The Known File Extensions/Types References – Symbol
Posted by Admin L in IT Resources/Information on 09-12-2011.
Collector: Nosa Lee
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Now, I collected all the known file extensions/types for your reference, I grouped them according to the first character due to there are too many file extensions/types.
The following file extensions/types are grouped as Symbol, to refer to more file extensions/types or download them (a compressed txt file that separates the extension and description with ” : “), please click the following links.
Number Symbol
Download All File Types/Extensions in ONE Compressed File
!BT BitTorrent Partially Downloaded File (Bram Cohen; now maintained by BitTorrent, Inc.)
!C Graphics Converter Pro
!UT Torrent Incomplete Download (Ludvig Strigeus)
### DoubleSpace Compressed Volume
### QTIC Temporary File
### Temporary File
#01 Numbered Picture Files
#24 Locoscript 24-pin Printer Data File (LocoScript Software)
#GF MetaFont Font File
#IB Locoscript Dot Matrix Data File (LocoScript Software)
#SC Locoscript Dot Matrix Data File (LocoScript Software)
#ST Locoscript Dot Matrix Printer Definition File (LocoScript Software)
#VC ViewChoice Compressed File (Payroll Associates, LLC)
$ BASIC VB VB1D Komp Symbole File
$#! AOL 5.0 Virchk File (America Online, Inc.)
$#! Cryptext
$$$ Temporary File
$$$ Used by OS/2 to keep track of archived files
$$$ Backup
$$A OS/2 (IBM)
$$F OS/2 Database (IBM)
$$M 3D GameStudio Backup Map (Conitec Datasystems, Inc)
$$P OS/2 Notes (IBM)
$$S OS/2 Spreadsheet (IBM)
$$_ Midiprg Capella Compressed File
$00 DOS Pipe File
$01 DOS Pipe File
$01 Midi File
$02 DOS Pipe File
$02 Midi File
$03 DOS Pipe File
$04 DOS Pipe File
$05 DOS Pipe File
$1 ZX Spectrum-Emulator
$A AutoCAD Autosave File (Autodesk, Inc.)
$AC AutoCAD Autosave File (Autodesk, Inc.)
$AC $&Sense Data File (Monogram Software/Software Toolworks/The Learning Company)
$B5 Apple II ProDOS 16 or GS/OS Shell Application (Apple Inc.)
$C Graphics Converter Pro
$D$ OS/2 Planner Data File
$DB dBASE Temp File
$DX Ca Visual Objects Platform for Developer (CAVO) Backup Index File (CA)
$ED C/C++ Temporary Editor File (Microsoft Corporation)
$ED C Editor Temporary File (Microsoft Corporation)
$EU Midiprg Mustat Compressed File
$ID Cubase Compressed File (Steinberg)
$LL Cubase Compressed File (Steinberg)
$LN C++ TLink Response File (Borland Software Corporation)
$NG Midiprg Mustat Compressed File
$OL DOS Pipe File
$ON Cubase Fonts Compressed File (Steinberg)
$RI Cubase Audio Compressed File (Steinberg)
$RR Cubase Compressed File (Steinberg)
$S Graphics Converter Pro
$TF Cubase Fonts Compressed File (Steinberg)
$VM Windows 3.x Virtual Manager Temp File (Microsoft Corporation)
$WM Epson Creative Studio Example File (Epson Corporation)
$XE Mustat Compressed Audio File
&&& Temporary File
(D) pcAnywhere Temporary File
)2( LHA Archiver Temporary File
— Windows Temporary File
— Microsoft Backup File Set (Microsoft Corporation)
-5 Audio Utility Tuningwrench Compressed File
.SSKD On Schedule (Squidge Software)
??? ANY Three Character Audio File
??? Trend Micro Virus Pattern File (Trend Micro, Inc.)
??Z LoseThos Compressed File (Terry A. Davis)
??_ Microsoft KWAJ compressed (Phil Katz’s ‘deflate’)
??_ Microsoft SZDD compressed (Haruhiko Okumura’s LZSS)
??_ InstallShield Compressed File (Acresso Software Inc.)
?Q? Squeeze
@@@ Codeview for C (Microsoft Corporation)
@@@ Screen Files
@HA E-mail Animator (IMSI/Design LLC)
[B] Amiga Paint File (Amiga)
_00 Soundtrack Compressed File
_01 Compressed BIOS File
_01 Soundtrack Compressed File
_02 Soundtrack Compressed File
_1 Audio Utility Tuningwrench Compressed File
_2 Audio Utility Tuningwrench Compressed File
_3 Audio Utility Tuningwrench Compressed File
_8 Audio Utility Tuningwrench Compressed File
_CRYPT Virus.Win32.Gpcode.ak Encrypted Document
_DB Stratum Data Icons File
_DD Norton Disk Doctor Recovered File (Symantec Corporation)
_DL Form of DLL File
_DM Nuts n Bolts Disk Minder Recovered File
_EX Form of EXE File
_H Type Manager Japanese Font Outline (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
_MP InstallShield Temporary Installer File (Acresso Software Inc.)
_NT Form of NT File
_RS RVS-COM Service Pack (Living Byte Software GmbH)
_SLN Visual Studio Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_SLN60 Visual Studio 6.0 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_SLN70 Visual Studio .NET 2002 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_SLN71 Visual Studio .NET 2003 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_SLN80 Visual Studio 2005 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_SLN90 Visual Studio 2008 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_SY Form of SYS File
_V Type Manager Japanese Font Metrics (Adobe Systems Incorporated)
_VBXSLN80 Visual Basic Express 2005 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VBXSLN90 Visual Basic Express 2008 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VCPPXSLN80 Visual C++ Express 2005 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VCPPXSLN90 Visual C++ Express 2008 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VCSXSLN80 Visual C# Express 2005 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VCSXSLN90 Visual C# Express 2008 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VJSXSLN80 Visual J# Express 2005 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VWDXSLN80 Visual Web Developer Express 2005 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VWDXSLN90 Visual Web Developer Express 2008 Solution (Microsoft Corporation)
_VX Form of VXD File
_ZA CleverZip Temporary File
__A FFSJ Split/Join File (Fast File Joiner)
__INCOMPLETE___ WinMX Incomplete Download (Frontcode Technologies)
___ Adinf table
___FPE Folder Password Expert Protected Folder (ZQS Software Team)
{PB Backup
{SA}PROJ {smartassembly} Project (Cachupa)
{SA}REPORT {smartassembly} Exception Report (Cachupa)
~ Temporary File
~$~ 1st Reader Temporary File
~01 (~01..~99) Norton Editor Backup File
~1~ Illum Source File
~?? Locked File
~AP C++ AppExpert Project Database File (Borland Software Corporation)
~BM Img RC File
~CU Cursor File
~DE C++ Project Backup File (Borland Software Corporation)
~DF Delphi DFM File Backup (Borland Software Corporation)
~DFM Delphi Backup File (Borland Software Corporation)
~DP Delphi DPR File Backup (Borland Software Corporation)
~DR ARKEY Drawing Backup
~H AZZ Cardfile Heap (Antanas Zdramys)
~I AZZ Cardfile Index (Antanas Zdramys)
~MN Norton Commander Menu Backup
~NT XP Install File
~NT NT Install Files
~PA Delphi PAS File Backup (Borland Software Corporation)
~PAS Delphi Backup (Borland Software Corporation)
~PR Terramodel Project Backup
~RE Image File
~SG TAPCIS Message Index File
~T~ RK Archiver Temporary File (RK Software)
~_~ Temporary File (Microsoft Corporation)
~~A Ap File
~~D Windows Applog File
~~F Windows Applog File
~~M Windows Applog File
~~~ Temporary file
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Number Symbol
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