BNL MicroSim PCBoard Netlist File For The Board Layout
BNR Binary News Reader File
BNR Banner – Poster Graphic Banner
BNSKIN BeatNik Clock Skin (Something Decent)
BNT Entropia Universe Texture, Sound and String Archive (MindArk PE AB)
BN_ Ntgraph Ze32v215 file
BOA BOA Constrictor Archiver Compressed Archive
BOARD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOB TAC Browser URL (Swoot)
BOB BobDown Downloading Program
BOB Bob Raytracer
BOCHSRC Bochs Configuration File (The Bochs Project)
BOD Roland Garros Tennis Terrain File
BOD Data Designer Ddbac File
BOE Outlook Express Backup File (Microsoft Corporation)
BOF IBM Voice Type Language Task Enroll File
BOF BrowserBob Object File (BrowserBob Weblications)
BOI Botje Bot-file (TNHteam)
BOK Drudix Book Designer Book Definition File (iAR GmbH)
BOL Booasm Compressed Archive Library (Microsoft Corporation)
BOLD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOLD6 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOLF6 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOM MicroSim PCBoard Bill of Materials
BOM Bill of Materials File
BOM Pro/ENGINEER Temporary File (PTC)
BOM OrCAD Schematic Capture Bill of Materials File (Cadence Design Systems, Inc.)
BOM Softshare Delta Business Object Model
BOMBER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BONES xfit Ridgeline File
BONGO Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BONK BONK Lossless/Lossy Audio Compressor
BOO Kermit Protocol Binary Bootstrap File
BOO Boo Class File
BOO IBM BookManager Book
BOO Image File
BOO Microsoft Booasm.arc Compressed Archive File
BOOK FrameMaker Book (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BOOK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOOK Budget In Brief Budget Book File (Budget In Brief)
BOOK ICE Book Reader Book File (ICE Graphics)
BOOKS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOOST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOOT InstallShield (Acresso Software Inc.)
BOOT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOOT0 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOOTSCREEN BootSkins New Boot Screen (Stardock Corporation)
BOOTSKIN BootSkin Windows Boot Skin (Stardock Corporation, Inc.)
BOP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOR Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BORDERS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BORED Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BORLAND C Makefile (Borland Software Corporation)
BOS Dynamite VSP Building Object Style (3am Solutions (UK) Limited)
BOS Brotherhood of Steel Compressed File
BOSSFONT Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOT Soldat Bot Information File (Michal Marcinkowski)
BOT Robot Arena: Design & Destroy Robot (Gabriel Group, Inc.)
BOT LinkBot document
BOT Frogbot Editor
BOULDER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOULESHP Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOUTON Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOW Back Orifice 2K Workspace
BOWL Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOX Lemmings Revolution Archive
BOX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOX Calypso Email Mailbox (Rose City Software)
BOX Digital Video Witness CCTV Data File (Kodicom Co., Ltd)
BOX Vbox Helper Application File (Aladdin Knowledge Systems)
BOX Foxmail E-Mail Box
BOX Notes Mailbox
BOX ThrottleBox Multimedia Viewer
BOX Systems Management Server (SMS) Temporary Holding Area (Microsoft Corporation)
BOX VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer) Box File (Paul Raedle)
BOX MediaShout Presentation Script (MediaComplete)
BOX3D Box Shot 3D Project (Applications For Life)
BOXES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOXR Boxerjam Interactive Game System
BOY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BOZ BZIP Over ZIP Compressed File Archive
BP Binary Picture TIFF Bitmap
BP BankPerfect Accounts File (Fabio Chelly)
BPA Death Rally Archive File (Remedy Entertainment)
BPC BuildPro File
BPC Business Plan Toolkit Chart
BPD Cash Compass Plan (Palo Alto Software, Inc.)
BPD Business Plan Pro Business Plan Data (Palo Alto Software, Inc.)
BPD DTLplot Beadpull Data File
BPD PCIScope PCI and ISA PnP Subsystem Information (APSoft)
BPD Pscript Binary PostScript Printer Description File
BPD B黵o Plus NexT FlashFiler Database File (microtech GmbH)
BPD FARSITE Burn Period File (The Fire Sciences Lab (FiSL))
BPD BizInt Smart Charts for Patents Data Transfer Format (BizInt Solutions)
BPD Data Designer Database Backup File
BPD catDB Template Property Dictionary
BPDX Acrobat Batch PDX (Catalog) File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BPEL Fiorano BPEL Project File (Fiorano Software Inc.)
BPF Cash Compass Table Formatting (Palo Alto Software, Inc.)
BPF F-Secure Base Policy File (F-Secure)
BPG Borland Project Group (Borland Software Corporation)
BPI IBM Voice Type languages Newuser file
BPJ Bravo! Project (Thought Studios, Inc.)
BPK Blaise File (Statistics Netherlands)
BPK C++ Builder Package File (Borland Software Corporation)
BPKEY Blender Publisher License Key (Stichting Blender Foundation)
BPL Winamp Ver 3 Playlist File (Nullsoft)
BPL AutoCAD R2000 Batch Plot List (Autodesk, Inc.)
BPL Delphi Library (Borland Software Corporation)
BPLIB BrilliantPhoto Photo Library File (Brilliant Labs, Inc.)
BPM Brazil r/s Photon Map Storage File (SputterFish, LLC)
BPM Battle Planner Module (Battle Planner, LLC.)
BPMN ActiveModeler Avantage Template File (KAISHA-Tec Co. Ltd)
BPP MUSICMATCH Burner Plus Project
BPP Taskmaster Batch Pilot Project (Datacap Inc.)
BPP Clarion for Windows Backup Application (SoftVelocity)
BPR BackupXpressPro Project File
BPR C++ Builder 6 Project (Borland Software Corporation)
BPR Reference Count 01 File
BPS Bulletproof FTP Settings
BPS XMap Flight Plan or Flight Plan Statistic File (Delorme)
BPS Works Document (Microsoft Corporation)
BPS Business Plan Toolkit
BPT Belarc Product Key (Belarc)
BPT Corel Bitmap Master File
BPV BallPark Business Valuation Valuation Scenario File (BulletProof Business Plans)
BPW QuickBooks Business Planner File (Intuit Inc.)
BPW ArcView World File For BIP Or BMP Images (ESRI)
BPX Lumena BigPix
BPX Truevision Targa Bitmap
BPX BusiPlan File (Manager-Pro)
BQW ArcView World File For BSQ Image (ESRI)
BQY BrioQuery File (Oracle)
BR Omnis7 Data (Omnis Software)
BR Bridge Script
BR The Playa File
BR1 Wincmd Fle
BR3 Bryce 3D Scene File (DAZ Productions)
BR4 Bryce 4 Scene (DAZ Productions)
BR5 Bryce 5 Scene (DAZ Productions)
BR6 Bryce 6 Scene (DAZ Productions)
BRAIN Msdev Common Addins File
BRAINCHIME Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BRAS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BRC Bryce 2 Scene (DAZ Productions)
BRC Onset Design Briefcase Briefcase (Onset Design)
BRCC Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BRD Winning Bridge Saved Hand (Gerald Wilson)
BRD EAGLE Layout Editor Board File (CadSoft Computer GmbH)
BRD RPG Toolkit Board Design File (Christopher Matthews)
BRD BizInt Smart Charts for Pharmaceuticals Data Transfer Format (BizInt Solutions)
BRD WinBoard Project (Ivex Design International)
BRD Allegro (Cadence Design Systems)
BRE Breuckmann Scanner File
BREAK Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BREAST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BREATH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BREP Boundary Representation File Format
BREP Open CASCADE 3D Model File (Open CASCADE Company)
BRF Brief
BRF Duxbury Braille Translator Cross Platform Braille File (Duxbury Systems, Inc.)
BRF Braille ASCII File
BRH Baraha Document (Sheshadrivasu Chandrasekharan)
BRI FirstClass
BRI Basic Rate Interface File
BRIDGESORT Adobe Bridge Cabinet File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BRITANNIA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BRK Brooktrout Fax-Mail File
BRK The Brake! Mailer REXX Script
BRL Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD
BRLCAD Ballistic Research Laboratory CAD
BRM Kega Fusion Backup RAM
BRN BrainStorm Data File (Brainstorm Software Ltd)
BRN PersonalBrain Data (Brain) File (TheBrain Technologies Corp.)
BRN yBook Compiled eBook (Spacejock Software)
BRN MegaHAL Brain File (Ai Research)
BRO Creatacard Booklet/Brochure Project (Broderbund)
BRO Embroidery File
BRO BR-532 Digital Studio
BRO Tree Professional Broadleaf Creator File
BRP Tree Professional Broadleaf Creator Image
BRS Corel Painter Brush File
BRS Batchrun Batch File (Outer Technologies)
BRS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BRS RoboHELP Browse Sequence
BRSH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BRSTM BRSTM Audio Stream (Nintendo)
BRT Booria Carpet Designer Professional Plus Edition 6.20 Robotuft Project (Booria CAD/CAM Systems)
BRT PeoplePC Install Script (PeoplePC, Inc.)
BRT Micrografx System4 Browser file
BRT Brooktrout Fax-Mail File
BRU Photoline4 Brushes File
BRU Brutus Restore File
BRUSH Xerox Doodle Brush File
BRUSH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BRUSH2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BRW Application File Associated with financial institution(s) loan applications.
BRX Beam Report Document (SYSTEAM)
BRX Multimedia Browsing Index
BRX Enterprise Information Portal Suite Backup and Restore Data/Settings (Epicor Software Corporation)
BS Printfox/Pagefox Bitmap
BS Infinity Game Engine Compiled Script (BioWare Corp.)
BS1 Apogee Blake Stone Data
BS2 Burning Sand 2 Add-on (Max Nagl)
BS2 Basic Stamp 2 Code File
BSA BSARC Compressed Archive
BSB BioShock Saved Game (2K Games)
BSB MapInfo Sea Chart (Mapinfo Corporation)
BSB SWAT Sub-basin Output File
BSC Fortran Pwbrmake Object
BSC Source Browser Database
BSC Developer Studio Browser File (Microsoft Corporation)
BSC Boyan Script
BSC BinSCII Apple II Compressed Archive
BSCS Strategy2Act Balanced Scorecard File (AKS-Labs)
BSCT Strategy2Act Balanced Scorecard Strategy File (AKS-Labs)
BSD Xilinx Integrated Software Environment Boundary-Scan Description Language (BSDL) File (Xilinx, Inc.)
BSD Crossfire File
BSD FacetWin Bitwise Backup Set (FacetCorp)
BSD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BSE CRiSP Harvest File
BSF Bridge-Soft Quarterly File
BSF BadukSearch/BadukTracer Selected Game File
BSF JCanyon: Grand Canyon for Java DEM File
BSF Rainbow Six: Rogue Spear Buildspace File (Red Storm Entertainment, Inc.)
BSH BeanShell Script
BSH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BSI BSPlayer Configuration
BSK Bryce 4 File (DAZ Productions)
BSL BSPlayer Configuration
BSM SQLMatcher Project File (Berryware)
BSN BSA Packing Program Archive (PhysTechSoft Ltd.)
BSP Star Trek Elite Force Map File (Raven Software)
BSP BestAddress HTML Editor Site Project File (Multimedia Australia Pty. Ltd.)
BSP Valve Game Map File (Valve Corporation)
BSP arahnoWare Enterprise Sever 6 BSP Code Editor
BSP Getic 3D Scene/Model File
BSP Quake Map (Id Software, Inc.)
BSP Steam Source SDK Compiled Game Map File (Valve Corporation)
BSP Half-life/TFC/CS Map
BSQ Oracle Control File
BSQ ArcView Image File (ESRI)
BSQ Apple II BINSCII-encoded (Apple Inc.)
BSQ BCDown Download
BST BibTeX Style File
BST Star Trek: Birth of the Federation Structure/Ship Info File
BSU Brindys BriTray
BSV BASIC Bsave Graphics
BSW Office Business Scorecard Manager Workspace File (Microsoft Corporation)
BSY FTN Soft Busy Flag
BSY VTrain (Vocabulary Trainer) Learning Cardfile (Paul Raedle)
BSZ BSplayer Compressed Skin File (BST2K Networks)
BS_ Bookshelf Find Menu Shell Extension (Microsoft Corporation)
BT VTBuilder Binary Terrain
BT BTwin Project Data (Procedimientos-Uno, S.L.)
BT BluffTitler Gallery Show File (OuterSpace Software)
BT3 Control Runner Button Configuration File (MomSoft)
BTAB Base Guitar Tabulature
BTC Becker Tools Compressed Archive
BTD Business-in-a-Box File (BizTree Inc.)
BTD Power To-Do List Data File (Five O’clock Software)
BTF Basi Office TypeFace Document (Basi Computers)
BTF Baires Turf Configuration File (Zamaroht & Karel)
BTF Brother Scanner File
BTG FlightGear Scenery File (The FlightGear Crew)
BTH Bathy Recorder Data File (Jeppesen Marine, Inc.)
BTL American Civil War File (Interactive Magic)
BTL Inmos BooTabLe File
BTL Pok閙on NetBattle Battle Replay File (Smogon)
BTL INPRISE Format Language Library (Borland Software Corporation)
BTL BEATO Lite Single Assessment Data (Unisys)
BTM 4DOS Batch To Memory Batch File
BTN JustButtons Animated Bitmap (Lincoln Beach Software)
BTN buttonFile File (ButtonWare Inc.)
BTNDATA Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BTO Baytex Organix! 2001 Language Kit
BTOA Binary-to-ASCII Format
BTPC BTPC Encoded Bitmap (John Robinson)
BTR Btrieve Database File (Pervasive Software Inc.)
BTR FrontPage Binary-Tree Index (Microsoft Corporation)
BTR AviSys Bird Watcher Database (Jerry Blinn)
BTREE Mac OS HFS+ B-tree File (Apple Inc.)
BTS Creative Digital Blaster Digital VCR File
BTT ICQ Find Users File (ICQ Inc.)
BTU BEATO Unite Multiple Assessment Data (Unisys)
BTW BarTender Barcode Label (Seagull Scientific, Inc.)
BTW Steuer2001 File
BTX DB/TextWorks Database Term and Word Indexes (Inmagic, Inc.)
BTX BibTeX Document
BTY Railroad Tycoon 3 Building (PopTop Software Inc.)
BU Pegasus Mail Temporary File (David Harris)
BUB Photobubble File
BUB norton cleansweep backup opens my backed up files (Norton)
BUB Ipix Spherical Panorama
BUBBLES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUC Photoshop Elements Backup File (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
BUD Quicken Backup (Intuit Inc.)
BUDGET Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUDGETS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUDGETX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUF WinXL File
BUFFER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUFR Binary Universal Form for the Representation
BUFR Meteorological Data
BUG Bug (Problem) File
BUG Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUGFIXES Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUGS Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUGS Generally Bugs File
BUILD Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUILDER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUL Holiday Lights Screen Saver Bulb File
BUL JSim I4 Bullseye Data Format (University of Washington)
BUL Capella Report Card Data File (Castor & Pollux Software Inc.)
BUM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUM Poser Bump
BUN Monkey Island 3
BUN Cakewalk Audio Bundle File (Cakewalk)
BUNDLE OS X Bundle (Plug-ins and Add-ons) (Apple Inc.)
BUNDLE iMovie 3 Plug-in Bundle (Apple Inc.)
BUNNY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUNNY2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUP PC-Bibliothek Update File
BUP DVD Info File Backup
BUP Brother Embroidery System File
BUP CD Indexer
BUP Softcode Tracker Contact Manager Backup
BUREAU Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BURGER Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BURNING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BURST Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUS Netmino File
BUSH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUSYBOX Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUT Buttons! Button Definition
BUTTONS4 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BUY Movie Data File
BUYING Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BV1 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BV2 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BV3 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BV4 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BV5 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BV6 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BV7 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BV8 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BV9 WordPerfect Overflow File (Corel Corporation)
BVC IBM Voice Type Language Newuser File
BVD BvD Fileset
BVD BitDefender Vault File (BitDefender)
BVH Biovision Motion File
BVH Character Studio BioVision Motion Capture File (Autodesk, Inc.)
BVI IBM Voice Type Language Newuser File
BVL Micrografx Picture Publisher 8 Textures File
BVS BVS Solitaire Collection
BW Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BW Silicon Graphics Raw Black and White Bitmap (Silicon Graphics, Inc.)
BW1 Byteworx FMEA� FMEA Database (Byteworx Inc.)
BWA BlindWrite BWA Builder Physical CD Characteristics File (VSO-Software)
BWB Visual Baler Spreadsheet File
BWC BeadWizard Color Palette (Black Hills Software)
BWD Rally Online Car Description File (GameSpy Industries)
BWE Black and White 2 Environment Data (Lionhead Studios)
BWG BrainWave Generator Binaural Beat File (Noromaa Solutions)
BWI BlindWrite Ver. 4 Image File (VSO-Software)
BWM Blaise File (Statistics Netherlands)
BWM Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BWP BeadWizard Pattern (Black Hills Software)
BWP Book Writer Project
BWR Kermit Beware Bug List
BWS BlindWrite Ver. 4 Subchannel Data File (VSO-Software)
BWS Enot External Photo Viewer Settings (Acritum Software)
BWT BlindWrite Ver. 4 Table of Contents File (VSO-Software)
BWT CDmage Table of Contents
BWU BlindWrite (VSO-Software)
BWV Business Wave File
BWW Blaise File (Statistics Netherlands)
BWW Bagpipe Notation
BWZ WinImage Batch Configuration File
BXB BasicX Compiled Project Bytecode (NetMedia, Inc.)
BXD Broken Cross Disk Manager Database (Kevin Fucik)
BXF Man’s Best Friend Software Breeder Exchange Format
BXI Blaise File (Statistics Netherlands)
BXM BX-24 Basic Express Compiler Map
BXP BootXP File
BXP BX-24 Basic Express Compiler Module List
BXRC Bochs Configuration File (The Bochs Project)
BXU PictureGear Studio File (Sony Electronics Inc.)
BXX blaxxun Contact
BXY ShrinkIt Apple II Compressed Archive
BY Spice Pspice File
BY Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BYO CartoExploreur Cartographic Map (Bayo)
BYU Movie File
BZ Bzip UNIX Compressed File
BZ Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BZ1 WinTOTAL Automatic Backup (a la mode, inc.)
BZ2 ZPoc Christian Music Networks User File List (ZPoc)
BZ2 Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
bz2 Bzip 2 UNIX Compressed File
BZA BZA Compressed Archive
BZABW AbiWord (The AbiSource Community)
BZF Textures and Other Information
BZIP2 Compressed Archive Format
BZM BusinessMAP Map File (ESRI)
BZN Star Trek Armada Map File
BZPATCH Unknown Apple II File (found on Golden Orchard Apple II CD Rom)
BZW BZFlag Map (BZFlag Project Team)
B_T Eru/erd File
B_W 1st Reader Mono Binary Screen Image
B_W Image Lab
B_W Atari/Macintosh Black and White Graphic
B~K Backup
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Number Symbol
Download All File Types/Extensions in ONE Compressed File