Another good way to block spam comments in WordPress without plugin
Posted by Admin L in WordPress Experience on 14-06-2012. Tags: WordPress Skills
Author: Nosa Lee
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At Jul 2011, I had given a method to make anti-spam for WordPress without plugin – deleting [Website] field, please read A very easy way to block spam comments in WordPress without plugin – remove "website" field to know more detail.
But, now I found this way can only block manual spam comments and a few automatic spam comments that committing by some robots/programs, however, there are many slip through the net.
Yesterday, I gave the spam comments a fatal blocking – use blacklist.
You can not understand this "blacklist" only based on the literal meaning: it is not only names list, but also contains all the elements in the comment, such as Name, Website, Email Address, even IP Address. Once these elements of the comment include the specified keyword (case-insensitive), the comment will be considered as spam, and will be put into Spam category, as you know, you do not need to read these Spam comments, you can execute the Empty operation at any time as you wish. No management cost, dear friend.
I had set it one day ago, and it blocked almost 99% of spam comments, very very good.
The detail of this method as below:
Log into your WordPress control panel, click "Settings –> Discussion", and find out "Comment Blacklist", just input the keywords that you want to filter (one per line).
Input what?? Share my keywords:
The most important one is http:
This keywords can block all spam comments that want to leave a website URL (largest proportion).
The second one is の
This a most common Japanese character, what does it mean?
There are only English and Chinese articles in m blog, how to produce Japanese comments (Comment is for everyone to see)? Even there is really a Japanese want to comment by using Japanese language, just block it, write by English or Chinese. Can not write? If can not write also can not read these article, why commit comments? So, I can consider the comments that containing Japanese の character as spam.
Of course, this (の) is only a example, you can also add the common character or words of Russian, Arabic, etc. to the blacklist. If is not your blog language, just consider as spam comments.
Now, I can proudly say: The whole world is finally clean!